Wow, who funded that? Looked pretty good till 1:39 when a woman in a dress slashes a man-at-arms across his MAIL CLAD BELLY as if that's gonna hurt? Possibly it's Tell in drag as part of a rescue attempt of his 'Maid Marion' but still, for allllllll the effort they put into this film, the choreographers are STILL doing that "slash with a sword and the bad guy doubles over" move.
Casting looks good, though I'm disappointed no one is sipping hot chocolate, saying "yodulayhehooo", or doing any skiing

I feel like 'historical epics' such as this need a bit of ham and cheese, like the Costner Robin Hood or Braveheart, to bridge the gap from "yeah, I've watched it once" to "it's fun and I want to see it again". There are lots of these types of films, like Ironclad or The King, that are just soooo serious that they just aren't FUN to watch, regardless of any technical excellence or good acting.