I imported this game but am a complete noob at the language of japanese.
so I began playing this game,by just spamming A at the main title until i got to a fight. I knew most of the layout from samurai warriors 3, however, after my first battle, and eager to play the next mission. I discovered that at the stage select there was only 1 choice and it was the level I just played. So i got through it again and the same result occured.
So am i just playing so poorly that no levels are unlocking or do i need to do specific tasks?
I imported this game but am a complete noob at the language of japanese.
so I began playing this game,by just spamming A at the main title until i got to a fight. I knew most of the layout from samurai warriors 3, however, after my first battle, and eager to play the next mission. I discovered that at the stage select there was only 1 choice and it was the level I just played. So i got through it again and the same result occured.
So am i just playing so poorly that no levels are unlocking or do i need to do specific tasks?
I got the Asian PS3 version in the mail yesterday and played through the story mode with Magoichi (who is awesome) and part way through with Tokugawa. Interestingly the trophies are in English and are listed under the US title, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes. There's a full Chinese manual, but nothing in English.
One thing I miss from SB2:H is the little video clips in the menu showing you what your skills looked like before going into a battle, but since you always have access to most of them it's not as big a deal. Load times are great, draw distance is good, even in co-op. Hopefully the English item list will continue to improve so I can figure out what some of this stuff does.
Is it just me or Oichi is incredibly OP? All you see when I start doing attacks are black stuff all over the screen killing everything lol, and this is on hard too. Is there a mode harder than hard?
Is it just me or Oichi is incredibly OP? All you see when I start doing attacks are black stuff all over the screen killing everything lol, and this is on hard too. Is there a mode harder than hard?
Is it just me or Oichi is incredibly OP? All you see when I start doing attacks are black stuff all over the screen killing everything lol, and this is on hard too. Is there a mode harder than hard?
There are 3 difficulty settings.
In SB3 they are named Normal, Hard, Extreme.
In SB:SH they are named Easy, Normal, Hard.
You start the game off with the first two and earn the last one by beating the game on the second difficulty.
TelemachusD said:
I got the Asian PS3 version in the mail yesterday and played through the story mode with Magoichi (who is awesome) and part way through with Tokugawa. Interestingly the trophies are in English and are listed under the US title, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes. There's a full Chinese manual, but nothing in English.
Trophies are coded so that they show up in whatever language your PS3 is set to.
TelemachusD said:
One thing I miss from SB2:H is the little video clips in the menu showing you what your skills looked like before going into a battle, but since you always have access to most of them it's not as big a deal.
First thing i did when I got the game was put it on my USB drive, as I play all my Wii games through CFG for convenience and faster loading, so I can't say how good the loading normally is. However they are great with my setup thats for sure :lol . Draw distance in co-op is certainly a huge step up from 2H.
TelemachusD said:
Hopefully the English item list will continue to improve so I can figure out what some of this stuff does.
I did a ton of editing to the spreadsheet I made for all the items ( http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoKruCqo-JXNdHVYQzZUcXc0blJRSzM2WlMybHFweEE&hl=en#gid=0 ) this morning and some others who have the game, and actually know Japanese, might be doing some editing on it soon as well. Initially it was all google translations but hopefully soon they will all be correct and readable, :lol .
Can anyone tell me what Kotaro Fuma's Guard+Triangle skill does? It looks like he charges up, but nothing seems changed.
It's interesting to find variations on some skills, like Sanada's R1 move can be greatly extended if you start hammering square immediately after initiating it. I hope a move guide is also in the works.
Edit: Figured out what Kotaro's move does. It's an evade counter. If anyone tries to hit him while he's glowing, he teleports and strikes quickly three times.
Mummy's mummy car move is essentially like hanbeis old run and whip move except your life never goes down. Perfect for ryo farming. But yeah you're right it's not as useful.
Mummy's mummy car move is essentially like hanbeis old run and whip move except your life never goes down. Perfect for ryo farming. But yeah you're right it's not as useful.
I haven't gotten to him yet. Did Sanada, Date, Tokugawa, and now Magoichi, did all of them twice so far. 200,000 ryo and I haven't even spent it once. Woof.
I have a more generel question for the people who know this stuff:
What do you think Capcom is going to do with the franchise after this game? From what I understand the Sengoku period ended witht he victory of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara.
I have a more generel question for the people who know this stuff:
What do you think Capcom is going to do with the franchise after this game? From what I understand the Sengoku period ended witht he victory of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara.
I don't think we will get a SB4 for a long time so I am not sure what they will do with it. It would be interesting for the next proper sequel if they found a way to take aspects of the Bakumatsu and incorporate it into the game. The problem with that would be A: It would no longer be Sengoku BASARA, since that is way after the Sengoku period. B: They would be forced to drop all the old characters and have it focus on people like the Shinsengumi and whatnot instead (although seeing them all BASARAified would be sweet imo). However if they took aspects of the period leading to the Tokugawa downfall (like the growing discontent from the Tozama daimyo with the Tokugawa's rule) and applied it in their own "BASARAverse timeline" it would certainly be interesting to see.
More than likely tho, I think they would just go back to SB2 style storytelling where every character has their own separate stories instead of all being focused on one major storyline / event as 3 is.
However SB3H can be done easily. For 3 Heroes just reintroduce all the old characters / make the new NPCs playable and have some good Gaiden stories modes.
They could finally show things like
- Hideyoshi killing Nene and the resulting demise of him and Keiji's friendship.
- The origins of the Oda clan
How Nobunaga became the Dairokuten Maou.
How Nouhime and Mitsuhide came into the fold.
How Oichi got the Dark Hands power in the first place (we know from 2H / 3's backstory why she is basically controlled by them now, but not how she GOT them)
A serious look at the background story involving the Maeda clan's time serving in the Oda army.
Possibly even introduce people like Shibata Katsuie.
Other things they could include in SB3H are: - Showcase the full reign of the Toyotomi clan.
Show his full conquest in Hideyoshi's gaiden (similar to what they did in SB2).
Show how Hanbei came to meet and serve Hideyoshi.
Show the same for Mitsunari.
Show Ieyasu's time there w/ Mitsunari & let us actually play through his rebellion. - Follow up on some hanging storylines from past games
Nouhime pregnancy
Expand upon Fuma Kotaro working with Matsunaga Hisahide in Kojurou's SB2H story (and just have some more stuff with Hisahide in general - soooo much potential w/ him)
Finally tell us WHO sent Kasuga to kill Kenshin - Flesh out current characters
Show Kanbei before he was imprisoned
Have some comedy w/ a Mogami Gaiden story
Possibly do something with Maggie and Hongan-ji Kennyo
Heck they could even go into the darker side of Masamune's family history if they decide to ever incorporate that into the BASARAverse.
I'm sure there is more they could do, but that was just some stuff floating around in my head about the idea.
I have a more generel question for the people who know this stuff:
What do you think Capcom is going to do with the franchise after this game? From what I understand the Sengoku period ended witht he victory of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara.
Get this game if you don't generally like Musou; there's a better chance you'd enjoy it. Sengoku Musou 3 has some fun new characters, but is the same ol' same ol' all around for the most part. It feels very stiff compared to Basara.
This is true, however I think Xater was more curious by the fact that SB1 kinda focused on Nobunaga, SB2 on Hideyoshi, and now SB3 on Sekigahara. Each one slowly moving forward through the Sengoku Jidai timeline of major events. Besides Osaka Castle (which is covered in this game, just not a major focus like Sekigahara), there isn't much they could base a next game around like the previous 3 if they move forward in time more. At least I think that was what he was getting at.
What do you think Capcom is going to do with the franchise after this game? From what I understand the Sengoku period ended witht he victory of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara.
Based on what Kobayashi said about the older, missing characters returning in future entries and there being no rule stating they couldn't go back in time... Well, I think I've said it all already. :lol
It isn't that distant (Siege of Osaka is in 1615, Shimabara Rebellion in 1637, this series has already stretched the timeline a lot, a little more wouldn't hurt), and Amakusa Shiro seems to be a decently popular villainous figure in pop culture (even though he was just crushed in real life).
I have a more generel question for the people who know this stuff:
What do you think Capcom is going to do with the franchise after this game? From what I understand the Sengoku period ended witht he victory of Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara.
It's pretty safe to assume that next up will be an expansion disc making all (or most of) the NPCs playable, and maybe adding the "missing" online play.
They've also made a 2D fighter out of this series (Basara X) and a 3D arena-style fighter (Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes, which plays like Gundam Vs. Gundam), so they don't seem to be afraid to experiment with it a bit.
It's pretty safe to assume that next up will be an expansion disc making all (or most of) the NPCs playable, and maybe adding the "missing" online play.
They've also made a 2D fighter out of this series (Basara X) and a 3D arena-style fighter (Sengoku Basara Battle Heroes, which plays like Gundam Vs. Gundam), so they don't seem to be afraid to experiment with it a bit.
Exactly. Now that the BASARA series has moved on up in the Capcom pantheon, I think we're just going to see more in this light, in addition to another "main-line" game some time soon.
If I remember correctly, some body who was a finalist at some recent SBX competition told the tournament runners that they'd like to see a sequel to the game, and that word eventually made it to Koba about that much. If there's enough money to be made, I could see Capcom giving ASW another try with the property. Or hell, maybe their new BFFs at Dimps could do something interesting for another take on a SB game...
This is true, however I think Xater was more curious by the fact that SB1 kinda focused on Nobunaga, SB2 on Hideyoshi, and now SB3 on Sekigahara. Each one slowly moving forward through the Sengoku Jidai timeline of major events. Besides Osaka Castle (which is covered in this game, just not a major focus like Sekigahara), there isn't much they could base a next game around like the previous 3 if they move forward in time more. At least I think that was what he was getting at.
Yes tha tis exactly what I was thinking about. They will probably do a Heroes and their side games I was just wondering where they would go for a Sengoku Basara 4. Maybe they could do a greatest hits thing for every character or something, because from the timeline the Sengoku period is kinda over.
BTW I just bought Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa to get into the mood for the game and to kill time until October.
Mummy guy is amazing. My friend and I both took him into a single co-op level to test him out after he unlocked. We got an 8.5k hit combo, multiple 5k+ combos and killed over 1100 dudes on Hojo's castle level.
I'd really like to see a Basara type game focused on a different time and place entirely. Conquistadors, American Revolution, Napoleon, Punic Wars, Charlemagne: something other the constant sengoku/sangoku games. I think a New World Basara would work well: lots of famous historical figures and plenty of wars.
I'd really like to see a Basara type game focused on a different time and place entirely. Conquistadors, American Revolution, Napoleon, Punic Wars, Charlemagne: something other the constant sengoku/sangoku games. I think a New World Basara would work well: lots of famous historical figures and plenty of wars.
Would be nice, but you gotta remember where the main audience of these games lie: the Japanese (more over, fangirls).
It'd probably be one thing if BASARA had a decent chance of winning over a Western demographic. But everything points to the notion that basically goes along with the idea of between Capcom's rather poor marketing campaign and "mainstream" media doing everything possible to turn the mainstream gamer against this game, SB3 is just not likely going to sell well over here. That will just do more to perpetuate the idea that BASARA has no audience over here, and Capcom will just continue to do more to market the series the way they always have.
And if that much remains the case, we likely won't be in any danger of saying "good-bye" to Masamune and co. any time soon...
Random ?: Can anyone rip the picture that shows up if you hover over the game in the PS3 XMB? That is a pretty awesome looking pic that I would love to use as a background.
As we were suffering from withdrawal symptoms, this new Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes just calm our desires of japanese generals wearing rococo anime armors. The fans will tell you that in Sengoku Basara, the characters are what matter the most. You got to feel the voicing actors having a lots of fun during overexcited recordings. Like in a buddy movie, there is an alchemy within you cant cheat and that works. A well calibrated fan game, something not so common, and which makes us forget that Capcom has only delivery a half completed title. We have our fix until the next game which will be obviously saturated of characters, like a cheese-kebab well melted.
+ the Basara spirit is back !
+ two players coop way funnier than before
+ successful new characters
+ overacting actors
+ insane combos
+ good life span
- all these NPCs, what a mess
- ultra buttonmashing
- the tree missions is not very clear
- repetitive levels
- not quite finished
A PS3 exclusive demo for Sengoku BASARA: Samurai Heroes will be available on the Playstation Network on September 7, 2010. Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ishida Mitsunari will be the only playable characters in the demo.
I just finished Iyeasu's demo level and Yukimura is every bit as naive and silly as his anime self.
Ishida's level though... the game told me to flee from Honda, but the asshole easily pasted me when I tried doing that.
It's pretty damn fun, especially once I started figuring out Iyeasu's moves. He can charge up everything, from his Normal Arts to the Special ones. Pretty fun trying to figure out how to combo things together for maximum hits. I can't figure out Mitsumari though; it says something about performing a Flash, which some of his moves can follow up on?
I too ran through the demo a few times, I believe the more I play it the more its going to be my fall game.
I think I pressed taunt with Tokugawa far too often though. I can definitely see the improvements from what was Devil Kings. Were you able to activate the L1 + Triangle art?
Played the demo.. a few questions:
Is every level this long? I'd prefer shorter levels otherwise this will get repetitive quickly.
WHat can you do with your money? Upgrade the character? Buy equipment?
Is there "loot" of some sort? I collected a lot of presents or something but couldn't see what it actually was.
Downloaded and played through the Ieyasu side of the demo.
This game is actually really fun. It feels like a fighting or action game mixed with the Dynasty Warriors formula, coupled with the over the top as hell remix of Japanese history that Sengoku Basara is known for.
Only real issue I have with it is the fact that I was introduced to Sengoku Basara via the anime, and I am not used to these voices. The JP cast just put so much energy into the characters in the anime. Not hearing Date's engrish actually makes the character a lot less awesome in a strange way. Also, I'm sick of hearing JYB at this point, so hearing him as Yukimura makes the game worse for me.
Overall, I like the gameplay and style of the game, but the lack of JP voices may put me off from purchasing it just because of the way I was introduced to the series, and what I have gotten used to.
Just played the demo and holy shit is this game fucking awesome!!!!
My first time playing Sengoku Basara and damn it's just so much more fun compared to the Musou games. I played with Mitsunari Ishida and got a 5000+ hit combo after Honda came on screen. I love his style reminds me of Vergil from DMC. Honda kicked my ass though. =(
Also the music during the title screen is epic, loving it!
The only thing getting used to is the camera, I always forget to move the camera so that I can see where my enemies are. I always dash slash into nothing after hitting a big group and launching them.
Will the game also have Japanese voices or only the English dub?
Played the demo.. a few questions:
Is every level this long? I'd prefer shorter levels otherwise this will get repetitive quickly.
WHat can you do with your money? Upgrade the character? Buy equipment?
Is there "loot" of some sort? I collected a lot of presents or something but couldn't see what it actually was.
2. Your can buy equipment with the money. Although I think you also need material which leads to...
3. Yes, there is loot. You can collect equipment and materials. You see what you collected at the end of a level and then you can equip it or upgrade that between levels.
Lyonaz said:
Will the game also have Japanese voices or only the English dub?
For Canadians - $39.99 with free shipping if you want from Amazon.ca
I already pulled the trigger on this. I do not mind waiting for it with the free shipping as I will be dealing with Dead Rising 2 and Halo: Reach and whatever else is out like Castlevania Lords of Shadow. But for $40 bones thats not bad.
I can't remember if you had to level up the forward + triangle skill before doing so, but you can juggle people in an infinite loop with Tokugawa Ieyasu. Forward + triangle -> fully charged square follow up punch launches enemies into the air. So forward + triangle -> fully charged square launcher -> air juggle -> elbow drop -> forward + triangle, etc... His combo looping + Headbutts R2 attack = Ieyasu is broken. On top of that, his Tokugawa Mon explosion R2 skill leads to things like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSi2JuwAQxY and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y-ddNbQJkY
Anyways I'm glad the demo has been getting more people interested in this fantastic game / series. I've had so much fun playing this since its release .
Anyways I'm glad the demo has been getting more people interested in this fantastic game / series. I've had so much fun playing this since its release .
Between me and my roommate we have both versions of the Japanese game and I personally have both versions of SB:SH preordered as well. I'm excited. Bought on amazon so I haven't been charged yet, but I got my $ set to the side for it already too, lol.
Tho damn, $40 for PS3 version, $40 for Wii version, $49 for Anime Blu-Ray set. Oct 12 = expensive day for me :lol :lol .
I probably would have been in the same situation, but I canceled my amazon pre-order to get the game with the TRU B2G1 sale (which I'm going to on Friday w/ some friends). If they don't have SB:SH there then I will just get it on amazon and start playing next week (I have the Japanese version, so I'm not in a huge hurry to play it asap).