mujun said:
You might only get one character but they have like 3 or 4 times the moves and each weapon they can use makes them a totally different character by the standards of something like SB3.
Personally I think the devs are just lazy. These games constantly lag behind graphics wise, get iterated on out the wazoo and don't seem to try and make the leap to the GoW/NG/DMC level of action despite having more than enough templates.
It's not really "laziness", to be honest.
The "problem", if you consider it such, is that the reason the games have been very successful is due highly to its fujoshi (fangirl) fan base. If Koba wants to keep those fans happy, he's gotta make it so that the game has enough depth for those hardcore males that will buy it, but also making it so that the games are simple enough that casual-minded girls who just want to see Masamune and Yukimura do awesome things can play too.
That, in the end, is the "dilemma". As Koba is also the producer of the DMC series, he's likely got plenty of ideas of how he could make the BASARA series more in-depth, if he really wanted to. But if he were to do anything that would scare away the largest portion of the fan-base, then well, that doesn't abode well for the BASARA series. And we know how modern-day Capcom seemingly has no qualms with killing things don't deliver on their expectations.
Frankly, the only real problem I have with as of now, is that the game is clearly being held back by being based around Wii-architecture. sprsk is right about how this game series can seem almost like a sort of "Brawler Danmaku", and while this game does it well, I can only imagine what more it could have done. I don't want to be merely killing hundreds of dudes, I want to be killing THOUSANDS OF THEM! :lol