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New terminology guidelines for Unreal Engine just dropped


If you want to keep it simple, it turns out that all European languages have explicit gendering of proper nouns except Modern English.

I'm being very specific here because while Modern English is a Germanic language, Old English and Middle English both still had the same gendering of nouns that the ancestral Germanic language root that became High German did today but it was lost for rather interesting historical reasons involving the Saxons of what was once called Albion and the Viking raiders from what is today Norway who often plundered the coasts and interior of the island. (As seen, very historically inaccurately, in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.)

Essentially, the woke mind virus of today can only exist because Modern English, alone of all European languages today, lost this gendering. All Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian), Germanic languages (German, Swedish, Dutch, Norwegian), Slavic languages (Russian, Polish, Ukrainian) plus the unique Greek language retain gendering to the present day.
Finnish is a true gender neutral language. In Sweden there's been a push to replace han/hon (he/she) with 'hen' from the finnish 'hän' for roughly 20 years now. First it was confused discussion in the culture section, then the proto-wokeist started pushing it in kindergartens and schools.
I'm not sure I even understand what this is. Guidelines for those working on the engine itself? How the hell would they know about the terminology being used by coders outside Epic?

Seems completely irreverent to me in either case. I give it a Judge Judy:

Judge Judy Do Not Want GIF


Gold Member
So why can’t we remove the top off body type B like we can body type A?
Probably because ESRB don't give a shit if you call females female or "Type B", if you can see boobs, it's gonna be rated M or whatever the rating is over there for games that show a bit of nudity.


Fafracer forever
Welp, I’m just happy I’m not a game dev and have to work around all this stuff and the people who make these things up.
The same types of terminology rules are being broadly applied across all of tech companies - and I imagine a lot more than just tech by now.
So really there's very little escaping it if your job at all involves working with any sort of verbal/written communication that uses 'words'.


Gold Member
The same types of terminology rules are being broadly applied across all of tech companies - and I imagine a lot more than just tech by now.
So really there's very little escaping it if your job at all involves working with any sort of verbal/written communication that uses 'words'.
Depends on what you mean by verbal/written communication I guess. I do publish reports etc. etc., but we’re not supposed to take stances or be subjective where I work. Just present data, metadata, and what it’s about.


All Latin languages are gendered. In languages like Portuguese, there is no "it".
Everything is he or she. Even objects and abstract concepts.
And there is no problem with it, for many hundreds of years.
And? All the stuff we do are our own creation,just because something has history doesn't mean it can't be modified with the times.


We are not going to change several languages, used by millions of people, for thousands of years, just because of some political ideology.
We live in the real world, not in the Soviet Union.
But most culture don't speak the exact same language as their ancestors hundreds of years ago,old English isn't spoken in the U.S.


Many things stick around for hundreds and sometimes thousands of years because they tend to work. Or do you think you have some sort of unique insight?
It'll vary, again no one speak old English like in the 1700s nor are the words spelled the same and that was 300+ years ago.


Gold Member
It'll vary, again no one speak old English like in the 1700s nor are the words spelled the same and that was 300+ years ago.

What are you talking about? The language used in the Declaration of Independence is no different than the language used today. The average English speaker today is considerably more stupid compared to the Founding Fathers, but everything in the following passage is perfectly understandable to anyone fluent in English:

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


The evolution of a language is done in natural ways, by the use of it's people. Not by a political dictate.
And especially, not by a political dictate from another country.
Define natural in this case. The U.S and Japan had a culture assimilation policy with Native American and the Ainu,who are essential the "Native-American" of Japan.

If I recall correctly, Sudanese Arabs were mocking/ridiculing other Sudanese ethnic groups into adopting a Arab culture/language.


Define natural in this case. The U.S and Japan had a culture assimilation policy with Native American and the Ainu,who are essential the "Native-American" of Japan.

If I recall correctly, Sudanese Arabs were mocking/ridiculing other Sudanese ethnic groups into adopting a Arab culture/language.

WTF, are you talking about?
We were talking about in latino countries, specifically in Portugal, language does not have "it". Only male and female pronouns.



I'm just sitting here wondering what the inclusive terminology replacement is for 'blacklist' and 'whitelist' and I'm drawing a blank

Also, you can no longer 'nuke' your spaghetti code, I wonder what the inclusive terminology replacement for that is

I wonder if the people who write these things know that ships have been referred to with female pronouns since antiquity

As a software dev, I've had to use "allowlist" and "blocklist" instead of "whitelist" and "blacklist" in some projects.
It can be confusing at first but then you just get used to it and move on with your life.

I'm just sitting here wondering what the inclusive terminology replacement is for 'blacklist' and 'whitelist' and I'm drawing a blank

Also, you can no longer 'nuke' your spaghetti code, I wonder what the inclusive terminology replacement for that is

I wonder if the people who write these things know that ships have been referred to with female pronouns since antiquity

I saw it the other day in the release notes. They changed blacklist with denylist.


"Lumen is gay coded and you can't tell me otherwise" was once the thought of a Resettler but will soon be reality.


I've never once in my life thought that the terms whitelist and blacklist had anything to do with race. You've got to be a pretty big bigot to think that.


Yeah, I don't understand the whitelist and blacklist either. They are both words in a dictionary (well whitelist is two words).


Gold Member
People have already been pushing this stuff in engineering for 5-10 years now, so this is nothing new. I’ve yet to work anywhere that actually cares about it, though. In my experience, most actual engineers don’t care and are just proceeding on as normal.


Fafracer forever
Depends on what you mean by verbal/written communication I guess. I do publish reports etc. etc., but we’re not supposed to take stances or be subjective where I work. Just present data, metadata, and what it’s about.
Well - any comm that involves usage of similar terms. Data that doesn't is of course easy.
But if I have say - a technical design for network architecture - I can no longer use terms such as 'master-slave architecture' in the diagrams - it's been explicitly banned by most companies.
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It is funny that when these types gain just a modicum of power they use the little authority they have to excessively test the boundaries, and ram through highly unpopular edicts. These people complain about oppression and yet if they ever got actual power they'd be among the worst offenders and use the power in the most egregious and authoritarian ways.
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I want to share something.

This is over 2 years old. It's just a publication. This is really people trying to start something that's been around for a while.

Please let's not make this worse by bringing more attention to it.



How did we advance this much as a species while being this fucking dumb?
We used to have real struggles to overcome and that is what our creative energies were focused towards. This concern over what can only be described as first world problems is a result of the comfort that the modern world (elimination of natural predators, advancements in medical care, abundance of food, etc.) provides. The great great grandparents of these people worried about getting scurvy or one of the babies dying from the winter cold or some shit. These people concern themselves with pronouns. 😮‍💨


Ok so here is what we do, we have John Carmack drop everything he is doing and put all of his effort into inventing a method to clone himself. That should take 2-3 years tops. Then we have the original Carmack continue working on AGI, we have Carmack 2 work on VR, we have Carmack 3 work on rockets, and we have Carmack 4 work on 3D game engines and programming. Problem solved.
So that we can call Carmack they/them?
Allowlist and dentist would be the alternatives to whitelist and blacklist, respectively.

I don’t really mind that change, from a software perspective it’s actually descriptively better.

Similarly, most tech companies are adopting better terminologies and honestly, I don’t care, root or main vs. master works better….

….but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t grind my gears to hear American YouTube real estate channels call a master bedroom the primary bedroom, ick.


All Latin languages are gendered. In languages like Portuguese, there is no "it".
Everything is he or she. Even objects and abstract concepts.
And there is no problem with it, for many hundreds of years.
In Spain some retards want to make the language inclusive inventing new words for everything


WTF, are you talking about?
We were talking about in latino countries, specifically in Portugal, language does not have "it". Only male and female pronouns.
Well, well, well…

I’ve seen some fringe groups starting to use todes, instead of todas or todos, for instance. There’s always a way…
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