Here's the video you've posted doubled up. Difference is still stark.
I've been saying that Pcars doesn't look AS good as someone makes it out to be outside of staged shots (or particular weather conditions) for a long loooong time, but Its development flow makes it hard to compare to other games:
Instead of finalizing the code and one small chunk of the content; packing it, showing it in a near final form and move to the next batch of cars and tracks to work on, everything we're seeing of pcars is WIP, everything is being upgraded constantly and the game is indeed looking better with every iteration,
It will be interesting to see how the final version turns out, particularly on PS4 at 60fps.
Both games are using some interesting "next gen" tech and i think they're both driving (duh) the genre forward in terms of graphics.
I think i'm liking the sense of scale better in that pcars video.
DC has great sense of scale, with those huge mountains covered in a million trees, it really does have breathtaking vistas, BUT something about FOV and the speed at which everything passes by seems a bit off; i guess they had to boost the sense of speed there, but i don't like it when my car zips by a 1000 mt tall mountain in 3 seconds, really breaks the immersion.
I think Pcars looks great here in regards to that, more accurate.