Likes moldy games
Yes, but let's be fair also. Are all consoles same gen? are the X and the Pro "next gen" but the S and the base PS4 "old gen"? what is "next gen" or "current gen" on PC?
Comparing games should be more than just comparing platform features. Just by raw power, a $3000 PC can bruteforce its way to the top in several aspects like Resolution, Shadows, AA, AF, LODS, framerates... but that isn't telling us anything about the "quality" of a game, but the power of an expensive platform with expensive hardware.
I think both Driveclub and GT Sport are more uneven, but when they are at their best they can look very very close to photorealism. I thik Forzas look great, specially Forza Horizon 4 (and maybe they are more consistent) but they don't hit that high point as usually.
Here is a clear example with Forza 7. Despite having much better features, with real reflections, better AA an all, it looks much more flat and overall less realistic than Codemaster's GRID, which isn't really a great looking game itself.
I agree that at very best without digging below the surface Gts does look better just going off lighting. But on the other side the fantasy tracks look awful imo very Mario Kart, yes play them at dawn or dusk and it will hide a multitude of sins and they are dreadful to drive. Forza 7 has Maple Valley which is the worst looking track out of both games but Forza only has that and another fantasy track that track don't look to good, Gts has quite a few fantasy tracks.
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