Again offtopic but honestly, don't you find jarring the difference in cars behavior and FFB? it's so night and day for me that makes playing GTS so much more enjoyable... A track like Sardegna Windmills feels even better than Dirt Rally 2.
So this is what you call a "heavily compressed" video and "not the representation of the games"??
You can honestly say your 16ms captures are a better "representation of the game" than this 4K60 3:22 video of a full track?
From that video none is perfect.
Forza has worst reflections from GTS but better car body, visually (i'm not playing it) it gives a better sense of speed while the other two games seems like the car is floating.
GTS has better contrast and colors.
Backgrounds i think are of higher quality on Forza.
PC2 unfortunately is the worst.
Personally i can't pick one over the other.
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