My post was on close inspection from a few feet away.
I actually saw some better looking (compared to other shots in DC) roads in DC earlier today. Both games have some rough spots.
I've yet to see a DC texture that rivals some of the
best textures in FH2. FH2 definitely has some bad ones here and there. Same with the trees.
I was pointing out that DC looks really messy/blurry when stopping to look at things when compared to stopping to look at things in FH2 on average. It's easy for me to take a good shot in FH2 at vanilla settings, no DOF, no aperture/shutter speed changes...I'm not sure the same can be said for DC.
Take this sitting still shot for example. The texture right at the car looks alright, but everything else is just an absolute mess.
While in motion with incredible lighting I think DC has a higher "high" than FH2, but on average, and especially at it's worse, I don't understand why it looks like it does. The textures should be mind-blowing even at a stand still. They aren't on par with the rest of the visual package.
The superb lighting and clouds may take up a truckload of memory though.