Are you fucking kidding me ?! The gifs were not lying.
I just got Driveclub. I never played it before.
Was expecting it too be shit since it's probably overhyped.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! THIS IS A 2014 GAME ?! Makes me think what other ps4 games I disregarded.
It looks and sound absolutely
INSANE. I am shaking.
The sense of speed, noises of gravel, rocks, asphalt and dirt on the side. It even controls very snappy at 30fps. There is no lag at all. What have the done here ?!
Literally, they could only apply better AA or set it to 4k and it would be ready for this gen. Don't even need any tweaks. 60fps would be nice too but I don't even see it as mandatory here. This is the most responsive 30fps next to bloodborne. Add HDR to that? oh my god.
The graphics are fantastic. Only poor AA is holding it's back. Once you switch on the incredible photo mode and the game supersamples the image, it looks incredible. it is still 1080p but looks so clean. This would 100% be possible real time on ps5 if we got a patch.
I just took ton of screenshots. First I am posting some oled pics and 2 vids I took. Sadly, yt massacred the vids. This looks much better in reality. Jaggies are holding it back but the shadows, reflections, motion blur.
The game looks great during the day and good weather too. It's not only rain and night obscuring it.
gameplay vs photo mode. Huge difference.