KO Traveling Hobo
Whaaat, no![]()
It's the karaoke version. Jintor has the right idea!
Whaaat, no![]()
It's better this way. Religion dudes are the only ones missing. Male choir is there, epic as ever.Whaaat, no![]()
What's the deal with the Iron Pipe? Is it OP with a Critical build or is it just mostly there for the lore?
For crit build, just use Ancient Overlord. Pipe's damage varies a lot, but it does have high stun buff at level 4 which is nice.
Honestly, rushing this game in any way or form is basically just asking for coming up unsatisfied at the end. While the sidequests are mechanically speaking average at best and rarely have anything interesting going for them gameplay-wise, they are usually very important in fleshing out the characters and the world they inhabit, especially if you take the time to read/listen and think about what is going on.
The game asks you to think, to pick up some relatively subtle stuff and actually draw conclusions from them after you are presented with new information later on. Rushing will lessen the emotional impact, is likely to leave you confused about X or Y as you have less material to work with and you are likely to miss some important moments and that aren't even classified as side quests or pieces of intel. One little voice message in route C, for example, is very easy to miss, but it is one of the most emotional moments the game has to offer.
Any hints for fishing? I rarely catch anything.
Any hints for fishing? I rarely catch anything.
Man, the feels just hit me, and it's not even a quest, just general NPCs. Route C General NPC Spoilers... damn it :'[You know the pair of friends in Pascal's village one of whom was tired to carrying the other friend and weren't talking anymore? Well, in Route C, they make up with each other, and one says he agreed to only carry the friend 3 times, while the other friend who doesn't have arms said he should think about giving his friend some oil for his arms. Just looking at these guys, plus that village music in the background
Edit: These
Don't do anything until the pod is completely submerged. It'll twitch for a while before that.
Yeah, you can also just listen to the sound of the pod dipping in to the water, and then immediately press the button to catch the fish. You don't even need to look at the screen this way.
Is there a bump in enemy toughness afterin route B?the fight in the desert against the humanoid machine
I got killed in the city from near full health by a red machine exploding.
My stuff's so cheap
That you will not believe how much you can save
So swing on by and then purchase things til you're broke
Is there any reason not to kill those robots at the theme park?? I mean, they are cute and all, but I need the exp.
Is there any reason not to kill those robots at the theme park?? I mean, they are cute and all, but I need the exp.
Got my Soundtrack, blessed Amazon.
I totally forgot i don't have a disc drive in my PC anymore, how do i rip the music to my harddrive now? ;_;
So I've got endings A, B and C. D is just, right? Does E take long from there?making a different choice between 9S and A2 during the end sequence
The feeling of guilt
So I've got endings A, B and C. D is just, right? Does E take long from there?making a different choice between 9S and A2 during the end sequence
You have maybeleft20 minutes
Route C spoiler:RIP Pascal. I erased his memories. Damn it, Yoko Taro
Oh. Lol.
I'll do it right now, then.
Even with fast travel unlocked, I just don't have the energy to do these side quests.
Sidequest question:
Tips for the racing quests?
I keep one of these in a drawer for when the need arises
Tips for the racing quests?
Make sure you hack the boss 4 times
Tips for the racing quests?
Do what you have to do.and I hope you feel bad!
The feeling of guilt
For thequest (Route A, rather early I think), is there a glitch or something with it? I went to the marked area by the factory entrance, but there's nothing there.YoRHa Betrayers
There's only that marker and one by the landing zone on top of the buildings, but I can't tell if the tower marker is higher than the landing zone or if there's just nothing there as well.
Also, is there a cut-off point for side quests in Route A? I want to try to do as many as I can my first-time around.
Is fishing a thing I need to do? I basically ignored it in the first game and plan on doing so here too unless there's something important I'm gonna miss.
Pod B. In the flooded city. I don't think there's a specific spot in that area, it's all dependent on the almighty RNG, whether you'll get it or not. But you have to fish for it. No other way.