I totally retooled my button layout and think it beats the preconfig options big time. This requires a PS4 since it technically has one more button (the second half of the touchpad) which leaves necessary breathing room to rearrange functions. Here are the changes:
L3 - Dodge/Sprint - this way L3 functions as your sprint function like in every other game (I'm never not sprinting with this)
Right Touchpad - Flashlight - why would you ever need this in anything but the most inconvenient of locations?
Circle - Dodge/Sprint - There's overlap, yes, but I use them differently. Circle is almost strictly dodge, L3 is almost strictly sprint (but if I dodge in the process, hey, I'm not complaining 😎

. I like this way more than R2 because it's so much more immediate and responsive.
L2 - Lock-On
R1 - Shoot
R2 - Pod Skill - You'll never use shoot and pod skill at the same time so why not have them on the same finger? I think of it like having the second right shoulder button as a grenade or heavy attack of some kind in many games. Feels intuitive.
L1 - Action - this was a bit of a necessity with the face buttons being taken but I actually prefer it in this position.
Sorry the order is screwy but I was just writing from memory.
I seriously recommend people try this. If you've already played a lot though there's no way you're resetting your muscle memory, so I doubt many people will, but I wanted to put it out there regardless.