Edit: Two questions. Do you need to go back to the Bunker often and is there a way to fast travel at some point?
You go back for story reasons sometimes, and yes fast travel opens up later on.
Edit: Two questions. Do you need to go back to the Bunker often and is there a way to fast travel at some point?
You go back for story reasons sometimes, and yes fast travel opens up later on.
Oh boy, you're in for a ride
I don't know if it's spoilerish to ask this, so:
Rough ballpark length of each route?
Question:is it possible to buy health items anywhere right before fighting eve? Or am I totally screwed?
Bunker should still be accessible.
It was but nobody was there.
Anyways, doesn't matter now - beat him. Dude was a chump in phase 2.
So how hard is "hard" mode. I typically like to start gsmes on that bc most games are way too easy nowadays. But I tried the first part and died a lot (flying and the first battle lol). You I die in like 2 hits at the beginning. Should I push through or is hard a bit too hard for a first time? I've played a lot of their other games but usually on normal.
No. Thats about messages from characters inside the story itself.I'm an hour in and just got he notification to turn on messages and connect to network. This isn't like dark souls or something where I could get spoiled on accident is it?
No. Thats about messages from characters inside the story itself.
Cool thanks!
There are no difficulty trophies, just start on Normal until at least you can get to the first save point, then you can try Hard without having to start from the beginning again.
Np. You can check mail from the save points. Theyre all very interesting and some of them shave side quests attached to them so be sure to keep tabs on that.
Just finished up route B.
Question, how long will routetake me? Hoping I can wrap up the game before Persona consumes me. Route A + B took meC-E21 hours.
Route A felt like a weird fever dream of things just happening randomly. I remember original Nier at least having a more cohesive first playthrough.
THICC2B is 330 pounds, huh...
Feels, man. Feels.Shit. The end of the Gathering Keepsakes side quest got to me.
Finished C, D and E.
To sum up: For hundreds of years, we've been fighting a network of machines with the ghost of humanity at its core. We've been living in a stupid fucking world where we fight an endless war that we COULDN'T POSSIBLY LOSE, all for the sake of some Council of Humanity on the moon that doesn't even exist.
HhahahahAhhaaHAHAhHAAaaa... hahaheahah... aaahhah...
Meaningless [C]ode indeed. And then that insane [E]nd of Yorha, where you're fighting for your save data and to save the guys in a fucking credits screen?! And holy crap deleting your save to help others... wow! I definitely chose no, since I still have to do post-game bosses and what not, but damn! I might go back and help out once I've backed up the saves and done everything in the game.
Don't think there could have been a better ending to this madness. Well done, Yoko Taro!
When can I upgrade weapons in route C?
I just finished Route A, how long is Route B by comparison? Route A took me around 12hours (probably only ended up doing about 7-8 side quests)
As someone who rarely plays JRPG's and is mainly interested in a good story, writing and choice & consequence, should I play this game?
Oh my god this route(((((((((((((((
Also LEL
As someone who rarely plays JRPG's and is mainly interested in a good story, writing and choice & consequence, should I play this game?