I'm fighting Eand I didn't really have an opportunity to stock up on heals before the fight now I'm stuck in final phase without a single one - oofve .
See if you have any heal chips.
I'm fighting Eand I didn't really have an opportunity to stock up on heals before the fight now I'm stuck in final phase without a single one - oofve .
Also LEL
Is there an "ideal" level recommendation for the different routes?
I finished route A at 25 and I didn't feel underleveled or overleveled - I also did a around 25-30% of side quests
Anyway starting the next route now - really enjoy the game
Is there an "ideal" level recommendation for the different routes?
I finished route A at 25 and I didn't feel underleveled or overleveled - I also did a around 25-30% of side quests
Anyway starting the next route now - really enjoy the game
Did you play on Hard?
I'm level 36 or 37, still didn't finish Route A, 57% side quest completion, IIRC.
What makes me hesitate to put the game on Hard is the occasional enemy with a fuckton of HP. It's not challenging or anything, it just takes so goddamn long that I'm not sure I want to make these fights take even longer.
Can you change the difficulty in the middle of the game? I might just bump it to Hard or Very Hard on bosses, and then back to Normal for exploration.
yeppers you can change the difficulty at any time in the menu
Anyone know where Project Gestalt Report 5 is?
Anyone know where Project Gestalt Report 5 is?
I'm on route B, do I have to do all the remaining sidequests before the end of this route or will I get a chance later? I have no idea what to expect from the game after this.
If they are the gold enemies then leave them for route B..
What makes me hesitate to put the game on Hard is the occasional enemy with a fuckton of HP. It's not challenging or anything, it just takes so goddamn long that I'm not sure I want to make these fights take even longer.
You have to backtrack asto the 'dark' version of the factory. You know, after the whole9S so you can hack to get itthing.BECOME AS GODS
Abandoned Factory: Furnace as 9S. Can only get it in route C.
I believe it's in the same location as theYeah I've been looking in, but can't find it. Would you happen to have a screenshot or video of the location?the Furnace while in Route C
Yeah I've been looking in, but can't find it. Would you happen to have a screenshot or video of the location?the Furnace while in Route C
Don't worry. It's impossible to get locked out of sidequests.There is a chapter select you will unlock.
I believe it's in the same location as theFFXV sword.
If I remember correctly,
Warp to furnace. Go upwards through the factory until you come to a multi-door room that has a 'hacking lock' over one of the doors. At the end of that tiny area is a chest to hack with the report in it.
Which is odd I can't find that area again since I already got the Engine Blade, but I don't remember where.
I only found. One led to thetwo hackable doorsand the other wasCruel Arrogance Spear.a conveyor belt that led to a normal chest
is the game really that good? 2017 is crazy then
edit - this is the review btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NiyfG8Ctbo
128 is the cap, but have you paid attention to actually keeping the chip equip costs as low as possible by only fusing up low-cost chips? Just randomly fusing shit together will make for terribly sub-optimal results where chip space requirements are concerned.Okay, I'm on Route B and I have a bazillion rad chips that I want to equip, but my chip space is only at 128 after buying stuff from the resistance camp vendor. Is there any way to increase it further? Or am I stuck fusing stuff?
Well I was in theand the boss sent outFlooded Citythat giant EMP blast. Now I guess I can never complete those quests that disappeared afterwards?
Well I was in theand the boss sent outFlooded Citythat giant EMP blast. Now I guess I can never complete those quests that disappeared afterwards?
If they are the gold enemies then leave them for route B.
Too late, I guess. Would the story change or is it just easier?
Oh my god this route(((((((((((((((
Also LEL
Just got D. Does anyone know ifalso should I haveyour answer to Adam affects anything?done C first for any reason?
Still haven't played this. heard good things about it and was planning on getting it eventually but today i got on youtube and one of the people i'm subscribed to dropped a review, which i haven't even finished watching but the guy describes it as a masterpiece in the first couple minutes and mention Jim Sterling saying its one of the most important games ever to be released and now i'm like "wtf. this must be a must get then".
is the game really that good? 2017 is crazy then
edit - this is the review btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NiyfG8Ctbo
Still haven't played this. heard good things about it and was planning on getting it eventually but today i got on youtube and one of the people i'm subscribed to dropped a review, which i haven't even finished watching but the guy describes it as a masterpiece in the first couple minutes and mention Jim Sterling saying its one of the most important games ever to be released and now i'm like "wtf. this must be a must get then".
is the game really that good? 2017 is crazy then
edit - this is the review btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NiyfG8Ctbo
Still haven't played this. heard good things about it and was planning on getting it eventually but today i got on youtube and one of the people i'm subscribed to dropped a review, which i haven't even finished watching but the guy describes it as a masterpiece in the first couple minutes and mention Jim Sterling saying its one of the most important games ever to be released and now i'm like "wtf. this must be a must get then".
is the game really that good? 2017 is crazy then
edit - this is the review btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NiyfG8Ctbo
Soundtracks of the Year.
What is the other one
What is the other one