Get it, just don't expect much from it.Someone sell me on this game, it looks really interesting and all the buzz has caught my attention
Really thinking hard about pulling the trigger since I can get it for 40 from Best Buy.
Get it, just don't expect much from it.Someone sell me on this game, it looks really interesting and all the buzz has caught my attention
Really thinking hard about pulling the trigger since I can get it for 40 from Best Buy.
Someone sell me on this game, it looks really interesting and all the buzz has caught my attention
Really thinking hard about pulling the trigger since I can get it for 40 from Best Buy.
If you've seen the gameplay, you'll see that the combat is dope. And yet, the story is even more dope. If you're like the majority of us, finishing it will likely leave it in your thoughts for quite awhile. It is weird and eccentric, but in a cool way. The OST isone ofthe best you'll hear this year.
Hype aside, honestly just dive in and see where the story takes you. And if you do, definitely refrain from coming across spoilers, and just enjoy the ride.
Now, come to us:
Man this prolouge. Die and start all over again? It won't be so bad if i didn't have to do this fly section over again. No wonder it wasn't part of the demo.
If you already have it and want to play it anyways, i'd suggest to play Nier 1 first, there are some moments in Automata that are better if you played it and Automata will spoil you on a few elements.
The Drakengard games can be played whenever. I'd suggest to tackle those later since they force you to put up with some stuff like 3's hellishabyssmals framerate
Thank you!
Finally, er, probably going to be able to start this near the end of the week (finishing up some Gravity Rush 2 DLC and Overwatch launches a new event on Tuesday, I think).
Really loved the demo and though the original (actually bought it close to or at launch if I remember correctly) was decent, mostly in the story department and some of the insane battle situations that they would set you up in.
The music though, oh my god. Still on of the best OST's.
So, I'm exited to get into this. What am I looking at for a first playthrough on normal? Time wise? Now, I know about the wholesince that was in the first game, but I never tried to do it. If I pursued that here, what kind of additional time am I looking at?endings deal
Also, I imagine the OST is amazing.
No, I think they just did a bad job integrating that system into the game. I think they could have had a similar death system in the game without allowing save/loading to circumvent it while also being somewhat fair. Perhaps removing the animation to retrieve the previous body to make it easier. Or perhaps you only lose one of the chips instead of all of them on death.
Wait. You lose all your chips? But... this game is so good though!
I err, I gotta go NieR. I think I left the kettle on!
It's like Souls. If you die, you have one chance to go back and pick your stuff back up.
Unlike Souls, there is no autosave, so you can just reload if die before retrieving your chips.
It's like Souls. If you die, you have one chance to go back and pick your stuff back up.
Unlike Souls, there is no autosave, so you can just reload if die before retrieving your chips.
I'll also add that since you have 3 save slots, you can actually save into another slot after you've died to keep trying to recover your lost shit. This can be a very useful option when you have found some good loot after you've last saved and don't want to just revert to the old save.I love Souls and any game that penalizes you for dying. But those chips took me over 20 some hours! Lol.
Good to know I can cheese the save though.
I hope Platinum make cut scenes from in engine instead of pre rendered in future just so it's more future proof.
Yep, this game's soundtrack is astonishing.And there have been so many moments where I was glad I have the soundtrack right here to replay the music I just heard. The first game really didn't have much music in terms of unique compositional content, so every track sort of had to hit you over the head with strong memorable motifs. Here I'm glad there was room to have more subtle pieces.
They're not really selling's characterisation through the part of Route C I've played so far. I get what they're going for -A2, but the execution is a little off.contrasting her development against 9S' progressing violent obsession, and showing the influence of 2B in allowing her to reconnect with the society she abandoned
Part of it is that her past actions are swept under the rug really quickly - she's described as killing multiple androids sent to apprehend or disable her previously, but none of the Resistance bats an eyelid towards her showing up, and Anemone's dialogue with her is still quite rushed, though the files recapping the original play were welcome to provide context. The effects of her prolonged isolation are also way less apparent than they should be in how she interacts with others - going from a feral murderbot who hasn't spoken to a friendly soul in hundreds of years and shanks babies without a second thought to Shadow the Hedgehog building a playground for impoverished children in the space of a fortnight is a bit much. The writing doesn't seem to be bridging the gap between the two that well - the result at this point seems to be a cute, harmless kind of edgy that is difficult to reconcile both with her aggressive reputation (for example, her taunts are quite weak even when compared to Jeanne, let alone Kaine) and gentler actions.
Yep, this game's soundtrack is astonishing.
I hope Emi sings this hidden gem in next month's concert. Such a heartrendingly beautiful piece.
What's everyone else's favorite track?
Yeah I know which is why I said future games, would have loved to have accessories showing in cutscenes.In a way, that'd be going back to doing the cutscenes ingame
I agree for the most part, but one possible correction:I don't think A2 is hundreds of years old, since the Pearl Harbor Descent was only four years prior to the events of the game.
Yeah I know which is why I said future games, would have loved to have accessories showing in cutscenes.
Yep, this game's soundtrack is astonishing.
I hope Emi sings this hidden gem in next month's concert. Such a heartrendingly beautiful piece.
What's everyone else's favorite track?
I'm pretty sure thatPart of it is that her past actions are swept under the rug really quickly - she's described as killing multiple androids sent to apprehend or disable her previously, but none of the Resistance bats an eyelid towards her showing up, and Anemone's dialogue with her is still quite rushed, though the files recapping the original play were welcome to provide context. The effects of her prolonged isolation are also way less apparent than they should be in how she interacts with others - going from a feral murderbot who hasn't spoken to a friendly soul in hundreds of years and shanks babies without a second thought to Shadow the Hedgehog building a playground for impoverished children in the space of a fortnight is a bit much. The writing doesn't seem to be bridging the gap between the two that well - the result at this point seems to be a cute, harmless kind of edgy that is difficult to reconcile both with her aggressive reputation (for example, her taunts are quite weak even when compared to Jeanne, let alone Kaine) and gentler actions.
Like what LotusHD said, I can't even think of a favorite from this album because they're just so great. I mean, I think Emil, Kaine, Song of the Ancients, and Ashes of Dreams from the first OST were legendary, and I think none of the songs from Nier:A's OST match those, but I like more songs from Nier: Automata.
Actually, Cold Rain, Voice of No Return, Bipolar Disease, and even Wretched Weaponry could match those. I might even include City Ruins and Ray of Hope.
I assumed thatI'm pretty sure thather "killing multiple androids" and being a danger to everyone was just a lie the higher-up's behind YoRHa instituted, since A2 knew the secret behind humanity no longer existing and didn't want that knowledge to spread. It's similar to the other androids in the side-quest "YoRHa Betrayers", where command told 2B/9S to track down and eliminate (not capture) rogue YoRHa agents who were stealing food from the Resistance (which, as Anemone confirmed, simply wasn't true). As far as we know, A2 just lived her life in solitude, killing any machines that crossed her path. Anemone wasn't even aware of her existence until 2B/9S came along, after they met her in the Forest Kingdom. Pascal heard about her, but they weren't exactly fearful of her. If she was as bloodthirsty as Command said she was, I'm sure they would be a lot less nervous of having her around.
A2 is just misunderstood, damn it. Don't believe the lies!
Oh, I have no doubt thatI assumed thatshe killed the androids in self-defense. It'd be odd if YoRHa issued a kill order for the "betrayers", but not for a much more volatile target like A2.
Oh, I have no doubt thatshe killed any and all androids that attempted re-capture of her, but judging how she acted in the Forest Kingdom and how she let 2B/9S live, I'm guessing it's was one of those things that she avoided if at all possible. Even Anemone herself was surprised, and told 2B/9S to consider themselves lucky, given the circumstances. I just don't think A2 went out and actively pursued YoRHa/other androids, and only killed them if there wasn't any other recourse.
just started this last night, a few hours in, but im reaally not enjoying the sidequests, do i HAVE to do them? or could i skip the majority?
Why?I didn't think that was the case either -but even killing in self-defense as a last resort should have affected her relationship with other androids more than was apparent. The reunion with Anemone and reintegration into the resistance camp should have been way more awkward than it was, even with the knowledge she was being hunted for unjust reasons.
Why?The resistance is not under or part of the command structure of YoRHa and Anemone considers A2 a comrade in arms. A2 was not under the same kind of stigma as Devola and Popola.
Yep, this game's soundtrack is astonishing.
I hope Emi sings this hidden gem in next month's concert. Such a heartrendingly beautiful piece.
What's everyone else's favorite track?
If that boss is who i think it is, it's not really meant to beaten easily (just look at its level).
I defeated it after fully beating the game and grinding some levels afterwards. I suggest you do the same, because with the level it takes to beat it without much trouble, the game becomes way too easy afterwards.
One thing I do think is a big problem is that the leveling system in this game is bad.
Attack and Defense being hugely affected by character and enemy levels means a moderate level difference can completely change how fights go, since you can either be dealing almost no damage without chips or you can completely wreck enemies in one or two hits. That means if you level up a lot by doing sidequests or just fighting enemies you've basically trivialized the next chunk of the game.
For me, doing all the sidequests I could as soon as they became available (because they're important to the story and themes, and foreshadow a lot of stuff) meant the whole game quickly became a cakewalk where I could kill enemies in two hits and bosses in three or four combos.
It seems like a really bad decision in an action-focused game, especially when the weapon upgrades and chip system offer plenty of room for character progression already. If there was one thing I think could improve the game a lot, it would be massively toning down how much stats increase with each level up.
It's still early game, but I'm getting kind of sick of getting 1h ko'd by bosses on hard mode. Just beat the Opera craziness, btw.
Oh boy bout to start route c
You need to pump up your HP and defenses. I played exclusively on hard and it was quite manageable when I focused a certain amount of OS chip space to toughening up. There are no guaranteed OHKOs in the game.It's still early game, but I'm getting kind of sick of getting 1h ko'd by bosses on hard mode. Just beat the Opera craziness, btw.
EDIT: Random route C question:
Does anything happen at the table from the Adam and Eve cutscenes? I thought it was really nice that you could actually get there, but I didn't find anything there. Is it just an easter egg?
I'm about ~10 hours into the game and am enjoying it so far. I really dig the melancholy tone. It's unlike most other games I've played.
Question:I just defeated that giant water-beast robot and now and now looking for 9s. How much longer do I have on the first ending?
Yeaah, that was the hardest quest for me too. Tried several times on ~25, then later on ~40 or so and still couldn't do it. Went back when I was over 50 and did it, but it was close.Man this Parade Escort quest in bonkers. I'm level 44 with rank 4 weapons and still can't do it.
The final wave of enemies just spawns right on top of the guys and immediately wrecks them.
Yep, this game's soundtrack is astonishing.
I hope Emi sings this hidden gem in next month's concert. Such a heartrendingly beautiful piece.
What's everyone else's favorite track?
Another thing that makes it easier to say Automata's OST is ultimately better is that it takes a few songs from the first game's OST, so it's a win-win situation of sorts.
My favorite song from the first game is Song of the Ancients - Devola.
Man this Parade Escort quest in bonkers. I'm level 44 with rank 4 weapons and still can't do it.
The final wave of enemies just spawns right on top of the guys and immediately wrecks them.