You should've been able to find adams glasses
I'll go back there with A2 as soon as I get home.
You should've been able to find adams glasses
AHHHHH. That's so cool! More proof that this is GotG.
Remember to show your appreciation to your Pod by swiping the touch pad on your controller.
So question about Ending DI didn't save over the file that has me right before the final Recovery Unit so could I just reload that save and get to the final boss battle and choose the 9S, I choose A2 first, to get ending D?
Just usehomieChapter Select
There was some mention that you can do it with the mouse.Wonder if it's possible on PC. Was using an Xbone controller.
Question on whether or not something is intentional:
So I'm getting used to the color scheme (at first it was adding uncomfortable eye-strain) but every once in a while the screen turns completely grey scale (or damn close). An example is the. Is that a bug?Goliath fight in the city center with 9S and the flight suits
Its deliberate, but its just a stylistic touch. Don't read too much into it.
Well D goes along the same lines as C but you will not be disappointed in ending E that is for sure.Obtained ending C last night. Hoping D and E leave me more satisfied. Route C didn't completely live up to the hype. Shit certainly went down but the logic behind things on a dramatic level leave me wanting.
Wow I have never seen that before. But I think something like that has got to be rare. During my playthroughs I never experienced anything game breaking.I thought Mass Effect was glitchy but Nier is on a whole nother level.
Just lost about 2 hours of progress in the second playthrough as the Commander just killed herself and the game freezes.
All super tedious progress starting from the missile defense was lost. Won't be playing this game again anytime soon...
Obtained ending C last night. Hoping D and E leave me more satisfied. Route C didn't completely live up to the hype. Shit certainly went down but the logic behind things on a dramatic level leave me wanting.
I thought Mass Effect was glitchy but Nier is on a whole nother level.
Just lost about 2 hours of progress in the second playthrough as the Commander just killed herself and the game freezes.
All super tedious progress starting from the missile defense was lost. Won't be playing this game again anytime soon...
I thought Mass Effect was glitchy but Nier is on a whole nother level.
Just lost about 2 hours of progress in the second playthrough as the Commander just killed herself and the game freezes.
All super tedious progress starting from the missile defense was lost. Won't be playing this game again anytime soon...
I put in 55 on PC without a single bug. Buddy had a certain fight bug out on PS4 that forced him to lose since he couldnt hit the enemyThat must be super frustrating for you, but that video cracked me up.
Are you playing on PC? I've put around 80 hours into the game on PS4 and haven't run into a single glitch.
That must be super frustrating for you, but that video cracked me up.
Are you playing on PC? I've put around 80 hours into the game on PS4 and haven't run into a single glitch.
Man, I'm 4-5 hours into PS4 and I've had a bug where the enemies weren't where they were supposed to be (fixed by loading) and the settings are all gibberish![]()
Came here to ask about the gibberish settings, the camera is killing me here.
Can't you guys delete the patches on PS4? Genuine question.
It's a known bug that they're patching with the next patch I believe. Sorry.
Wow, not the best first impression for the game. I found the camera settings and changed it, but it's really annoying. Any word on when that patch might come?
Would like to check it out, but a bit worried about the enemies in the gifs/videos I see. The combat looks like a blast but if those 1950 generic looking robots are the majority of the enemies I'm fighting (with slight variations) I'm concerned it will get stale very quick as they don't look particularly interesting in combat that I've seen.
I'm sure there is s story reason for their construct, but this isn't a minor concern to me going in... is this concern at all justified or am I blowing this out of proportion?
Just finished it last night. I laughed, cried, and I'm so glad this game was made. I put in 55 hours total by the end. I still feel sad about things that happened in Route C/D, but you can't make every game have a happy ending that wraps up in a nice little bow. I'll come back and 100% the rest of the content. I eagerly await Taro's next game/project.
Just started route B last night and really enjoying the game.
Would anyone have a link to a write up of what Happened in Nier and Drakkengard written in a non spoilery way for Automata (if even possible aha) that would allow me to have a better understanding of events in Automata, but at the same time not reveal major plot points meant as surprises in Automata down the road?
I hope this makes sense.
Basically a fluff writing with points never really directly touched in Automata that makes you go "Ah! gotcha! Nice reference" when you see them in game (generally a piece of artwork, or discarded object) vs critical understanding that is ultimately used in one of the route to gain a better understanding of what is actually happening.Errr, not really no, lol.
All you need to know I guess is that a joke ending in drakengard spawned nier, and the thousand of years later the aliens invaded, and then machines rule the world.
Roughly how long are C, D, and E playthroughs for the endings? I am almost finished with playthrough B and I was able to do it pretty quickly compared to the first.
Roughly how long are C, D, and E playthroughs for the endings? I am almost finished with playthrough B and I was able to do it pretty quickly compared to the first.
Basically a fluff writing with points never really directly touched in Automata that makes you go "Ah! gotcha! Nice reference" when you see them in game (generally a piece of artwork, or discarded object) vs critical understanding that is ultimately used in one of the route to gain a better understanding of what is actually happening.
Thanks for the short write up though![]()
spoiler just in case:
route C is like 6-10 hours depending on if you do new side quests. D and E literally take like 5 minute because you unlock chapter select after finishing c and you just redo the final battle
yeah me too side B took me like 1/5 the time of first play, the game became too easy, chip can became OP when upgrade properly(play on hard),and very few new sidequest...
Thanks!I disagree with him. It's not fundamental to understand Automata, but they're way more connected than I thought they would be before playing. And Automata will give you major Nier spoilers during Route B, so I'd say that if you never plan on playing them anyway, now is a good time to watch some videos.
I'd recommend Clemps' videos on Youtube:
It definitely doesn't replace playing them by yourself by any stretch of the imagination, but since Route B will already give you huge spoilers anyway, might as well watch them.
You can skip Drakengard 2's videos. Not because the videos are bad, but the game is not important at all. Wasn't even made by the same director.
If you prefer it in written form, and you don't want the whole story, just the world building, I think this is the best one: 123/
It has the entire playthrough in written form, though, so that's cool as well.
The aesthetic theme of the enemies is pretty similar, though there's a load of variation between them, certainly to the extent that it kept me interested. Big differences in size, attacks, well as some pretty bizarre incarnations of different enemy types later on that I won't spoil. It hasn't got stale for me - ironically, it's that right amount of consistency in enemy design that feels like a plus because you've got such a range of different weapons and skills at your disposal that having similar mobs is a good basis for comparison for different load-outs.
I guess it depends what you want coming in. If combat is the over-riding reason for you coming in then this isn't a Bayonetta or MGS - it's fast, it's got that satisfying Platinum flourish, it's deceptively deep but not on the level of the other games mentioned in the combat department. Still my game of the year thus far.
For me, the enemy design is consistent with the context of the world/story and the combat is exciting and gratifying enough to make fighting my way through different storybeats fun. But yeah, it's unapologetically narrative first so bear that in mind.
Ooo. The link to the written write up is a good read. The events surrounding the collapse of civilization, WCS, the Legion, and Red Eye leading up to the events of the original NieR are so unsettling. I'd love to see a Taro Yoko game set in this era.I disagree with him. It's not fundamental to understand Automata, but they're way more connected than I thought they would be before playing. And Automata will give you major Nier spoilers during Route B, so I'd say that if you never plan on playing them anyway, now is a good time to watch some videos.
I'd recommend Clemps' videos on Youtube:
It definitely doesn't replace playing them by yourself by any stretch of the imagination, but since Route B will already give you huge spoilers anyway, might as well watch them.
You can skip Drakengard 2's videos. Not because the videos are bad, but the game is not important at all. Wasn't even made by the same director.
If you prefer it in written form, and you don't want the whole story, just the world building, I think this is the best one: 123/
It has the entire playthrough in written form, though, so that's cool as well.
So when are they patching this f'd up txt bullshit in the menus? I just got this game a couple days ago all excited to play it, and I saw the garbled menu txt in the settings thinking it was just part of the game, come to find out it's because of the 1.04 update.
Luckily I'm not very far....just past the intro mission, but not playing anymore until they patch this. I don't want to risk missing out on any story txt.
Ooo. The link to the written write up is a good read. The events surrounding the collapse of civilization, WCS, the Legion, and Red Eye leading up to the events of the original NieR are so unsettling. I'd love to see a Taro Yoko game set in this era.