So, something I didnt get /late route C spoilersjust read the Devola and Popola short story. So the thing about one of their models being defective, is just a lie that got introduced to them when they were reprogramed? or does the game consider their behaviour in Nier 1 defective? they still didn't explain it properly or Im dumb lol
You heal to full HP and get more max HP, Attack and Defense. Nothing else. The OS chip system is the stand-in for skills, feats, etc.What does leveling up do exactly? I'm not seeing a tree or anything like that.
But I really like the plug in system.
So I just played the prologue section with my dad. He said if he had the opportunity he'd like to play it some time. Probably won't happen but uhh cool lol?
I honestly thought it was a crapshoot if he'd be interested in it or not, but he loves sci-fi like Arthur C Clarke and Star Trek, and I told him about the easy mode that practically plays itself (I don't have a PS4 and If have to haul my PC over to his place if he wanted to play it, so likely not happening lol)
It's about their actions in the first game. Their sympathy for Nier and reluctance to forcibly redirect his path until it was far too late led to the death of the Original Gestalt and humanity's final extinction.
I worry too much about missable stuff, or making mistakes. I read somewhere that I shouldn't kill non-hostiles at this (really early game). And I'm anal about exploring everywhere so every area is taking me twenty times longer than it should and it's dragging down the pacing too much.theme park
Do you guys recommend just blazing through the game to keep the pace up and see the story?
I worry too much about missable stuff, or making mistakes. I read somewhere that I shouldn't kill non-hostiles at this (really early game). And I'm anal about exploring everywhere so every area is taking me twenty times longer than it should and it's dragging down the pacing too much.theme park
Do you guys recommend just blazing through the game to keep the pace up and see the story?
I've jumped in, GAF. Three hours in and loving it! My only question is there specific stuff I can definitely sell? I'm hoarding because I don't know if the pod upgrades etc will need those resources. Did the same thing in Horizon.
Post A-ending question:
Please don't tell me I have to replay the entire game again with 9S. And did all my active side quests disappear? This kinda sucks. Like for real.
Yup, anything you didn't finish gets reset. You do get some new exclusive sidequest for this route, and it isn't completely a repeat (Remember the times 9S disappears),as well as new cutscenes.
The original Nier handled consecutive playthroughs better than this.
Also, did my boy (character spoiler, maybe mid game?)Emil just make a cameo appearance? Sounded like him. Thought he sacrificed himself though at the end of the first Nier.
The original Nier handled consecutive playthroughs better than this.Cuz it skipped a large portion of the game. And I'm not sure the huge world of this game is conductive to this mechanic. Running around the same places is annoying to be honest. Then there's 9S himself, I don't care about his moveset AT ALL nor am I a fan of the hacking thing. I'm also not a fan how near the end of Route A suddenly some of your sidequests disappear, because 9S is gone, without any warning. I was really close to finishing Emil's (I just had to visit him at the mall) and the photographs one, which are the most annoying really. But it's the repeition that bothers me the most. For some reason I enjoyed going through the original Nier again more than I'm enjoying this.
Oh and Ending A was really unsatisfying, which I imagine might get fixed with further routes, but it didn't leave me with the best taste in my mouth.
You know, overall, that game is a heck of a lot like the first one, heh. It's aight.
But with the smaller world, you were just going back to the same places repeatedly within the same playthrough!
I just finished Nier 1 while beating Ending A in Automata, and I would rather run around Automata's world doing random fights and picking up items for half an hour than run from the village to the junk heap in Nier one more time. Being able to run fast constantly with no loading screens beats spear-rolling everywhere and loading screens every two minutes, any day.
Wait that menu gibberish isn't intentional? I figured it was some flavor thing that would change after I progressed a little.
Should I not play until it's fixed? I only did the intro mission.
If you have a physical copy simply delete the patch and play the earlier version without the bug. If you're digital then, well, sorry![]()
Gameplay was better buttoo much time was spent playing as 9S, which has a gimped combat, it does a disservice to the gameplay IMO. There should have been more A2.
While I don't think any of his sections were unnecessary, A2 did desperately need more screentime, both from a narrative and gameplay perspective - there's so much they could have done with her story, and compressing character development that could have spanned an entire game into 40 minutes led to the result being kind of shallow - they didn't even touch on the idea of her generation living with false memories of human lives, which doesn't appear to be the case for later YoRHa models. If they do manage to include a DLC chapter, she'd be an obvious candidate to focus on.
I feel like the original nier and automata are going for it different things story wise. OG nier Sienna more time with the ensemble cast whole automata was Sienna more time on the world and themes.
Sure, didn't mean 9S paths where unnecesary, all of his gameplay in Route C was needed to show his descent into madness. But A2, as you say, needed more character development. Hell all about his character is basically a text dump.
I feel both games are very centric on being a character story. It's true that Automata explains a little more things about what's going on in this world rather than Nier, but that's more on how Nier handles Route B and what the story is about.
At the end I guess it's about how much you resonate with the characters. Gotta say to me Nier 1 launched in a moment that may have resonated with me moreI remember more or less it launched while the European Debt Crisis hit hard here, and it was common to see a lot of examples on TV or even here where I live (I mean, here we had +25% unemployement rate, around 50% for young people) about parents struggin to find work to take care about their kids, so seeing Nier was basically the same at the start of the game inmediately hit on me.
transformers devo had better combat, except for the random loot equipment
It actually gives you a very subtle warning, but yea, I can see why that'd suck.
At the very least, know that nothing is permanently missable.
And yes, it is fine to come out of Route A feeling unsatisfied.
But with the smaller world, you were just going back to the same places repeatedly within the same playthrough!
I just finished Nier 1 while beating Ending A in Automata, and I would rather run around Automata's world doing random fights and picking up items for half an hour than run from the village to the junk heap in Nier one more time. Being able to run fast constantly with no loading screens beats spear-rolling everywhere and loading screens every two minutes, any day.
You might be right, but at the time I played Nier I was more enthused about going through the game again.
You might be right, but at the time I played Nier I was more enthused about going through the game again. I've never really liked traversing Automata's world to be honest.
However, I really love the movement in Automata. It's something that I value a lot more than the combat changes.
I got about 90 minutes or so into Route C last night, and it is killllling me that I may not have a chance to play any more until Saturday night at the earliest.
What do the combo stats mean?
I keep getting weapons but it seems like the starting weapons and basically better. At least in attack.
I'm not really feeling this game. I'm sure the story is amazing; but I'm not really into gaming for the stories. I haven't really felt like Platinums made a great game since Bayo 2 and this is on the list and growing. It just feels like Transformers Devestation all over again. Darting from point A to B, simplified combat not even remotely nearing other character action games, down the chip/upgrade system. This is just so meh
Agreed. Nier's world was much cozier, and there was a sense of mystery and life to it. It's like the areas themselves went through character development.
However, I really love the movement in Automata. It's something that I value a lot more than the combat changes.
Do you know about Pod kick/throw? I found these moves made traversal way more enjoyable for me and I didn't figure this out until the end of my second playthrough.
Pod Kick - While gliding with Pod, press the attack button
Pod Throw - Jump + Shoot
The momentum that basic movement has in Automata does feel great, but it makes the amount of invisible walls in the environments very blatant. I don't necessarily need the game to have a huge open world, but it'd have been nice if they were able to make the obstacles to traversal within their current style of level design less arbitrary.
You might be right, but at the time I played Nier I was more enthused about going through the game again. I've never really liked traversing Automata's world to be honest.
Does it? I didn't really know much of nier lore before playing automata though I'm pretty familiar with drakengard, and coming away from it i feel like the ties are tangible but not exactly necessary for the overall theme.
If anything reading impressions here it feels like some people who played nier beforehand had some baggage of expectations to what it should be?
Like the world of automata works incredibly well for what it's trying to convey but people prefer the cozy nature of the original.
I know about the first, but I can't say I understand what is it good for.
Don't know what pod throw is, I have to press jump+shoot at the same time? Guess I'll try it out, thanks.
Does it? I didn't really know much of nier lore before playing automata though I'm pretty familiar with drakengard, and coming away from it i feel like the ties are tangible but not exactly necessary for the overall theme.
If anything reading impressions here it feels like some people who played nier beforehand had some baggage of expectations to what it should be?
Like the world of automata works incredibly well for what it's trying to convey but people prefer the cozy nature of the original.