the holder of the trombone
I just feel it makes some elements of the game needlessly convoluted though I suppose a lot of it comes down to me not really liking how technology means magic because the themes could be told without it where as they were key components of the original Nier. For example (endgame spoilers)I don't think Emil's needed in the story at all. It makes sense that he's a super weapon given that's what he was in Nier but it muddies things when it could have just been war between machines/aliens battling androids/humans. A lot of the more supernatural elements detract from the themes for me, I think the clearest example of it is in the desert building when you witness the machines desperately trying to procreate and it's weird, unsettling, and makes sense as the plot unfolds. Then you have Adam magic himself into existence and it just feels weird for the sake of being weird. It even comes down down to things like the need for YorHa black boxes to be machine core in order to establish that their motivation/failures are the same, which just came across as over-explaining the similar nature of their AI to me and it doesn't mean much when they don't really establish how the other androids AI are different.
Given the nature of how the stories told though there's every chance some things just flew over my head.
To be fair I honestly feel like
emil's involvement is pretty superfluous to the game and is really meant to be there for the nier fans, but his arc is pretty removed. The implications it has for the world is pretty cool but ultimately removed from the main narrative.
As for the other one
I don't think it's meant to be a magical element, I think it's meant more to show how much the androids, programmed by humanity, devalued what machines are as a being. It does work as a way to question what truly separates an android and a machine in the end, but also shows how similar beings can dehumanise (a real fucking weird word for this, but you get what I mean.
) each other..
edit: ooh you added a bunch after I quoted.
Regarding Adam
I also think it's a whole bunch a metaphorical bullshit yoko taro came up with and while I like and get it, giving a realistic take would probably make it easier to swallow given that the game does try for a harder sci-fi edge than OG nier. Still, there's a lot of shit in this game that does go for a more metaphorical perspective.