Just for fun, I used
pricecharting.com to tally up the total average it would cost you today to buy all of the original NES carts of all of the games included in this package, including an original NES system.
Balloon Fight - 22.50
Bubble Bobble - 17.92
Castlevania - 20.74
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - 11.95
Donkey Kong = 34.26
Donkey Kong Jr. - 20.50
Double Dragon II: The Revenge - 11.50
Dr. Mario - 5.51
Excitebike - 8.06
Final Fantasy - 17.00
Galaga - 12.99
Ghosts'N Goblins - 13.50
Gradius - 10.70
Ice Climber - 16.00
Kid Icarus - 19.97
Kirby's Adventure - 19.99
Mario Bros. - 21.99
Mega Man 2 - 27.50
Metroid - 16.00
Ninja Gaiden - 10.99
Pac-Man - 11.15
Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream - 13.23
StarTropics - 8.00
Super C - 18.00
Super Mario Bros. - 7.75
Super Mario Bros. 2 - 19.54
Super Mario Bros. 3 - 15.00
Tecmo Bowl - 8.95
The Legend of Zelda - 20.50
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - 17.72
NES console with all hookups and controller - 69.97
= $549.38
Not a bad deal. Or, if you just buy them all on the Wii/Wii U Virtual Console, it would cost you a total of $150 obviously. =)