Fixed that for ya.
For anyone looking for it, you have to search for Tank! Tank! Tank! to download it on the Europe eShop for the moment. A main screen button will probably appear soon.
It's 1500ish mb for the game, and the "DLC" is just unlock codes.
Yes, you can get it in the US too - in fact it's live in the US _right now_, -25% so $14.99.Is that Trine 2 sale EU only? Or can I get that in the US?
Really want to bite on Trine 2 at $14.99. Does it support the CC Pro yet?
First, kudos for the superb pinball implementation - you guys are yet to disappoint in the sheer pinball goodness department! Been sinking quite some hours since Thursday, and managed to get my wife hooked as well.
The DLC scheme is an entirely different thing, though. And I'm not talking about the absence of in-game purchases. The entire Trial + Unlock = The Whole Thing is frustrating to no end for newcomers. You could at lest include some clear messages in there to inform peple of the right way to purchase tables, as not everybody reads games forums.
A time limited free game? By that definition a lot demos are actually free games. You merely cannot advance to further areas without buying the additional adventure.
I knew what the deal was and I still think the advertising is unnecessarily deceiving. Either include a free table or be honest and call it a demo.
Edited: Also, I would be fine with it if you could only play the free table for like 5 times a day. But a limit on high score and cutting the game before you finish is silly.
I wonder what the odds are of getting the Final Fantasy Legend games (all 3) on the 3DS VC. They're the first three SaGa games and were on the GameBoy. Talking about them in the ND thread has got me thinking about them. Would love to play them again.
We've always been up front about the game's structure. We've never promoted it as a free game, although sometimes the platform holder has done that without our input.
The game is categorized as a free full game because of technical restrictions. We can't sell add-on content in the trial version of a game, for example, so you have to have the full game before you can buy an add-on table. But we don't want to make people buy tables they don't want as part of the "full version" before they can buy the ones they do want. So we make the "full game" free but without any content included.
Woah! eShop sales on 1st party retail games? I never thought I'd see the day...OOT3D is on sale this week--30EUR until the 21st.
3DS eshop games on sale (from Nintendo Direct)
2/14 Bit Trip Saga $10
Harmo Knight for PAL?
Don't tell me its gonna be a Sakura Samurai take forever BS thing.
iirc, it was given a window for PAL when first announced for the West. It was NA which had neither release date nor window. I think they said March?
$10 bucks is a freaking steal for Bit.Trip Saga. Six games right now. And Runner1 is there too... <3
So America finally has that deal similar to EU did where when you buy a 3DS XL with LM2 or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you get either...
Freaky Forms Deluxe
Art Academy
Professor Layton Miracle Mask
Valid from March 21 - April 30th.
Its a pretty good deal for those wanting to get an XL along with LM2 or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
Does the deal work for those who already have an XL, or is it only for people who are register it, and one of those games, during the time frame?
I haven't registered my XL despite getting it in August, so I'm set, I suppose.
Now which game to redeem... I'll probably go with Art Academy.
Anyway, I'm reasonably sure that this will work retroactively for those who already registered their XLs.
Brazil, I read something about Dig Dug being $3.99. Am I crazy or that actually proceeds?
Haven't registered my XL, and will be getting Luigi's Mansion. However, already have Star Fox, Layton, and SM3DL. Don't want New Art Academy, and Freaky Forms is $20. I'm thinking it'll be better to hold onto the XL and Luigi's Mansion registration coins rather than blow 200 coins worth of stuff on Freaky Forms (which is still a ?). If there was a $40 game that I wanted and didn't already have as an option, it'd be better, but oh, well.
3DS eshop games on sale (from Nintendo Direct)
2/14 Bit Trip Saga $10
2/21 Crashmo $6
2/28 Fractured Soul $8
3/7 Sakura Samurai $5
3/14 Ketzal's Corridors $5
3/21 Mutant Mudds $6
Missed out on Sakura Samurai during that last sale...not again.