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Nintendo Downloads - February 2013

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I didn't get that far into Pushmo because I'm stupid. Isn't Crashmo even harder? :(

I was considering just picking up MMD for Wii U, but at $6 with 3D I'll biting.


That's not very nice. Its just an opinion. I was excited to buy Sakura Samurai (at launch), but the gameplay got very repetitive. I still haven't gotten past the 2nd world.

I'm just jokin' with him, we tite.

I haven't played it, but we usually share the same opinion on things so I'm probably not going to bother with it.


Mutant Mudds almost seems overpriced considering it's 0.99 USD on iOS AND that it was free for a while.
Anyways, I was hoping The Denpa Men got a discount but since it didn't I just purchased it along with Unchained Blades. I was craving some new 3DS RPGs for a while and now I do, yay! #happy3dsowner


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The only problem with Mega Man 2 is the insane-o (insanely crappy) boss rush at the end that depletes you before three fricking stages of Wiley.


How in the holy hell did amyone ever complete Mega Man without save states?!

You just need a lot of patience to replay the stages and learn boss patterns. That, and Magnet beam abuse; screw those glitched moving platforms that will sometimes send you to your doom for no reason.
While I'm ashamed to say I did use save states to give myself unlimited retries against Fire Man, Yellow Devil and the Copy Robot when I first beat the game, I then managed to beat it without using continues. The hardest boss fight for me has to be Fire Man, I just can't dodge his bullets consistently.


I have a question regarding the region locking in the 3DS regarding the eShop downloads.

Let's say I import one from the US - would I be able to access and buy stuff in the US eShop from Europe? With the use of a credit card, or eShop cards or something like that?
I'd like to take advantage of 3DS XL + Luigi = free game campaign and would buy everything on the eShop either way, so it wouldn't affect me that 3DS cards are region locked.
I have a question regarding the region locking in the 3DS regarding the eShop downloads.

Let's say I import one from the US - would I be able to access and buy stuff in the US eShop from Europe? With the use of a credit card, or eShop cards or something like that?
I'd like to take advantage of 3DS XL + Luigi = free game campaign and would buy everything on the eShop either way, so it wouldn't affect me that 3DS cards are region locked.

Yes you will have access to the US shop only.

Debit and credit cards are not blocked.


The only problem with Mega Man 2 is the insane-o (insanely crappy) boss rush at the end that depletes you before three fricking stages of Wiley.

Once you get to the boss rush, you're already past the worst part of the game which is that room full of shielded blasters which can only be killed by crash bombs. Use one bomb too many and you'll be restoring from your latest password/save state since there's no energy to spare.

At least by the time you hit the bosses you're likely to know their weaknesses and can take them down without too much fuss.


Didn't Bill say the Animal Crossing Style Savvy DLC would be available today? I don't see anything under downloads.


Is there a thread for Dillion's Rolling Western or the sequel? People complain about Nintendo's lack of new IP's and then stuff like Dillon, Sakura Samurai, and Harmoknights gets pushed aside for praising or complaining about the usual IP's.


Wow that Moke Moke game looks like it would be an awesome multiplayer title. Seems to lack onlne play though, might bite anyways since it's 2 bucks.
Mega Man one is super hard. I beat it without save states when I was in elementary school. It took such dedication and time that when I bought it again on 3DS I still had muscle memory for all the enemies and jump timings nailed.

I'm amazed though that I beat it at the tender age of 8.
Kids these days.....


Is there a thread for Dillion's Rolling Western or the sequel? People complain about Nintendo's lack of new IP's and then stuff like Dillon, Sakura Samurai, and Harmoknights gets pushed aside for praising or complaining about the usual IP's.
It's because digital downloads are not "real games" in some people's eyes. It's hilarious.

I can't wait to try the demo for Harmoknight. :)


Guys, do we know the release dates for the eShop games on Europe? I think I saw Q2 for Donkey Kong VS Mario(Btw, i think it's really good) and Feb 28 for Splash n Crash. And nothing more... The other games? HarmoKnight?! Also, after OoT 3D, do we know if other titles will follow the sales?

Oh and the DKCR3D video's 3D is the best.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Once you get to the boss rush, you're already past the worst part of the game which is that room full of shielded blasters which can only be killed by crash bombs. Use one bomb too many and you'll be restoring from your latest password/save state since there's no energy to spare.

At least by the time you hit the bosses you're likely to know their weaknesses and can take them down without too much fuss.

The walls stay blown up and there's free weapon energy at the beginning of the level. You can also farm those infinite spawn monsters on the way down.


listen to the mad man
It's because digital downloads are not "real games" in some people's eyes. It's hilarious.

There's a certain level of scope, production value, promotion, and visibility that really needs to combine for a game to break through digitally. If you look in the past on GAF, Flower, Journey, Castle Crashers, Minecraft, Tiny Tower, Braid, Trials, Limbo, and a few others have broken through. On Nintendo platforms, probably only World of Goo and maybe Pushmo have broken through. There's been a lot of very well respected games released that get high praise in here, but they never quite reach site-wide resonance.

As Nintendo's digital stuff continues approaching modernity (demos, sales, promoting releases) they'll get more exposure.

I don't think Dillon will ever really get wide exposure in part because I don't think it's a particularly good example of the genre. (It's not terrible, although as a left-handed person I admit I haven't given it as much time as I should have). But Pushmo was pretty well loved across the site and elsewhere online.

Even still, I don't think it'll end the new IP complaint any more than MS's XBLA investments end complaints about new IPs from them. Sony doesn't get as many complaints about failing to bring out new IP, but I wouldn't say many of their first-party DD offerings really end up making the lists, except Pixeljunk during the Monsters-Eden phase and the thatgamecompany stuff.
How in the holy hell did amyone ever complete Mega Man without save states?!

Got me, but I definitely did as a kid.

Actually, I have a much harder time now because the Yellow Devil is the only part that truly gives me trouble and the original had a cheap trick for killing him quickly.


It wasn't easy. :p Mega Man has that reputation for being really hard, but difficulty basically peaked at Mega Man 1. It's the only one I consider too hard.

None of the Mega Man's are cheap, Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania (NES) are though.

Memorization can get you past the bosses/stages. I've managed to beat every Mega Man as a kid and an adult. The original 6 anyways, I've yet to play 9/10 on my PS3.

Never cared to much for 7 or 8. Remind me too much of the X games...not my cup of hot chocolate.

Velcro Fly

Mega Man 1 is hard because you can't cheese it with E-tanks and the robot master gauntlet doesn't give health drops.

Mega Man 2 has arguably the hardest Wily castle of the first 6 games including the original spike gauntlet and the most annoying boss in the entire series.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'll definitely pick up Crashmo.

Is Bit Trip Saga any good?


Pretty much. It's very compressed for some reason and there are visible compression artifacts. The game will look much better.

Hmm. Fair enough if it was a streamed trailer, but if they are going to make me go to the trouble of downloading it they could have done better with it.


So more likely than not I'll be eligible for a free 3DS game (if I decide to buy LM2)

Should I get Art Academy or Starfox? I loathe Freakyforms, have Layton/wouldn't want it digital, and I've already played 3D Land to death for me to be interested in always having it on me. I already have Starfox but that's a perfect game to always have due to its pick up and play nature so a free digital version is very enticing. I've never played an Art Academy and I like to draw, but I don't really need the lessons all that badly...


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I'll definitely pick up Crashmo.

Is Bit Trip Saga any good?

I wonder this to.

Bit.Trip Saga is great. Runner alone makes the purchase worth it.

So more likely than not I'll be eligible for a free 3DS game (if I decide to buy LM2)

Should I get Art Academy or Starfox? I loathe Freakyforms, have Layton/wouldn't want it digital, and I've already played 3D Land to death for me to be interested in always having it on me. I already have Starfox but that's a perfect game to always have due to its pick up and play nature so a free digital version is very enticing. I've never played an Art Academy and I like to draw, but I don't really need the lessons all that badly...

Art Academy is boring. You can't go wrong with Star Fox 64.


Yeah it makes me second guess a little, but even if I use up those 200 coins now I'll probably still end up with Platinum next year regardless, so I'll go for the game. I kind of want Art Academy anyway.

I still can't justify it for a $20 game (i.e. Freaky Forms), but I'm trying to convince myself that it'll be worth it to get SM3DL digitally. They should be coming out with the "transfer your cartridge save to your digital version" tool soon, and I never went back through and played through all the levels again as Luigi. May be worth it to chip away at that a little at a time to have it in digital form. As far as Platinum, yeah, in the same position, so there's no *big* reason to save them for a subsequent year. Just don't like cashing in the registration coins before absolutely have to. :lol


Oh god, Bit Trip Beat + stylus = INSANE HAND CRAMPS. I seriously doubt I can even make it through an entire level. The circle pad controls are pretty bad too. Why the hell isn't there an option to control it with tilt? That's how the game was meant to be played, after all.

The collection is still worth it at $10 for Runner alone, though I did notice a few frame drops in that game even in 2D mode.


OP fully opdated. Phew!

If anyone notices anything missing, please send me a message!

Fire Emblem has two new pieces of DLC. Champions of Yore 3 and The Golden Gaffe for $2.50 each. There's also a new Golden Pack bundle for $6.00.


There's also a new Golden Pack bundle for $6.00.

Yes, I will be giving my money to Nintendo once done with Brain Age for the day. (Want to keep the average play time for FE high, so have been trying to segregate my Brain Age/Fire Emblem time into discrete periods instead of doing off and on between them. Yes, I care about my average/total gametime rankings on the 3DS. :p )

Eric C

So more likely than not I'll be eligible for a free 3DS game (if I decide to buy LM2)

Should I get Art Academy or Starfox? I loathe Freakyforms, have Layton/wouldn't want it digital, and I've already played 3D Land to death for me to be interested in always having it on me. I already have Starfox but that's a perfect game to always have due to its pick up and play nature so a free digital version is very enticing. I've never played an Art Academy and I like to draw, but I don't really need the lessons all that badly...

"Colors! 3D" is the better drawing app and is cheaper. Where Art Academy excels is in the Art lessons.

Introductory Course Lessons
Starter Lesson: Cherry - A quick and fun introduction to painting in Art Academy.
Lesson 1: Tulip - A simple still life that expands upon the basics of painting in Art Academy.
Lesson 2: Tree - An introduction to the Art Academy pencil set while drawing from nature.
Lesson 3: Melon - Still life painting. Learn about colors and building up a painting to show textures and lighting.
Lesson 4: Windmill - Landscape drawing in pencil. Learn about construction, geometric shapes, and creating form.
Lesson 5: Barley Field - Learn about composition and atmospheric perspective as you try out the pastels in Art Academy.
Lesson 6: Koi Carp - An introduction to color mixing and the concepts of gesture and movement in painting from life.
Lesson 7: Torso - Apply your knowledge of gesture and construction to the human figure in this pencil sketch.
Lesson 8: Seascape - Landscape painting that expands on the principles of atmospheric perspective and composition.

Advanced Course Lessons
Lesson 1: Peaches - Extend your knowledge of lighting, texture, and color theory in this still-life painting lesson.
Lesson 2: White-Haired Man - Learn about facial construction, form, and lighting in our first pencil portrait lesson.
Lesson 3: Archway - Pencil study that teaches the principles of one-point perspective and drawing arches.
Lesson 4: Waterfall - Learn about tonal range, contrast, and atmosphere in this forest landscape painting.
Lesson 5: Bouquet - Learn about using color contrast to determine line and form in this cheerful pastel lesson.
Lesson 6: Girl with Headscarf - Portrait in pastels. Learn about facial anatomy, proportion, and depicting volumes.
Lesson 7: Tower of London - Learn about layered composition and two-point perspective in this landscape painting.
Lesson 8: Westminster - Learn to create illumination and account for color constancy in this nighttime cityscape.

Also check out these videos

Official Trailer

5 minute overview from a Japanese Nintendo Direct

If you don't feel like you need the lessons, I'd just get Star Fox instead.


I'll definitely pick up Crashmo.

Is Bit Trip Saga any good?

Bro. Buy Bit.Trip Saga and play Runner right off the bat. That alone makes the collection a steal.

And then if you end up liking Runner1 get Runner2 which comes out on WiiU this month!


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Is there a thread for Dillion's Rolling Western or the sequel? People complain about Nintendo's lack of new IP's and then stuff like Dillon, Sakura Samurai, and Harmoknights gets pushed aside for praising or complaining about the usual IP's.

There is one over in the community section. I got the game late and the discussion was already long dead.


Any thoughts on GB colour Legend of the River King by Natsume? Worthy of a purchase when it comes out?
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