I think MasterBalls was onto their scheme. May 14 in North America, I'd wager.
Indeed, 'twas I. Once again, Europe gets royally fucked.
I think MasterBalls was onto their scheme. May 14 in North America, I'd wager.
Really? Maybe Nintendo should wait 3 more years before they release them because the 15th anniversary sound way better than the 12th.
Should travel back in time and release it in time for the tenth anniversary. AKA the 25th Anniversary of Zelda. LET'S GO ALL IN MOTHER FUCKERS.Really? Maybe Nintendo should wait 3 more years before they release them because the 15th anniversary sound way better than the 12th.
I sure hope those in charge of the release schedule have more common sense.
Anyone else really looking forward to Toki Tori 2? It's out in less than a month.
Hey everyone!
A lot of you have support questions about the Wii U version of Runner2, and we're in the process of releasing a patch for the game that will do the following:
-At the start of the game, when it asks you if you want to log in, we've added some feedback so it doesn't look like the game is hanging.
-The leaderboards will only save your highest score, as expected, instead of your most recent score, which it does now.
-If you lose your internet connection during play, we've allowed you to reconnect by going to the leaderboards menu.
-We've fixed false score reporting for in-game Rewards.
-We've fixed an issue with the level start mini-leaderboard telling you you're offline when you're actually online. It will populate this list with global scores if you don't have any friends who have played the game yet.
-We've fixed an issue in the settings menu that resets your settings every time you enter the menu.
-And last, but not least, we've tried to fix the issue that locks up the Wii U system upon powering down or quitting out of the game via the HOME Menu.
But a note on that final issue: We had never experienced this issue on our devkits, during development, so it seems that this is an issue that only occurs on retail Wii Us. This makes it super gnarly to debug. It might not even be our bug. But we have tried to fix it.
Thanks to everyone who is playing and loving the Wii U version! We truly appreciate all the positive feedback, and rest assured that we are listening to all your feedback and considering everything you say!
After all, we have made this game for you to enjoy, and we want to make sure you can enjoy the pants off of it.
<3 - Gaijin Games
Bear with me. This is not grounded in technical logic whatsoever, but read on...
I have managed to find a workaround to quitting out of Runner2 that has worked for me at home:
I pretend that when I hit the HOME Button I'm gently letting the game know that I am about to quit, then I sit there and roll my eyes a bit, pick some lint off my clothes (<-very important step), and then once I think that the game is ready to quit, I gently select "Close Software", and so far, and I'm not kidding, this has worked 100% of my tries.
Also, we have had good success by visiting the Miiverse for a little while, from the HOME Menu, and then quitting or powering down from within the Miiverse.
Let us know if either of these workarounds have given you success.
Is an 8 gig SD card pretty good for 3DS use? I wasn't sure if it was okay to go much bigger.
I played the demo on X360. I could see the charm but overall it wasn't my thing.Just bought Retro City Rampage. Pretty fun game.
It is kind of sad how this game stirred up so much interest at first, especially since it was announced for WiiWare, only to see a stealthy release on the service in the end with zero hype.
There's a demo up, but I didn't really like it very much.Fractured Soul, yay or nay? It's on sale at a decent price.
That will fade.Just bought Retro City Rampage. Pretty fun game.
I noticed something lately. On the Wii U's "Recent Best Sellers", Nintendo Land is #3. That seems odd to me. The new ZombiU bundle has a download card for Nintendo Land right? I wonder if those are what is making it climb the chart all of the sudden.
Interesting. Which region?
I noticed something lately. On the Wii U's "Recent Best Sellers", Nintendo Land is #3. That seems odd to me. The new ZombiU bundle has a download card for Nintendo Land right? I wonder if those are what is making it climb the chart all of the sudden.
Edit: North America region (USA specifically)
I liked it. Really challenging main story and near-impossible special missions. Has online leader board too! I spent the full $12 on the game and really enjoyed it.Fractured Soul, yay or nay? It's on sale at a decent price.
Best part is the Nintendo Land download code counts toward the Deluxe Digital Promotion.
5Dang really, they def shouldve had that bundle at launch, thats 10 eShop dollars I couldve had
Fractured Soul, yay or nay? It's on sale at a decent price.
I'm pretty sure the VC Trial games stop being available one their trial period is over.
I don't see what's confusing about it. It's one VC title rotated every month until the full Virtual Console launches when the rotated games will surely be added back.This is insane. What on earth is Nintendo doing? I swear their Virtual Console practices are so damn confusing.
It's confusing because there is no reason for Nintendo to take them down instead of just putting the price up when the games work well enough to be sold in the first place and they plan on putting them up again later anyway.I don't see what's confusing about it. It's one VC title rotated every month until the full Virtual Console launches when the rotated games will surely be added back.
Quick question: will 3DS cards work on the WiiU eshop?
They just want to launch it properly with a full launch lineup, having just one shitty overpriced game in the VC eshop category would just look bad for the average customers.It's confusing because there is no reason for Nintendo to take them down instead of just putting the price up when the games work well enough to be sold in the first place and they plan on putting them up again later anyway.
Can someone answer this for me - I got a Wii U and my Classic Controller is at my Mum's house (miles away, so won't be able to retrieve for a long time) but I do have a SNES Classic Controller. What Virtual Console games works with the SNES controller? I guess all SNES must and I assume NES will and N64 won't, but what about Mega Drive, PC Engine, Master System and Neo Geo etc? Thanks
I wasn't aware of this one eitherFirst time hearing S&S is coming to 3DS. Is it just a port of the WiiWare game or is it more of a sequel?
Oh, and they're also releasing Gunman Clive in Japan. Yay for beril!
Thanks for this. Metal Slug be mine!Anything that doesn't use the analog sticks should work. So everything on Virtual Console except N64 games.
Did they ever fix the bug in Gunman Clive that locked up the game at a certain point when running in 3D mode?
Witch and Hero looks neat and hopefully the port of Swords and Soldiers is good.Well, if any was worried about 3DS eShop support for this year (which you shouldn't; it's got Go Go Kokopolo 3D, Shantae 3, Mighty Switch Force 2, Yatagarasu, Guxt, etc.), Circle Entertainment's got you covered:
Oh, and they're also releasing Gunman Clive in Japan. Yay for beril!
Witch and Hero looks neat and hopefully the port of Swords and Soldiers is good.