Thanks! Reading more about it, I will get it.
Here's a thread I made about the very similar and also excellent GBC Mario Tennis:
Thanks! Reading more about it, I will get it.
It's hanging out with Ridge Racer, Ace Combat, Tekken and Pacman & Galaga.MGS 3D on the eShop too?
Tales of the Abyss, where are you?![]()
This week, in Europe
Wii U
Luv Me Buddies Wonderland 29.90 / £24.90
I'm getting these. Is that 9.99 for each, or for both?
do we know this?
btw. GAF help me please:
I'm planning to download ACIV cnsidering its new price. is it good? I'm planning to play it ASAP when I'll be alone at home (without wife nor kid, at the seaside)
but I'm also looking for an eshop game. considering that I'm looking for a
offtv game
good for short play session, but still story-driven
not too hard in terms of difficulty
would be better to download:
child of light
how to survive
Ah, it's the next mega hit from the publisher of Fit Music. I guess the retail release for this got cancelled or something. Just like Fit Music!
Searched but didn't see it referenced, sorry if old, but there's an Ubisoft 3DS sale going on in the U.S.
$7.50 each for:
- Rayman Origins
- Ghost Recon Shadow Wars
- Splinter Cell 3D
- Rabbids Travel in Time 3D
- Rayman 3D
- Petz Fantasy 3D (!!!)
those ubi summer sales are also for wiiu games. do we know if they will be also in PAL?
If you own a WiiU, and you haven't downloaded Scram Kitty, you really should consider doing so.
I'm having way too much fun with the game right now. The mechanics feel really good, the objectives never get old, the soundtrack is great, and the level design is killer.
I got tired of Scram Kitty after about an hour or two. Some of the levels felt too cheap and frustrating.
What felt cheap to you? I can definitely empathize; I was very frustrated with some parts early on but when I learned tips on Miiverse and GAF, like that full health will give you a much bigger jump, I started to enjoy it a lot more.
I'm gonna be borrowing a friends 3DS long term to play a few games because I'm dry on Vita JRPG's. Buying Bravely Default and Shin Megami Tensei 4 tomorrow. I'm interested in Attack of the Friday Monster and Pushmo. I have an extreme disdain for anything Mario. I'm gonna get Fire Emblem Awakening and Persona Q after I'm done with both of the first games because they'll drop in price by the time I'm done with BD and SMT4. What are the 3DS's top tier recommendations that don't have Mario in them? Preferably JRPG's and if not that, anything I can get for sub-$20. Yeah yeah I'm getting Pokémon Ruby too. Maybe some VC games. Gotta check out the Zelda games too. Maybe at a later date even though 2-D Zelda games are a weakness of mine.
All physically of course. If I'm gonna own games without a console, I want something to show for it.
You can't go wrong with any of these: Zelda A Link Between Worlds, Soul Hackers, Etrian Odyssey 4 and/or EO Untold. Rune Factory 4 is very good. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is good if you like roguelikes. Monster Hunter 3G is very good and some people consider it and RPG, so check that out if you haven't already. Not exactly RPGs but Kid Icarus Uprising, Animal Crossing, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Luigi's Mansion 2 are amazing games. Plus the ones you already mentioned, which are very good choices.I'm gonna be borrowing a friends 3DS long term to play a few games because I'm dry on Vita JRPG's. Buying Bravely Default and Shin Megami Tensei 4 tomorrow. I'm interested in Attack of the Friday Monster and Pushmo. I have an extreme disdain for anything Mario. I'm gonna get Fire Emblem Awakening and Persona Q after I'm done with both of the first games because they'll drop in price by the time I'm done with BD and SMT4. What are the 3DS's top tier recommendations that don't have Mario in them? Preferably JRPG's and if not that, anything I can get for sub-$20. Yeah yeah I'm getting Pokémon Ruby too. Maybe some VC games. Gotta check out the Zelda games too. Maybe at a later date even though 2-D Zelda games are a weakness of mine.
Well, Pushmo and Attack of the Friday Monsters are digital, as are all VC titles, of course. If you're open to get those digitally, then you also want Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies and Crimson Shroud. They're ace. The Denpa Ningen games are decent RPGs and the Picross games are excellent puzzles.All physically of course. If I'm gonna own games without a console, I want something to show for it.
- The Smurfs 2 (!!!) - $20
Apparently Persona Q is an Etrian Odyssey style game. It has Shoji Meguro music so if the gameplay doesn't capture me, the story and music will.Etrian Odyssey games are great, though probably try one of the demos first. They're not really big plot games so if that's why you're into JRPGs they may not be for you, but absolutely love the series.
This is good. This is very good. Lots of stuff. I'm saving this post.You can't go wrong with any of these: Zelda A Link Between Worlds, Soul Hackers, Etrian Odyssey 4 and/or EO Untold. Rune Factory 4 is very good. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is good if you like roguelikes. Monster Hunter 3G is very good and some people consider it and RPG, so check that out if you haven't already. Not exactly RPGs but Kid Icarus Uprising, Animal Crossing, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and Luigi's Mansion 2 are amazing games. Plus the ones you already mentioned, which are very good choices.
There are other games that you can probably get for cheap now and you might want to check out. Maybe you'll like Code of Princess, Virtue's Last Reward and Project X Zone. Resident Evil Revelations is pretty good and is on sale (I think?) on the eShop for like $10. There's also stuff like Star Fox 64, Ocarina of Time and Donkey Kong Country Returns, if you haven't played them before. It's a shame that you have a "no Marios allowed" rule 'cause that means you're missing out on some of the best games on the 3DS, including an amazing RPG, Mario & Luigi 4.
Well, Pushmo and Attack of the Friday Monsters are digital, as are all VC titles, of course. If you're open to get those digitally, then you also want Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies and Crimson Shroud. They're ace. The Denpa Ningen games are decent RPGs and the Picross games are excellent puzzles.
Don't redeem extra Mario Kart 8 codes, kids.
You might have your Club Nintendo account shut down.
Is that what happened?
Kid Icarus, no.
Apparently Persona Q is an Etrian Odyssey style game. It has Shoji Meguro music so if the gameplay doesn't capture me, the story and music will.
This is good. This is very good. Lots of stuff. I'm saving this post.
I'll give Paper Mario a looksie though.
Zelda, 2D only
Oh, man, you missed out on the DS? There's a LOT of RPGs for DS that you I think you would like. It's the RPG Paradise. What's more, you can play all of them on 3DS and most of them should be somewhat cheap by now, I imagine. I can give some recommendations if you haven't played them and are interested.And now, for The Tear aka why I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the GBA.
I know what you mean, I have a hard time affording games and have to rely on lending games among friends most of the time and that's impossible with digital. But there're some very good digital only games on 3DS. Since you like RPG, check out Crimson Shroud. It's like a traditional table-top RPG, with RPG battles, lots of loot and equipment and a strong emphasis on story, like is to be expected of a game by Yasumi Matsuno. The music is excellent too. It's a very stylized game but very much worth checking out.But yeah, I'm not adverse to digital titles. I just won't be buying anything I can get from retail off the E-Shop.
Don't tell me that this is what people are doing. Buy MK8, sell code on eBay for £13 (or whatever the going rate is), contact NOE telling them code did not come with MK8, sell code on eBay for £13. Sell MK8 for ??? on eBay. Profit.Nah, I'm all good. I think because I have so many games registered.
Apparently a lot of codes out there doing the rounds are flagged as stolen.
sörine;117839786 said:It's hanging out with Ridge Racer, Ace Combat, Tekken and Pacman & Galaga.
I just remember one level with narrow passages and that stupid enemy that pops up in certain spots that gives you a kitty for killing him in each level. I couldn't get to a spot to shoot him and kept dying and became very frustrated. I've probably beaten at least 10 levels so far but it just doesn't seem to be my cup of tea.
Don't tell me that this is what people are doing. Buy MK8, sell code on eBay for £13 (or whatever the going rate is), contact NOE telling them code did not come with MK8, sell code on eBay for £13. Sell MK8 for ??? on eBay. Profit.
I still have a few more to register (I'll do it by the end of July, no rush as I won't play the games until September) and I don't think proof of purchase would help my Club Nintendo standing (as it may be seen as an admission to violating more than 1 account per person).
Is it getting enough power?Oh man, it took like half a day to move around all the files from my external HDD so I could use it on my Wii U and now it won't recognize it.
Is it getting enough power?
If it's a bus-powered USB drive, you may need a USB Y-cable in order to give it power from both ports.Probably not. It runs but it's making some weird clicky sounds when I hook it up to the Wii U. Doesn't happen when I use it on my PC though.
yea that sounds like what happens when a hard drive isn't getting enough powerProbably not. It runs but it's making some weird clicky sounds when I hook it up to the Wii U. Doesn't happen when I use it on my PC though.
If it's a bus-powered USB drive, you may need a USB Y-cable in order to give it power from both ports.
yea that sounds like what happens when a hard drive isn't getting enough power
That's a bummer. I wasn't aware that you need a HDD with dedicated power source or use Y-cables. I hear that this Toshiba drive works with only one bus but I'm not sure...
edit: to be clear, I want to avoid y-cables because I might need a LAN adapter in the future.
That's a bummer. I wasn't aware that you need a HDD with dedicated power source or use Y-cables. I hear that this Toshiba drive works with only one bus but I'm not sure...
edit: to be clear, I want to avoid y-cables because I might need a LAN adapter in the future.
You could use a Y cable in the front ports for the HDD and use the ports on the back for LAN, no?
There's a pretty simple test to know whether a HDD can work with just one USB port. Is it USB 3.0? If yes, then you need a Y cable, doesn't matter the model or the constructor.
I'm sure you can find an adapter to plug in a USB drive on a power outlet (like you plug in the USB port in the adapter that you plug in your power outselt).
There's some eShop mainentenance happening next week.
I'd love to believe this was for the infamous web eShop #BELIEVE
Shinobi's a weird one since Sega's been relatively good about putting out their back catalog on the eShop. It's their only non-licensed game not on there I think?And Shinobi![]()
Super Monkey Ball only came out a few months ago.sörine;118020032 said:Shinobi's a weird one since Sega's been relatively good about putting out their back catalog on the eShop. It's their only non-licensed game not on there I think?
True, but that'd look ugly!
I found a video where some dude uses the 500gb model and apparently it works.
What to do what to do...
I have an old USB 2.0 500 gb external hd from Buffalo and it doesn't work without a y-cable. It makes that clicking noise.