Apparently Persona Q is an Etrian Odyssey style game. It has Shoji Meguro music so if the gameplay doesn't capture me, the story and music will.
This is good. This is very good. Lots of stuff. I'm saving this post.
If it's Dream Team I'm missing I'm not (personally) missing much. I'll give Paper Mario a looksie though. That's about all Mario gets from me though. I'll put some research into Soul Hackers. Retro 90's JRPG Port? I'll look at it. Maybe if I'm bored one day. EO, I'll get Persona Q. Rune Factory, too expensive right now. I had no idea Pokémon Mystery Dungeon was a rougelike, I'm interested. I completely forgot about Theatrythem, I was so hyped for that a couple of years ago and Gamestop says $20-ish used. Unfortunately, I never liked Monster Hunter and I never liked any MonHun clones. VN either. I don't appreciate VLR on Vita which leads me to believe VN are a dead end for me.
And now, for The Tear aka why I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the GBA. Anything with Mario in it, no. Star Fox, no. Kid Icarus, no. Donkey Kong, no. Animal Crossing, no. Luigis Mansion, no. Zelda, 2D only. I've never played a Phoenix Wright game so I'll just give this one a shot. The same with Professor Layton. If I like both I'll get the Wright x Layton cross-over.
But yeah, I'm not adverse to digital titles. I just won't be buying anything I can get from retail off the E-Shop. It's gonna be a goddamn hunt getting a lot of those physically though. I'll be calling Gamestops once a month. Hell, I might spend more on gas trying to get a lower used price than if I just ordered it new from Amazon or something.