M MrSardonic The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland May 9, 2006 #1,802 fuck 2 versions of Zelda!
J jgkspsx Member May 9, 2006 #1,810 Yeah, yeah, best Zelda ever, etc. But the orchestra game is real! It's my killer app!
F Flipmo23 Member May 9, 2006 #1,811 2 different versions of Zelda.... O man, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption!
G ghostmind Member May 9, 2006 #1,812 Now that's how you a demo a game, rather than the Sony Amateur Hour...
L LakeEarth Member May 9, 2006 #1,813 Oh, it isn't GC/Wii compatible, you gotta buy one version over the other.
A Aurora Member May 9, 2006 #1,816 Confirmed two Zelda versions: GC and Wii both released on the same day. MP3: Corruption looks stunning. Super Mario Galaxy set in space :lol awesome.
Confirmed two Zelda versions: GC and Wii both released on the same day. MP3: Corruption looks stunning. Super Mario Galaxy set in space :lol awesome.
P pxleyes Banned May 9, 2006 #1,820 HOLY SHIT 2 Zeldas 2 motion sensors Galaxy MP3 with 2 motion sensors. WOW
D Do The Mario Unconfirmed Member May 9, 2006 #1,823 hahaaha no love for the beer joke! Zelda for GC and wii on the same day!
T tracky_dacks Member May 9, 2006 #1,825 Two versions of Zelda? Gamecube version = the 'tard version?
I IJoel Member May 9, 2006 #1,830 Am I the only one underwhelmed? Mario looks great... but I guess it doesn't look that 'different' as I was expecting.
Am I the only one underwhelmed? Mario looks great... but I guess it doesn't look that 'different' as I was expecting.
P Pellham Banned May 9, 2006 #1,834 I hope the DQ game will be a real, in-depth game, and not be anything like that silly gimmick tv-sword thing that Enix released a while back. And damnit pics/screengrabs of Fire Emblem NOW! I'm at work and can't view streaming video.
I hope the DQ game will be a real, in-depth game, and not be anything like that silly gimmick tv-sword thing that Enix released a while back. And damnit pics/screengrabs of Fire Emblem NOW! I'm at work and can't view streaming video.
M methodman Banned May 9, 2006 #1,837 Saoh said: 2 versions of zelda? WHY? Click to expand... Why not?
P psycho_snake I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff May 9, 2006 #1,838 Just as I thought, 2 different versions. Nintendo you rock! Why do some people look disappointed?
T Tenacious-V Thinks his PR is better than yours. May 9, 2006 #1,839 "Isn't it just fun to bash things?" :lol :lol
P Polari Member May 9, 2006 #1,849 Saoh said: 2 versions of zelda? WHY? Click to expand... It makes sense.
B bluemax Banned May 9, 2006 #1,850 Mario Galaxy looks trippy as hell but I love it! Ooh show me new IPs Reggie! Excite truck, intriguing. Project Hammer looks fun. Disaster? Didn't natural disaster stuff get played out awhile ago?
Mario Galaxy looks trippy as hell but I love it! Ooh show me new IPs Reggie! Excite truck, intriguing. Project Hammer looks fun. Disaster? Didn't natural disaster stuff get played out awhile ago?