I hope Wii U sells a boatload... great games on the system now.
Great sales hopefully means 3rd parties will pick up support.
Great sales hopefully means 3rd parties will pick up support.
Oh jeez that #3 spot.
I remember Gamestop's website showing the Wii U above the Xbox One during a previous month; I remember seeing it but I don't remember how long the system stayed in that position. (I never put much weight into what GameStop's website showed due to that reason alone haha).
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze doing better than Call of Duty on the 360? Ehhh...
Great sales hopefully means 3rd parties will pick up support.
Isn't a tripling of sales in the weeks before BF quite rare? I know that they weren't a tripling of baseline sales, but still.
I remember Gamestop's website showing the Wii U above the Xbox One during a previous month; I remember seeing it but I don't remember how long the system stayed in that position. (I never put much weight into what GameStop's website showed due to that reason alone haha).
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze doing better than Call of Duty on the 360? Ehhh...
I doubt it was any long lenth of time. These rankings are not perfect obviously. That's why I use all 3 and watch if they're consistent with each other over the course of a month.
The point isn't the ranking at a certain time, but across the whole month.
The relevant information is in the "movie", not the "snapshot", if you will.
This might be a stupid question, but i''m not American so I haven't a clue:
Is Amazon as relevant around Black Friday as it is the rest of the year? I had always imagined BF as being a go to the actual shop kind of thing, and not as much a order it online thing.
Can we look back at Amazon rankings for 2013/2012 and compare those with NPD rankings, or do they not go that far back?
Unless I have the wrong settings, it looks like Gamestop's website is showing the Wii U Mario bundle above the AC Unity XB1 bundle.:,134f-6
Yes, definitely. That's why I mentioned I didn't know how long it stayed in that position.
Unless I have the wrong settings, it looks like Gamestop's website is showing the Wii U Mario bundle above the AC Unity XB1 bundle.:,134f-6
Yes, definitely. That's why I mentioned I didn't know how long it stayed in that position.
I've never heard of Infoscout before....
"Xbox One beats PS4 on Black Friday, according to market-research firm":
360 --> 30% share ar Wal-Mart? How is this possible?I've never heard of Infoscout before....
"Xbox One beats PS4 on Black Friday, according to market-research firm":
360 --> 30% share ar Wal-Mart? How is this possible?
Edit: lol is last year
That's not real data I think. More like estimates.
I've never heard of Infoscout before....
"Xbox One beats PS4 on Black Friday, according to market-research firm":
To get this data, InfoScout uses two smartphone apps that reward consumers for uploading their purchases by taking pictures of their receipts. The intelligence firm tracks over 200,000 shoppers, and it gets more than 125,000 receipts on an average day. On Black Friday, consumers uploaded more than 182,000 receipts, which helped InfoScout declare Xbox One the Black Friday winner.
I've never heard of Infoscout before....
"Xbox One beats PS4 on Black Friday, according to market-research firm":
Very interesting. Last November was a big month as a whole due to the new console launches. That's a big difference between the Xbox One and the PS4 there but maybe it was a preview of December due to those stats being so close to the start of the month?
But yeah, like I said, I never heard of Infoscout before. Posted it here to get more info on them.
So they were spot on last year?
Even taking into account December, the gap between XB1S4 wasn't 50%.
True but that chart is simply based on Black Friday. I'm wondering if late November was when PS4 supply began to not meet demand; Pretty much a poplar fact here that Xbox One beat PS4 in December due to stock.
What's a popular fact? Ps4 outsold it in November and every month since December. I'd say it's just a fact.
[360] 221k
[3DS] 311k
[PS3] 113k
[PS4] 1322k
[WIU] 410k
[XB1] 1244k
This is mostly based on a mix of anecdotal evidence from friends throughout the month along with reports from college roommates currently working in retail chains saying that GTAV PS4 bundle stock was ~30% more than XB1 AC:U bundle for the month of November. So since both bundles sold out mostly everywhere I give a slight edge to PS4 this month. Granted I will be updating as more retailer impressions and PR come out. Honestly this month is a really tough one to call and I could see it go either way.
I read from different GAF forum dwellers that piles upon piles of the LOU-GTA5 bundles were left untouched. Maybe the pace at which they have been disappearing pales in comparison to that of their rival's bundles?
Nope. It was in 2010, where 360 sold 1374K and PS3 sold 530K (a 844K gap).
2010 > 2011 > 2012 > 2008 > 2006 > 2007 > 2013 > 2009
If you're talking about the retail musings thread I take that with copious grains of salt. I prefer to go off of impressions from college friends all across the country and nearly every one if them said both bundles were sold out everywhere except for Target for some reason. Apparently a handful of GTAV bundles are still hanging around at some Target stores. No idea why Target would be any different than BestBuy or WalMart but it would seem it is.
Does anyone know the largest gap between the PS3 and 360 in november just for historical context?
Was it 700k in 2012?
Didn't Target have the $50 store credit on top of the $329 console bundle? Could explain why there are still some PS4s left.
Oh did it? Yea that might explain why if that's true. Can anyone else confirm that?
I have no idea, but...
If the opposite, I have no idea what more they can do.
At that point they might not get it then either.Nothing. They are done till Halo 5 releases.
I have to say, its interesting that almost all the seasoned vets of these threads put the Xbox win at less than 150k.
Some Black Friday PR can put a light on sales for this month.
Can anyone say if 3DS 137k and PS3 43k for october is accurate? Will help my predictions.
[360] 63k
[3DS] 150k
[PS3] 35k
[PS4] 299k
[WIU] 75k
[XB1] 179k
Think not too highly of any one prediction. See last year's results.