Road please why do we have all of next-gen consoles in common![]()
Y'all a bunch of pessimists.
Road please why do we have all of next-gen consoles in common![]()
Y'all a bunch of pessimists.![]()
[PS4] 940K
Thats all I have.
Almost exactly this:
Taking the 242 for the WiiU from the OP as baseline you end up with:
Δ = 387.2
Uhmm, has Kagari been banned too? She did threw the same numbers around Cboat did.
If getting deceived by cboat was bannable, the NPD thread would be a graveyard.
Looks like Chartz did better than a lot of people :lol
lol same here. had MS and sony at 1200k and 950k before i changed it. oh well.The new humble MS screwed up my prediction big time![]()
Looks like Chartz did better than a lot of people :lol
Kagari just tweeted Xbone won by 10k only... I'm guessing joke tweet?
I should have gone with this .. damn.Even then I think it will be higher than the average.I'm thinking Chartz + Pachter, divide by 2.
Getting around 1100 and 830.
Sorry for bumping but just wondering when donny will tabulate the results?
I should have gone with this .. damn.
lolGot too caught up in the excitement that X1 didn't win by much.
I had it near 260k originally, but after seeing others (a lot of them) put it over 300k, I let that get the better of me.Month after month virtually everyone overestimates the Wii U. Hopefully after this month people have finally learned. It's ridiculous we saw this kind of optimism of a turnaround after last year, there were serious posts in the NPD thread about people only NOW accepting that the Wii U wouldn't surpass the Gamecube. After this month, even my prediction of 15 million is probably impossible even with potential aggressive price drops/bundling/special editions speculation taken into account. As a matter of fact, isn't it actually down by a few thousand units year over year for the quarter when you look at October sales coupled with November? I know it's slightly up for November but was down n October.
Edit: Maybe not down in October?
Month after month virtually everyone overestimates the Wii U. Hopefully after this month people have finally learned. It's ridiculous we saw this kind of optimism of a turnaround after last year, there were serious posts in the NPD thread about people only NOW accepting that the Wii U wouldn't surpass the Gamecube. After this month, even my prediction of 15 million is probably impossible even with potential aggressive price drops/bundling/special editions speculation taken into account. As a matter of fact, isn't it actually down by a few thousand units year over year for the quarter when you look at October sales coupled with November? I know it's slightly up for November but was down n October.
Edit: Maybe not down in October?
Month after month virtually everyone overestimates the Wii U.
If getting deceived by cboat was bannable, the NPD thread would be a graveyard.
Sorry for the bump, any update Donny12? I think all the numbers have been revealed in the NPD thread![]()
Closer on dead PS3 than the other two top 3 from last month. Neato.
No one gets ordering bonus though because damn U.
Everything aside from XBO wasn't bad given the bigger numbers this month. But that XBO surprise.
Well, not precisely. We have good enough ranges, though.
I can't go too overboard too quickly...GfK is watching me...
Sorry for the bump, any update Donny12? I think all the numbers have been revealed in the NPD thread![]()
breathingintensifies.gifJust hadn't been on GAF in 2 days. Saw the PS3 update, so calculating now.![]()
November 2014 Overall 2014 Top (9/11)
01. Kill3r7 109.60 allan-bh 880.75
02. Jomjom 106.88 shinra-bansho 864.47
03. CosmicQueso 103.92 Road 840.02
04. archnemesis 100.30 theprodigy 838.20
05. big_z 95.75 Gbpackers31 837.39
06. GifGafIsTheBestGaf 95.67 doicare 837.28
07. Isurus 95.55 archnemesis 831.48
08. Sweep14 95.31 vinnygambini 828.69
09. Final Verdict 94.72 Graphics Horse 823.51
10. Bitch Pudding 93.13 donny2112 817.75
11. Skii 93.05 MasterSheen 816.79
12. Fox_Mulder 91.43 SwiftDeath 814.52
13. HocusPocus 91.13 Elios83 813.17
14. noobie 90.73 prag16 813.00
15. TomShoe 90.64 Loris146 812.99
16. Cornbread78 90.34 jvm 810.74
17. doicare 90.18 Bruno MB 810.61
18. Gbpackers31 90.04 ascii42 809.93
19. SmartWaffles 90.02 Canis lupus 808.15
20. theprodigy 90.02 BlackBuzzard 806.99
21. Hammer24 89.81 bakman21 803.61 * Aquamarine 804.16
22. Jamix012 89.61 andy_lhc 803.21
23. Lexxus 89.53 1st Course 799.51
24. Fitzy 88.90 BuzzJive 798.25
25. Asd202 88.75 RamzaIsCool 797.72
26. Bruno MB 88.70 Bgamer90 796.49
27. mejin 88.60 Randolph Freelander 796.41
28. Welfare 88.60 Lexxus 795.60
29. Trust me, I'm a PhD 88.42 Maxxan 792.92
30. andy_lhc 88.30 Hammer24 790.48
31. Brew124 88.05 pitseleh 787.56
32. allan-bh 88.02 noobie 786.50
33. RamzaIsCool 88.02 confuziz 786.25
34. tearsintherain 87.98 michaelius 785.06
35. Pillville 87.90 Chobel 784.83
36. VGC 87.86 skedar897 781.25
37. Road 87.84 Zero-Crescent 780.79
38. shinra-bansho 87.37 CorporateClown 774.83
39. Radec 87.05 astrogamer 774.57
40. funkystudent 86.62 travisbickle 768.03
41. Aquamarine 86.50 Jamix012 767.95
42. hepburn3d 86.48 DrWong 758.42
43. KenPokesBarbie 85.88 Aquamarine 754.03
44. Miles X 85.85 Duxxy3 749.03
45. Patapwn 85.57 gtj1092 748.62
46. Larogue 85.50 Welfare 746.96
47. wachie 85.22 Ty4on 742.58
48. Pop-O-Matic 85.09 sacrificengineer 739.43
49. Elios83 85.07 Megadragon15 736.90
50. Frag Waffles 84.86 mejin 729.32
What numbers did you use for Wii U and PS3 donny?
166. Chobel - 1,009,000
8 predictions had the ordering correct.
Quoting my post for the full-year predictions from this thread. Oh dear.[3DS] 3350K
[PS4] 3200K
[XB1] 2700K
[PS3] 1100K
[360] 1001K
[WIU] 1000K