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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007



Wow, completely blown away by the PS3 numbers. I would have never guessed they would be that low. It's also good to see the lack of damage control in this thread. People are starting to realize there is no shortage, but that maybe the $6-****ing-hundred price tag has something to do with it.

GhaleonEB said:
"continues to build"? Sales DROPPED 35% on a weekly basis from last month! :lol :lol :lol :lol
No, consumer enthusiasm continues to build. Can't you feel it?!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.
Oh wow. :lol I wonder what they'll say when they get below 33% :lol


GhaleonEB said:
I think this is lost at some people. Can we post LTDs for the hardware?

Post #338 (US ONLY --- WW is a different matter for obvious reasons)

Xbox 360 hw
2005: 607.000
2006: 3.897.000
2007: 522.000
tot: 5.026.000

WII hw
2006: 1.080.000
2007: 771.000
tot: 1.851.000

PS3 hw
2006: 688.000
2007: 371.000
tot: 1.059.000

~31 months until Nintendo becomes overlords in the US -- as long as they stay 100k above 360. holiday spikes are the only thing which can shorten the 31 month thing... and that's too difficult to predict.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
_leech_ said:
I never said it would, but it is positive press. Like I said, we'll see.

It's positive press for you, the hardcore gamer. For the 99% of people that don't know what GDC is, the price is still the barrier.


DoctorWho said:
I can't believe they used the "short month" excuse. Other than that they are right about the Playstation brand doing well.

The Playstation brand is being TROUNCED in the two places where it matters. In essence the Playstation brand doesn't mean shit to people picking up handhelds, nor does it mean shit (for now) in the next-gen market. SNES sold okay against the Saturn/PS1 for a while too..


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Mike Works said:

i've got the photoshop template saved, so it'll be easy to change the numbers/info each month on the scoreboard

You have DS where wii goes, and it's February, not march. GET TO CHANGING!


Is Sony's official response for real? Last month, I said

"Sony's sales are not bad for a system that cost $200 more, has less exclusives (so far), and worse graphics (so far) than a 360. MS's lead is far from safe if they can only manage to sell 50,000 more at a time when Sony is at its weakest. Once games like MGS4 start coming out for the PS3, it'll be much harder to keep Sony at bay. Now it's probably the best time for a 360 price cut if MS wants to win as definitively as Sony did w/ the PS2.

WII's numbers are great but I don't think Sony/MS need to worry. The high amount of 360s/PS3s that are still being sold shows that Nintendo is not really directly competing with them."

and some thought that I was spinning for Sony. Keep in mind that I made my statement when the PS3 was selling twice as many.

People should look at Sony's official response to see a true example of what spinning is. Sony just looks plain delusional when they're trying to spin 100,000 sales of PS3 this month into positive news. It's the equivalent of trying to pass off Killzone 2 bullshots as real time footage. They're better off remaining quiet, IMO.

I never thought that it would happen but now I'm almost certain that there'll be at least a $50 price cut on the PS3 by the end of this year. Brand loyalty simply doesn't carry enough weight when a $600 console is being sold.


force push the doodoo rock
GhaleonEB said:
I think this is lost at some people. Can we post LTDs for the hardware?

If you take worldwide, the Wii will have taken over 360 by the end of the year.


Wiitard said:
Yes, you are right, 360 attach rate is by far the best thing HD gaming has going for it right now. There are several questions about it in the longer run, though:

1) First the really giant one: what happens to the buying habits of a 360 gamer getting a Wii?

2) Are the new 360 buyers having a similar attach rate as the older owners?

3) Will used games really start eating into it in a significant way in a year or so?

1). Not much. 'Wii60" owners will be very much like PS2 owners. The big games hyped games(Your Halos, GTAs, Rainbow Sixes, REs etc..) will continue to sell well, where as the smaller and niche game will still see decent sales on the Wii.

2. Seeing the sales of games like Crackdown and Gears I would assume so

3. Wii games are always a variable but early adopters will always drive sales in the short term, with late comers probably splitting 50/50 between buying new or used.. Buts been like that for the past couple of generations.


schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Coming off the heels of GDC, there is much enthusiasm for upcoming games and services for PS3. With the announcement of 'HOME' and 'LittleBigPlanet' and the recent release of the much-anticipated 'MotorStorm,' consumer enthusiasm for PS3 continues to build. Excitement for PS2 also remains incredibility strong, helped by the release of 'God of War II' earlier this week, which sold-in more than 1 million units at retail. It was also announced recently that the 'God of War' franchise would soon be heading to PSP."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Seriously, golden.
Bulla564 said:
From this thread I see that a lot of gamers are emotionally invested in seeing Sony sell low.

I wonder why.

Well in my case because I never wanted $600 game systems to become standard. Thankfully Sony is making sure it won't happen again.
schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

So citing the 'Playstation' brand, they are matching up all three of their consoles together against every other single console seperately because they don't share the same 'brand'? Am I reading this correctly? Edit: I did read this incorrectly. But still using this revenue and claiming victory with 3 viable consoles is :lol.
Wow I am surprised, by how many consoles were sold. Thats a lot. Especially for Feb. i didn't think there was room for so many formats to be in this race. Looks like the DS has finally got into full swing in the US, so they are around 1.5 years late. Just in time for Nintendo to show there Pokemans (bombs). I reckon, Sony, should just stop PS3 production, and carry on concentrating on the PS2, make a new target 200 mill, for PS2. It seems to be doing better than PS3 everywhere. That way they'd probably save a lot of money. So this shows that Japan and US are getting around equal number of Wii's.


Sony needs to hold onto some exclusives as well. I have a 360, but was still really excited about getting a PS3 in the future because of exclusives like Mercs 2 and Assassins Creed...and we know how that turned out. I'm sure some time in the future there will be a lot of great exclsuive software to make the system worthwhile, but right now, no real reason for me, considering my tastes, to get a PS3 any time soon


sp0rsk said:
If you take worldwide, the Wii will have taken over 360 by the end of the year.
I realize this, but we're talking NPD, so that's the US. (I did reference Japan earlier, but that was in response to someone else doing the same.)

WW is a very different picture.

Can we post LTD estimates for the US hardware?


kevm3 said:
No great exclusive games on the horizon + high price tag. What did Sony expect? Is there even anything good coming out for PS3 next month that isn't on 360?

The GAMES Sony... Where are the GAMES?

Cannot stress this enough. It's been a while since I last complained about this. There is so much to say but imo it's not like the price tag is too high per se. Sure, it's high, but it becomes too high when one considers the overall scenario. For 600 hundred dollars (euros in Europe, which is even more) Sony is offering a system technically comparable to its cheaper competitor, so no visible advantages on the technical front. Also, the number of exlusive is dreadfully low, and nothing can be seen even from Japan in the near future. Let's add the incredibly arrogant attitude to first bullshit the world with "target renders" just to let YEARS pass without anything significant being shown. They have just gone by with vague hints and broken promises regarding specs, features, games, release dates etc. A total mess which only the most hardcore Sony loyalist could endure without feeling some skepticism. That's the problem.
In my humble opinion what is killing PS3 is not price in itself, it's the fact that Sony has gradually make people lose enthusiasm surrounding this console. More than "Sheesh, the price is too much", I think lots of people, including myself, are thinking "What the **** should I pay so much money for NOW? I'll just wait for something actually exciting to do with this and hang on/buy a 360 or Wii in the meantime". But since 360 gets most of the software, PS3 can basically wait. So, what Sony really needs is to ignite excitement, the sort of excitement only games can start, the sort of excitement we all felt at the sight of Little Big Planet and we all feel at the thought of an imaginary Wipeout and God od war on PS3. Sony had better show the damn games, fight for exlusives and stop the bullshit or be content to have a Blu-ray player which can occasionally be used to play some first party games.
In fact, as a game console this thing finds itself in an extremely dangerous situation. Sony has injected huge investments not only into hardware, but software development as well. They have to recoup them in the long run. A 200 hundred dollars price cut, beside the huge image problem that would generate, could be fatal financially... and even then sales boost is not guaranteed to be that significant since PS3 would just place itself as an equal alternative to 360, which has virtually the same library of third party games and a much wider userbase. Maybe Sony considers this a success in light of Blu-ray adoption, who knows.


Someone should recreate one of those PS3 commercials.

Picture this.

An empty white room. A slick Playstation 3 is the center of attention.

As is typical of these commercials, the wall bursts open to reveal a wrecking ball. The room collapses.

This time, a REAL baby rather than a doll begins to cry.

Cue the logo (of another console).


The Autumn Wind
Bulla564 said:
From this thread I see that a lot of gamers are emotionally invested in seeing Sony sell low.

I wonder why.
Because it completely destroys the precedent of charging $600 for a console because they felt the need to force their new format on us. Some of us just want to play games, you know.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Oh my at these numbers!

Wii's sales are simply unexplainable to me - good job Nintendo...

360: Great sales, excepted increase over last year seeing as there's no supply constraint this time around... nice...

PS3: Well, well ummmm... it sold close to half of the 360's amount with no supply problems... I didn't expect high numbers seeing as it's still $599, but seeing it in numbers as cold hard facts is just, wow.

schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Coming off the heels of GDC, there is much enthusiasm for upcoming games and services for PS3. With the announcement of 'HOME' and 'LittleBigPlanet' and the recent release of the much-anticipated 'MotorStorm,' consumer enthusiasm for PS3 continues to build. Excitement for PS2 also remains incredibility strong, helped by the release of 'God of War II' earlier this week, which sold-in more than 1 million units at retail. It was also announced recently that the 'God of War' franchise would soon be heading to PSP."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

You've. Gotta. Be. Kidding. Me.

Anything can be spun, anything.

I'm going to bed, I stayed up just to see the carnage, I'll read the aftermath when I wake up...


GreekWolf said:
You know, point blank, your company screwed itself. Anyone with even an ounce of common sense knew back in May of last year that the price point would kill them. A $500/600 game machine is instant death. The majority of the world just doesn't have that kind of disposable income for an entertainment box.

Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.


schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Coming off the heels of GDC, there is much enthusiasm for upcoming games and services for PS3. With the announcement of 'HOME' and 'LittleBigPlanet' and the recent release of the much-anticipated 'MotorStorm,' consumer enthusiasm for PS3 continues to build. Excitement for PS2 also remains incredibility strong, helped by the release of 'God of War II' earlier this week, which sold-in more than 1 million units at retail. It was also announced recently that the 'God of War' franchise would soon be heading to PSP."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

I haven't seen that much spin since...



force push the doodoo rock
GhaleonEB said:
I realize this, but we're talking NPD, so that's the US. (I did reference Japan earlier, but that was in response to someone else doing the same.)

WW is a very different picture.

The thing is, if the Wii continues to outpace the 360 then LTD's won't matter.
Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 5 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.


I can't... stop... :lol


Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.

ORRRRRRR.... it actually is too expensive. Which is more likely?


Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.

You need Dr. Phil.
Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.

What you and most hardcore Sony fans will never realize is that $600 is a lot of money to average people. It ain't perception. Spin. Magic. Voodoo, etc. It is a lot of money that people aren't willing to spend. Has nothing to do with being Hardcore whatever the heck that means.
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