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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


typo said:

I can't... stop... :lol

Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

And what will we get as a result? Probably 4 years of cheap, shit house looking games. That's not what I signed upto this gen for!


xaosslug said:
as long as PS2 keeps selling like it does... I don't think Sony really gives a shit. :lol

I wouldn't go that far. But a PS2.5 with waggle may be the ticket.


Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.

BUY A 360
Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.
Dude, if that really worked, we'd all be screaming for $50 consoles and blow jobs from Scarlett Johansson.


I ask this do people simply believe its down to the price whats holding the PS3 back or is there more to it then that ?

personally think even at a lower cost currently the PS3 is not that appealing, it lacks the quality titles on the shelves unlike the 360 and it lacks the novelty of a new control system like the Wii.

Think Sony need to find some way make the PS3 standout, things like Home will do this but its a while off.


Zaptruder said:
Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

And what will we get as a result? Probably 4 years of cheap, shit house looking games. That's not what I signed upto this gen for!

I signed up to play fun games. I'm pretty sure I will get those on any system.
Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.

400$ - 600$ is not affordable. it simply isnt. this is a GAME CONSOLE


Stoney Mason said:
What you and most hardcore Sony fans will never realize is that $600 is a lot of money to average people. It ain't perception. Spin. Magic. Voodoo, etc. It is a lot of money that people aren't willing to spend. Has nothing to do with being Hardcore whatever the heck that means.
Bingo. The same is true of the 360, though to a lesser degree. Nintendo has tapped into something with their system, and the price is right. The PS3 and 360 will sell ganbusters at the right price. It's up to Sony and MS to figure out how to get there.


duk said:
2.5 years? Plenty of time for a few price drops then.

that's not counting holiday spikes, which could go in any direction to be fair. so far it has benefited Nintendo (holiday + launch) and could serve to close the gap at a quicker rate over those couple months.

or it might not.

i am not a sales-ager, so i can't and i don't want to even assume i might know what happens at holiday time.


Please help me with my bad english
jett said:
What a disaster the PS3 turned out to be. That price needs to come down immediately.
What's wrong with the PS3 is not the high price IMO, it's the lack of games (that would justify the price)


xaosslug said:
as long as PS2 keeps selling like it does... I don't think Sony really gives a shit. :lol

The PS2 is more of a bragging thing at this point then a savior for sony. They only make about 8 dollars profit per PS2 sold. Its hardly making up for abysmal PS3 sales.


Nameless said:
1). Not much. 'Wii60" owners will be very much like PS2 owners. The big games hyped games(Your Halos, GTAs, Rainbow Sixes, REs etc..) will continue to sell well, where as the smaller and niche game will still see decent sales on the Wii.

2. Seeing the sales of games like Crackdown and Gears I would assume so

3. Wii games are always a variable but early adopters will always drive sales in the short term, with late comers probably splitting 50/50 between buying new or used.. Buts been like that for the past couple of generations.

I really, really don't know about the first point. We just don't know. I think that nothing happens scenario is unrealistic. Suppose a Wii-less 360 gamer bought 5 games a year. Is reasonable to assume that once he get a Wii he would buy the same 5 games for 360 + x games for Wii. I honestly don't think so. Is it plausible that he will now buy only 3 games for 360, maybe rent one and buy x games for Wii? Yes it is plausible. Is buying 2 games for 360 plausible? Probably too low. Is 4 games too high? Probably. Would i be reasonable to estimate based on this that if 1/2 of 360 gamers bought a Wii, the attach rate would fall 20%? What if 3/4 bought a Wii?

Even more important question from a publishers perspective is this: how many of the people who would buy your game for 360 would have also bought it on Wii?


The Autumn Wind
Zaptruder said:
Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

And what will we get as a result? Probably 4 years of cheap, shit house looking games. That's not what I signed upto this gen for!
This bullshit really has to stop. "Cheap shit house looking games"? I guess all last gen games look like crap now? I'm sorry if you can't enjoy games that aren't in high def with surround sound, but a lot of us can get by just fine. I play a game because it's a good game, not because it's cutting-edge technology.

I guess playing games for that reason means I'm not "hardcore" now. Shut the **** up.


Zaptruder said:
Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

And what will we get as a result? Probably 4 years of cheap, shit house looking games. That's not what I signed upto this gen for!

Dude why do you include the 360 ?

Go ask Publishers how they feel about software sales and Hw sales on the 360...they feel pretty good.

Wii and 360, two kind of markets, two kind of games, MORE revenue.

Sony needs to do something, that's all, don't be stubborn, too bad they seem more focused on what's happening on the Blu ray front than on the Ps3 one.


Stoney Mason said:
Well in my case because I never wanted $600 game systems to become standard. Thankfully Sony is making sure it won't happen again.

It takes a game worth playing for 600 hours to justify a $600 system to me, and I've encountered all of one of those sorts of games since 1985. And even then, I'd rather have my $200 system plus eight other $50 games before reaching the $600 mark. Increases in physics, AI, etc. don't compensate for having the money to buy eight fewer games.
xaosslug said:
as long as PS2 keeps selling like it does... I don't think Sony really gives a shit. :lol
Yeah... I'm sure the console that has to guarantee Sony's financial future for the next 10 years selling like shit does not worry them in the slightest way.

vasuba said:
The PS2 is more of a bragging thing at this point then a savior for sony. They only make about 8 dollars profit per PS2 sold. Its hardly making up for abysmal PS3 sales.

Sony's taking it up the rear, no doubt there. It's worse than ANYBODY could have predicted. To be a fly on the wall tonight would be worth just about anything.

That being said, the recent estimate published on the profitability on the PS2 is a joke. The cost breakdown is substantially below $100 at this point. It won't come close to helping offset the losses on the PS3, but $8? Fantasy.


duk said:
Sony should redo the core pack at 399.99 asap. No hdd, wired controller, etc.

No one would want it. People will just think they're getting a cheap system. They'll opt for the 360 instead.


Zaptruder said:
Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

And what will we get as a result? Probably 4 years of cheap, shit house looking games. That's not what I signed upto this gen for!

Publishers go where software sells.


Link said:
This bullshit really has to stop. "Cheap shit house looking games"? I guess all last gen games look like crap now? I'm sorry if you can't enjoy games that aren't in high def with surround sound, but a lot of us can get by just fine. I play a game because it's a good game, not because it's cutting-edge technology.

I guess playing games for that reason means I'm not "hardcore" now. Shut the **** up.

Please get banned.
sonycowboy said:
Sony's taking it up the rear, no doubt there. It's worse than ANYBODY could have predicted. To be a fly on the wall tonight would be worth just about anything.

That being said, the recent estimate published on the profitability on the PS2 is a joke. The cost breakdown is substantially below $100 at this point. It won't come close to helping offset the losses on the PS3, but $8? Fantasy.

not to mention the sheer amount PS2 software that they are reaping royalties from still.
DSN2K said:
Think Sony need to find some way make the PS3 standout, things like Home will do this but its a while off.

Final post in this thread for me as the damage has been done but Home ain't going to do jack. It's the Price. It's the Price. It's the Price. If I could I would beat it into people's brain with a club. Great games. Online Stuff. Blu-Ray. None of it will save Sony if the masses immediately hear a crazy price point and balk.

What amazes me is this was as obvious as a train bearing down on a blind man on railroad tracks and people still aren't sure what killed the guy. Maybe it was heart disease? Maybe it was cancer? Maybe he was killed by a shark? NO HE WAS HIT BY A FREAKING TRAIN!!!!!


As someone who has fallen in love with the PS2 since I bought one in 2005, I don't mind last generation graphics winning the generation. As long as those graphics are coupled with good games.


Zaptruder said:
Wrong. It's all a matter of perception. If some loud cheap bastards keep shouting its too much; and it keeps getting repeated, the rest of the world end up thinking the same.

Thus, the cheap syncophants have won. They've gotten what they wanted. A console with 6 year old hardware dominating.

The hardcore gamer in me cries.

Well, you got part of it right at least.


GhaleonEB said:
Bingo. The same is true of the 360, though to a lesser degree. Nintendo has tapped into something with their system, and the price is right. The PS3 and 360 will sell ganbusters at the right price. It's up to Sony and MS to figure out how to get there.

You know what, I'm not sure that $250 would be the right price for a supply unconstrained Wii. We don't know, but I suspect a price cut of $50 would probably do more for Wii that a 100 for the other two (with possible exception of 199 Core which is absolutely out of question from MS standpoint).


schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Coming off the heels of GDC, there is much enthusiasm for upcoming games and services for PS3. With the announcement of 'HOME' and 'LittleBigPlanet' and the recent release of the much-anticipated 'MotorStorm,' consumer enthusiasm for PS3 continues to build. Excitement for PS2 also remains incredibility strong, helped by the release of 'God of War II' earlier this week, which sold-in more than 1 million units at retail. It was also announced recently that the 'God of War' franchise would soon be heading to PSP."

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

:lol :lol :lol Oh Sony :lol

i just love the current state of the industry :D many motherf*! are being proved wrong, and i ****ing love that. GO NINTENDO!.

NPD always brings a big big smile on my face.


PS3 numbers are really bad, wow. Please, please drop the price.

As a supporter of the console, I hope they get better. But hell, as long as I can play the exclusives I want to play on the PS3, I'll be happy. At worst, it'll be 3rd and have a GCN style library.

I feel the same way as AltogetherAndrews and Zaptruder, in that I don't think MS and Nintendo will take the market in a good direction if they lead. With a few exceptions, I don't like the games that are available on Wii and Xbox 360. I think that Sony has pushed the boundaries of what can be considered "video games" much more then either of their competitors, and it will be a shame if their ambition causes them to crash and burn.

And for all the people dissing the press release, I agree that it's hilarious spin :lol It's a hard thing to be in that position, but hey, they have to somehow keep shareholders.
schuelma said:
The official Sony response:


Sony: "According to NPD data, February 2007 showed a 67% increase in retail dollars generated year-over-year for SCEA in the US with total sales of $377 million. With this increase, the PlayStation brand remained the number-one revenue driver for the month in the industry owning 38.5% of total sales. On the retail front, SCEA continues to work hard to stabilize supply for PS3 and PS2 across North America. A short month was reflected in PS3 and PSP sales figures over January, while PS2 continues to perform above expectations, down just 4.3% from last year. PS2 dominated software sales for the industry, generating $111 million in revenue.

Coming off the heels of GDC, there is much enthusiasm for upcoming games and services for PS3. With the announcement of 'HOME' and 'LittleBigPlanet' and the recent release of the much-anticipated 'MotorStorm,' consumer enthusiasm for PS3 continues to build. Excitement for PS2 also remains incredibility strong, helped by the release of 'God of War II' earlier this week, which sold-in more than 1 million units at retail. It was also announced recently that the 'God of War' franchise would soon be heading to PSP."



Bebpo said:
Sony needs to rip out everything they can that's not essential to playing PS3 games and drop to $299 or they're ****ed.

They're not even going to hit GC or DC numbers like this. Probably will be the worst selling console since 3DO

Are you serious? That would just be plain suicide. What about the Bluray angle that Sony's been using to justify a PS3 purchase, not to mention all the games that have already been released on Blu-ray?
travisbickle said:
What exactly can they remove?

Remove the EE chip as done in Europe and go with s/w based emulation, make the Blu-Ray drive tray loading, and remove the expensive internal power supply by replacing it with a brick. I mentioned these three ideas months ago. Sony started doing one of them.

Edit: I forgot one . . . a wired controller instead of wireless. None of those changes would effect the next-gen performance of the system.

Ben Sones

DSN2K said:
I ask this do people simply believe its down to the price whats holding the PS3 back or is there more to it then that ?

I think that price is a whole lot of it. Their crappy lineup can't help, but the PS2 had a pretty crappy lineup at launch aside from one or two stars, and then a lengthy wasteland of releases for the next six months or so. And yet, it still sold like gangbusters. Both Sony and Microsoft were really pushing the limits of what people will pay for a console this generation, but while MS managed to just step up to the line, Sony stepped over it. I think even MS would be doing a lot better with a lower price point. If/when they do a price cut this year, I predict that their sales will increase pretty dramatically.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Stoney Mason said:
Final post in this thread for me as the damage has been done but Home ain't going to do jack. It's the Price. It's the Price. It's the Price.
It's not the price by itself but the high competition and the PS3 lacking anything to set itself apart (like how the wii does). It's just a less attractive 360 like console at a higher price right now. That's not really appealing. Coupled with the HD TV entry barrier that it shares with the 360 and an increasingly hardcore target audience, you have a receipy for disaster. Disaster as in sales nowhere in line with what you
re used to from a successful gaming machine.


Tobor said:
I signed up to play fun games. I'm pretty sure I will get those on any system.

To be brutally honest, you can find 'fun' games on old systems and on the PC by the bucketloads, and for cheap

There's probably a mountain of great old games I haven't touched before. And I probably won't touch.

I'm not kidding myself; PS3, X360. They're not offering gameplay wise anything substantially different from what we've had before.

The wii is, but at the same time, from my experience, it's not an improved experience; just a different one (for me).
Kusagari said:
I think the real question now is if DS will sell over 1 million in April.

I think the real question should be when will Nintendo be able to meet worldwide demand for their systems?

I still cannot walk into a best buy in Charlotte NC and find a wii, and DS's are findable but not reliably so.
The Innocent X said:
THe good news is that this should be as bad as it gets.

The bad news is that its pretty darn bad
Are you sure? The summer looks awfully empty for PS3. I could see some months in the summer with less than 100K sales of PS3s.
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