Yeah, but that's one game. And last time I checked sales for MW3 was at 9 million, which is probably at 11 million now. And how much of that is exclusively 360 sales. 2/3rd's? So like 6-7 million, then? How many 360's have been sold in America? 40 mil? Something tells me that's not 50%. Not even close. Let alone the 360's entire user base. Gears 3 last I heard sold 4 million, which is far more than most multiplats sell on 360. The only games that probably outsold it on the 360 this past year was probably Skyrim and MW3. So clearly more people are buying games like Gears 3 on their 360 versus Arkham City, Deus Ex, AssCreed, and a bunch of others. So guess which one's going to get more advertising from Microsoft personally.
I don't think it's that hard to understand. Besides, why do people keep telling me to look at a chart with no numbers? Sales are down year over year. Not to mention, NPD combines all SKUs (360, PC, and PS3). So this tells us nothing about which 360 users favor: games like Gears and Halo, or general multiplats not named MW3 or Skyrim.
This is generally what I meant. A lot of awareness has seemed to fade over time. Just look at Ratchet and Clank's sales as compared to the PS2 gen. It seems like the general public's perception of what's good has changed drastically. What used to be considered system sellers are now performing average sales or less.
Oh god, opinions. Whatever will we do? Should I go bury my head in the sand? I didn't like R3 that much, but I know of a lot of people that do genuinely love the game. Good for them! I think it's great when someone enjoys something that much. There's too much shit in this world to discourage them.