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NPD Sales Results for August 2007


mysticstylez said:
Thats why Wii Sports is still the Wii's killer app? When the best selling console's Madden gets outsold by a Madden game that is on a system that isn't even in production is bad.

This is massive in the indication of the new gen gaming marketl


Lobster said:
lols. Wii version will probably outsell Ps3 version. 09 should be the better game out of 07,08 since they got the controls down and now they have time for graphics.
Then it will be too late for me. lol
grandjedi6 said:

titiklabingapat said:
And people say Wii software is abysmal.

When the #1 title really is a new controller and all the Wii titles in the top 20 totalled together probably didnt beat the #1 title for the month they arent so great.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
fuck!, my predictions were way off this month, i should hadn`t put so much faith in the sony brand, i didn`t they were going to drop so much.


VultureDude said:
how many days was Metroid up on the chart anyway?

Four days i believe.

KeithFranklin said:
When the #1 title really is a new controller and all the Wii titles in the top 20 totalled together probably didnt beat the #1 title for the month they arent so great.

You are an idiot.
NPD Thoughts:

360 - Now this is what a price drop is supposed to do for you, and people were grumbling at the $20, $30, and $50 price drops. Clearly a huge momentum shift for the 360.

PS3 - Sales fall down to just about in-between pre and post price drop levels. And still no HW pushing SW on the horizon. Can they ride it out until March 2008?

Wii - What can be said. A phenomenon and it's still very hard to get your hands on one 10 months after release.

DS - Nintendo has so many golden eggs, they have got to be coming to work with permanent smiles on their face at this point.

PS2 - SW sales dropped 33%, no more huge SW on the horizon. But, still the $99 drop in their pocket.

Bioshock - As expected

Madden - I'll have to compare to prior years, but it looks pretty good, but the Wii isn't the golden ticket publishers might be looking for

(See Boogie & Tiger Woods Wii - nothing to write home about)

Wii First Party = $$$$ Wii Play, Metroid, & Strikers

Guitar Hero - The energizer bunny, particularly on the PS2. 360 version finally falls signifiicantly.

Brain Age 2= WTF happened? Last one wasn't well known outside of hardcore circles.


my reputation is Shadowruined
So does anyone have the game attach ratios for the PS3, XB360, and Wii?

How do they compare to the PS2, X-Box, and Gamecube at the same stage of their lifespan?


cashman said:
I see you've got the right names for the consoles now :lol

I will change them back in a heartbeat once I have free reign on tardforums again :lol

It might take a while for the administration there to deal with reality, given their redoubtable denials thus far, however.


So the MS defence force are out tackling the Wii hardware sales overload.

The Nintendo defence force are out tackling the terrible Madden Wii software sales.

The Sony defence force have called it a day, but they should be happy with the fact that the PS3 has the highest Madden attach ratio of any console on this month's NPD.


you can't put a price on sparks
xbox madden > wii madden


wii play > metroid prime 3 is dumb too


pswii60 said:
The Sony defence force have called it a day, but they should be happy with the fact that the PS3 has the highest Madden attach ratio of any console on this month's NPD.

Don't forget that the PS3 is finally demolishing the GBA. Eat it GBA!


Some approximate Nintendo LTDs...

Pokemon D/P - 3,250,000
Wii Play - 1,950,000
Mario Party 8 - 1,155,000
Super Mario Strikers - 250,000

...Mario Party 8 joins the million seller club in the US.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
sonycowboy said:
NPD Thoughts:

360 - Now this is what a price drop is supposed to do for you, and people were grumbling at the $20, $30, and $50 price drops. Clearly a huge momentum shift for the 360.

I agree, but I think we can attribute a good chunk of those sales for people getting ready for Halo 3 as well.


So just an estimate.

360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.6K
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.6K
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.2K

2134K Units of Madden sold.
titiklabingapat said:
Because Madden still matters when it comes to hardware sales *eyeroll*
Obviously not, but if every multi-platform release sells poorest on the Wii what exactly is the incentive to even make a non-rush job Wii release? I mean, it might turn out decent overall with spin-off games exclusive to the system, but as much as Nintendo is positioning itself to make non-games, the Wii is being limited to them by the huge difference between it's competition.

What I'm saying is, that PS360 vs Wii chart is closer to reality than it is to a joke.


TheKingsCrown said:

If this image doesn't tell you that there are two markets, I don't know what does. Blue ocean is a success, and HD is a success, but only outside of Japan and 360 ownz it.
Indeed. Let's ignore the fact that launches aligned Wii sales would be almost 3 times X360+PS3 sales :D


Lobster said:
So just an estimate.

360 MADDEN NFL 08 896.6K
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 643.6K
PS3 MADDEN NFL 08 336.2K

2134K Units of Madden sold.

Only Halo 3 could beat that for first month sales.


I'm not sure why NOA has done such a poor job marketing Brain Age. You'd think the success of Wii Sports, Nintendogs, and other games would clue them in.
TheGreatDave said:
:lol No, I really don't know what you meant. Do you mean the 360 will be as popular as the PS2, and sell 100 million, or at least as many as the PS2 sold in the US? That the 360 will be the main Madden platform and that therefore it's the new PS2? That the 360 has the best games like PS2?

the 360 will be the destination for gamers who want a well rounded pick of choice titles from both 1st and 3rd parties with exclusives thrown in for good measure and also make 3rd party devs happy with $$$. i mean come on the original xbox version of madden outsold the wii version and boogie is nowhere. :lol i just dont see the wii changing from the wiisports/nintendo hardcore machine.


Wow, how the fuck is the Wii staying so far ahead, even beating the DS for the second time in a row? wow.

tinderbox said:
So for the top 20

5 360 titles
5 Wii titles
4 DS titles
3 PS2 titles
1 PS3 title
1 Xbox title
1 PSP title

of the 20, 6 are Madden versions (and the only thing that charted for PS3/XBX/PSP)
- Excellent software sales for both 360 and Wii.
- DS is doing fine
- PS2 is still holding on
- PS3 and PSP software sales are a motherfucking disgrace to the Playstation brand.

oh, and as expected, felipeko is done for. :(
traveler said:
Fixed. The Halo surge is next month.

Price would have pushed more hardware than any game outside of Halo, and maybe, GOW(but I attribute holiday sales and pseudo-pricedrops for that one). Even Bioshock will not push 360 hardware to 270k.
traveler said:

Don't do it! (Look at the Matt #s thread for a warning if, for some reason, you need a bigger one.)

no clue what you're talking about, but if memory serves correct bioshock was out a week before? I remember becuase all my friends were playing ioshock while i was left waiting for my gold :lol meh, doesn't matter really, I was more curious to compare it to Strikers first week sales actually, since strikers was out for only one week on July NPD if memory serves correct. what were strikers' numbers last month?
"That point" your referencing is sales. Not the library.

Gotcha - in that respect it looks like it may even pass the PS2, which I would have thought impossible - if it keeps up these numbers - and there is no sign of the 'fad' losing any steam.

There a large amount of people at my work that own a Wii that have never owned a games console before, and the vast majority of them only own Wii Sports :lol Anecdotal I know, but Wii Fit to me is going to be an insane seller. :lol
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