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NPD Sales Results for February 2015 [Nintendo Numbers, Majora's, MH4, ~XB1]

3DS, New 3DS, 2DS are the same? Can play the same games? Is this just for good numbers like when Sony did the "PlayStation family" last gen?

they are the same and play the same games. the new 3ds has one exclusive, but that isn't out yet.

Playstation family combines seperately systems. This just lumps all the 3ds models together.



That is so awesome.


The Order is above 290k?

That's actually pretty damn good all things considered - single player only, new IP, light on content, one week only, got hammered in the reviews.

That's better than every single Forza debut month, and about on par with KZ2 which had a lot more hype at the time. And IIRC, Uncharted 1 sold less than 200k during its launch month.

This actually gives me some hope that Sony will continue to invest in a (hopefully) much improved sequel with more content and some online multiplayer.

The game is flawed in many ways but I still enjoyed the hell out of it. The engine alone is an impressive feat for a studio that only recently worked on handheld games.


Hopefully this means a sequel is on the way.
Congrats to the N3DS, Majora's Mask, Nintendo, and (mostly) Monster Hunter!

Great to see MH4U in the Top 10, because this game has proven to be the best in the series.


RE: Bloodborne

It was a system-seller for me, it's just that I went ahead and got the system a few months early. People buy consoles for potential, not literally the same day the game they most want comes out (or at least I do). So seeing the 2015 game roadmap, it was clear to me late 2014 that it was a good time to get a PS4.


Exact same games except for a port of Xenoblade that is not out yet and that will sell rather modestly, because it's a niche game exclusive to one 3DS model. You decide if this port makes N3DS a completely separate platform, lol.

Gotcha. I honestly didn't know. I thought the 2DS was, but I don't follow handhelds.
Oh snap, people really trying to knock the 3DS SKU thing? Crazy, let Ninty bathe in the winner's club guys. It's with great software too that it's on top.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Highly doubt it.

People need to understand that core-centric games aren't big console movers. They spruce up the library and make it more appealing, but they're not gonna push sales in a major way.

On its own I agree but with BF:Hardline + FF + Bloodborne + MLB 15 its a really busy month in general. I would be surprised if the PS4 didn't have a healthy bump next month.
Exact same games except for a port of Xenoblade that is not out yet and that will sell rather modestly, because it's a niche game exclusive to one 3DS model. You decide if this port makes N3DS a completely separate platform, lol.

Right. So remind me, what's the selling point of the new 3DS again? It's larger?
Highly doubt it.

People need to understand that core-centric games aren't big console movers. They spruce up the library and make it more appealing, but they're not gonna push sales in a major way.

This is not always true and the Souls series has gained a lot of mindshare over the years. Even people who don't play a ton of games, if they play RPGs, know about Dark Souls. P4G sold a ton of Vitas, would not be surprised to see Bloodborne move units.


What the hell is the butthurt reactions about 3DS family?

3DS has ALWAYS been combined. It's the same platform. No one complained about it the past 4 years till 3DS beat PS4 this month.

Should all the Xbox One skus be counted separately? What in the world is going on in this thread?


Oh, god, there is salt because 3ds (family) sold more than PS4 now? Lol.

Seriously? Why does anyone even care? They aren't even competing with each other. They're not even the same type device (one is a home console, one is a handheld. They have very different markets they are trying to get).

I'll just admit my PS fangirlism and say all I care is that PS4 beat xbox one again. I don't really care if 3DS beat it, they're not really competing with each other.


RE: Bloodborne

It was a system-seller for me, it's just that I went ahead and got the system a few months early. People buy consoles for potential, not literally the same day the game they most want comes out (or at least I do). So seeing the 2015 game roadmap, it was clear to me late 2014 that it was a good time to get a PS4.

Agree, it won't move systems like a Halo or Uncharted , but clearly these days people has been getting PS4 due to this game. I will move consoles.


When the Order 1887 comes out, they better switch up the formula at least to make it a true 3rd person shooter.

Cinematic gameplay is good and all, but don't over do it.
Oh snap, people really trying to knock the 3DS SKU thing? Crazy, let Ninty bathe in the winner's club guys. It's with great software too that it's on top.

This. Congrats Nintendo on a great month. :)

Also, yet another month of top 10's made up entirely of games that I have no interest in playing.

$99 desperation attack to clear out inventory might do the trick for a week

I really don't think they will need to do that any time soon. I imagine that they aren't making many consoles at this point and are just riding out the clock until they can bury the platform and try to forget about it asap.


Right. So remind me, what's the selling point of the new 3DS again? It's larger?
Larger, faster, improved 3D, two added shoulder buttons, amiibo support, and C-stick which enhances games like MH4U (which is there on the charts, unlike the not-released-yet Xenoblade).


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Also, we know New 3DS had shipment problems across the entirety of February, but...are they still present in US?


Counting all the Nintendo's handheld models, is like android combining all the phones that use their OS when comparing sells to Apple. GTFO!

This is a stupid post. Those are android phones from different manufactures. It's more compare to compare all the various 3DS models to say all the various iPhone models sold. 5S, 5C, 6, 6+ etc. All different models and skus of the same base platform. Just like 3DS, N3DSXL, 2DS...etc.

And guess what? No one, not Apple, not the industry trackers break out the individual iPhone models when tracking sales.
Nintendo achieved a double kill, I don't know what's hard to understand. They occupy the #1 position in hw & software charts.

If one wants to see an in-depth report on those claims, one can simply visit the thread and read the respective PR's from those companies.

I'll leave you to write the next NPD thread.

Your request has already submitted to a mod.

Best Regards

There's no need to be so passive aggressive -__-

I do appreciate you making the thread and effort put in the OP in collating the PR but I just had one criticism: the title did not match previous ones. Don't take it so seriously.

There's no way I would be able to make NPD threads...I don't even know where to get half the information lol. Your OP is fantastic, better than Nirolaks :)
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