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NPD Sales Results for March 2010

Metalmurphy said:
Who's mad?

you. stop it.

Metalmurphy said:
Also charlequin didn't make the joke.

yes he did, he replied to lagspike's confused response to Draft's joke with a joke of his own

goddamn it i give up i am not going to sit down and teach the history and concept of humor to you people because someone teased a electronic toy you like


sparkle this bitch
D4Danger said:
So what you're saying is there's so some of shortage?
I know, we only had like 3 or 4 threads about it also. It's like looking for water in an ocean of sand.

And are we really having a meltdown over a joke about GT5 development time? :lol


Licorice-flavoured booze?
elrechazao said:
You have no evidence as to what "shortage" means, beyond a smaller supply compared to what Sony wanted to exist in the retail chain. So all of the inferences you are making are based on what you personally perceive as "shortage". I've been looking for a deal on a ps3 for a month now, and I have not once seen a PS3 out of stock at walmart.com, amazon, kmart, gamestop, or locally at any retail, nor seen a single report of any supplier having no units in the way say, the wii had clear shortages. I'm waiting for evidence of customer demand outstripping supply beyond sony's actual production numbers falling short of their production goals. That metric isn't useful for assessing consumer demand, sorry. Again, simple logic.

The ps3 has had shortages, fact, how you define those shortages though is up to you.


ShockingAlberto said:
I think I bet someone last month that Pokemon would outsell GoW3 but I don't remember who it was and I'm pretty sure we couldn't agree if SKUs were to be combined (I insisted they were).

So you're saying someone was wrong on the internet?

Metalmurphy said:
Ugh... this is pointless... whatever mate.

Arguing on the net is like letting your dog lick your balls. It may feel exhilarating but you'd never admit it.
charlequin said:
I want to say that it'll still beat out GoW3 because GT is just that big, although racing sims really have been hurting lately.

Which is my point really. I guess there is the potential tha due to GT's incredible strength as a franchise it may buck this trend. Similar to how FFXIII has sold well despite JRPG's not performing very well in the US recently.

I still think it will struggle to sell 1 million in it's first month.
TheBranca18 said:
So you're saying someone was wrong on the internet?

Arguing on the net is like letting your dog lick your balls. It may feel exhilarating but you'd never admit it.
No I am asking who that was and if we ever actually made the bet

Calm down.


PS3 shortages? You can walk to any store and get them, at least where I live (central FL). The one that's hard to find is the Wii, not every store has them in stock.
duk said:
are there really ps3 shortages?

"Shortage" is a relative term. Are there areas and individual stores that have been unable to acquire as many PS3s as they had potential customers to purchase them over the last month or two? Absolutely. What percentage of stores or customers did this effect? Not certain.


my name is Ted
djtiesto said:
Expected more from FF13, not too surprised that it didn't sell on the 360. It's obvious 360 fans don't want RPGs.

Well, FF13 still sold well on the 360. As for 360 fan not wanting RPGs I guess you have to ignore the good sells, of Elder scrolls: Oblivion, Fall out 3, mass effect 1 and 2, and dragon age. Many JRPG have not done well on the PS3 either, so the Ps3 is not the savior of RPGs (Ironic how people like you forgot how bad Star Ocean:International bombed , just last month). I am really tired of this 360 only like shooters Bull shit. Final Fantasy sold well because many PS3 owners have been waiting for it, It is a known franchise, and the nit pickers, who would try to find the flaws in the 360 version. Overall, it was worth it to square, MS paid Square just for game to add in the bundles, advertising, and who knows what else.


EmCeeGramr said:
goddamn it i give up i am not going to sit down and teach the history and concept of humor to you people because someone teased a electronic toy you like

If they haven't gotten it by now, they never will.


Kasumi1970 said:
It is a known franchise, and the nit pickers, who would try to find the flaws in the 360 version.

Any HD multi-platform release has that disease. Trying to pretend it's only FFXIII is pretty disingenuous.
Metalmurphy said:
I'm pretty sure it didn't. And it's been constantly in the charts in Europe.

A little googling does not produce any numbers I feel absolutely confident I'm allowed to repeat here, but it looks like Forza 3's first NPD month was about 80% of Forza 2's.

And I only meant its US debut, to clarify. I'm sure GT5 will do absolutely insane numbers in Europe, I just am under the impression that racing sims have more of an uphill climb over here so I don't feel as confident in predicting huge numbers here.
I feel like the type of people FFXIII appeals to would be keenly aware that the 360 version is an extremely cheaply made port.

Speaking personally, I was going to pick up FFXIII new for the 360 but the comparisons of the videos convinced me to just borrow a PS3 during the summer and play it there.


Kasumi1970 said:
Well, FF13 still sold well on the 360. As for 360 fan not wanting RPGs I guess you have to ignore the good sells, of Elder scrolls: Oblivion, Fall out 3, mass effect 1 and 2, and dragon age. Many JRPG have not done well on the PS3 either, so the Ps3 is not the savior of RPGs (Ironic how people like you forgot how bad Star Ocean:International bombed , just last month). I am really tired of this 360 only like shooters Bull shit. Final Fantasy sold well because many PS3 owners have been waiting for it, It is a known franchise, and the nit pickers, who would try to find the flaws in the 360 version. Overall, it was worth it to square, MS paid Square just for game to add in the bundles, advertising, and who knows what else.
you forgot Fable 2 and it's ~3 million sales WW.


Mt Heart Attack said:
So, basically..

NPD Thread of Shortages.


Anyhow Sony stated awhile back they may last until the end of May or early June so I guess by June NPD we shall see.

Wait I know no one is claiming that the 360 doesn't sale RPGs because it sales a ton.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
savor100 said:
PS3 shortages? You can walk to any store and get them, at least where I live (central FL). The one that's hard to find is the Wii, not every store has them in stock.

Just because a console is having shortages that doesn't mean that it won't be available in any stores, people seem to be misinterpreting the word 'shortages'.


Unconfirmed Member
I've seen quite a few $299 PS3s everytime I go to Target and Walmart. If there are shortages they're not happening where I shop.
ShockingAlberto said:
I feel like the type of people FFXIII appeals to would be keenly aware that the 360 version is an extremely cheaply made port.

More specifically, there's literally no benefit to playing on the 360. Excluding the horrific video compression the port itself is not actually that bad, but since there's literally nothing to recommend the 360 version besides being playable if you don't own a PS3 it's hard to see why many people would pick it if they had the choice.

Speaking personally, I was going to pick up FFXIII new for the 360 but the comparisons of the videos convinced me to just borrow a PS3 during the summer and play it there.

Do you have a nice TV? If the answer is yes, definitely play XIII on the PS3.

(I very much do not, so it wasn't much of an issue for me. :lol )
Cruzader said:
Let say:

-GOW3 sales <500K = "OMG Fail"


-GOW3 sales >1Mil = "Wtf so low...FAIL!"

First PS3 title to reach those sale w/HW stock issues and FF13/BC2 competing software and ppls are not happy? :lol

Reading this thread it seems I'm pretty much the only person who did this, so just for your entertainment, here are some quotes I made last month pertaining to GoW3:

Son of Godzilla said:
It comes down to whether or not you think the biggest game the PS3 has ever had can sell more than 700k in March. I think it'll clear a million with ease, but I can understand the doubters.

Son of Godzilla said:
I think it will utterly destroy GoW2 numbers

There were people saying ridiculous things last month. That GoW3 wouldn't be able to beat BFBC2 360. That FF13 wouldn't sell more than 1mill combined, and it would have a 3:1 split. I don't think expecting GoW3 to reach 1.3 mill is nearly as nutty as some of the things that happen in these threads.
lowrider007 said:
Just because a console is having shortages that doesn't that it won't be available in any stores, people seem to be misinterpreting the word 'shortages'.

Right. My guess is that the PS3 has, I guess, "minor" shortages right now -- there aren't enough units that every area can have enough to meet demand, but not so few that there are widespread sellouts or vast quantities of people everywhere who are unable to get a PS3 if they want one.


DevelopmentArrested said:
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will tell you.


Son of Godzilla said:
Reading this thread it seems I'm pretty much the only person who did this, so just for your entertainment, here are some quotes I made last month pertaining to GoW3:

There were people saying ridiculous things last month. That GoW3 wouldn't be able to beat BFBC2 360. That FF13 wouldn't sell more than 1mill combined, and it would have a 3:1 split. I don't think expecting GoW3 to reach 1.3 mill is nearly as nutty as some of the things that happen in these threads.

I readily admit I question you on the call but I never thought it was outrageous considering MGS4 did a million with the bundle.
lowrider007 said:
Just because a console is having shortages that doesn't that it won't be available in any stores, people seem to be misinterpreting the word 'shortages'.

if ps3 have shortages, why we still got ps3s


Comparison to 1 year ago sales:

PlayStation 2 118.3K
PlayStation 3 313.9K
PSP 119.9K
Xbox 360 338.4K
Wii 557.5K
Nintendo DS 700.8K

* Wii - 601K
* Nintendo DS - 563K
o Nintendo DSi - 59,000 in midnight sales[1]
* Xbox 360 - 330K
* PlayStation 3 - 218K
* PSP - 168K
* PlayStation 2 - 112K

The Wii and the PSP are the only downers.
yellowjacket25 said:
I wonder which there is more of. Posts about shortages or posts talking about all the posts about shortages.
At any rate, there is no shortage of posts in either camp. *ba-dum-phish*

March NPD analysis at Gamasutra.

Gamasutra said:
In contrast to last month, the video game industry saw year-over-year March growth in the U.S. retail console space, with revenues up 6 percent to $1.52 billion -- and PlayStation 3 had a rare month of software dominance.

According to tracking firm NPD Group, hardware sales were down 4 percent year over year to $440.5 million, as hardware prices declined 16 percent overall since last March. Software sales, however, grew 10 percent to $875.3 million and accessory sales were up 11 percent to $206.8 million.


I got grudge sucked!
RurouniZel said:
Order has been restored. I can sleep soundly tonight.


It has been indeed. Oh, you're talking about video games.
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