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NPD Sales Results for March 2010

charlequin said:
More specifically, there's literally no benefit to playing on the 360. Excluding the horrific video compression the port itself is not actually that bad, but since there's literally nothing to recommend the 360 version besides being playable if you don't own a PS3 it's hard to see why many people would pick it if they had the choice.

Avatar rewards, yo!

No but really, screw everything else, the PS3 version getting access to FFXIV beta is such a complete deal breaker for the 360 there are no words. It would probably make an easy fucking argument that SE themselves didn't want the 360 version to be comparable.





I got grudge sucked!
postaboy said:
Where is Heavy Rain? It didn't even charted. WTH

I thought it was lucky to chart in February, no way it would in March. The game has had NO advertising and I cannot figure out why.


elrechazao said:
You have no evidence as to what "shortage" means, beyond a smaller supply compared to what Sony wanted to exist in the retail chain. So all of the inferences you are making are based on what you personally perceive as "shortage". I've been looking for a deal on a ps3 for a month now, and I have not once seen a PS3 out of stock at walmart.com, amazon, kmart, gamestop, or locally at any retail, nor seen a single report of any supplier having no units in the way say, the wii had clear shortages. I'm waiting for evidence of customer demand outstripping supply beyond sony's actual production numbers falling short of their production goals. That metric isn't useful for assessing consumer demand, sorry. Again, simple logic.
If I remember correctly, 120gig PS3 slim was listed as out of stock at Amazon for a few weeks in Feb and Mar.. But the 250 gig version was mostly in stock during the same period.


I don't see how going multiplatform with Final Fantasy wasn't beneficial to Square. 400k in America is a pretty great number for a port.


Were there really shortages of the PS3? I'm not going to pretend that I have any knowledge one way or the other, but if there are shortages when one of your exclusives sells a little over a million copies, that's a pretty epic fuck up.


MIMIC said:
Were there really shortages of the PS3? I'm not going to pretend that I have any knowledge one way or the other, but if there are shortages when one of your exclusives sells a little over a million copies, that's a pretty epic fuck up.

Welcome to 2 weeks before GOW3/FF13 releases.
Shurs said:
I don't see how going multiplatform with Final Fantasy wasn't beneficial to Square. 400k in America is a pretty great number for a port.
I believe it's beneficial, especially considering that most of development budget should have been allocated to the then exclusive PS3 version. I don't know how expensive would be to port a game such as FFXIII, but even when considering that, it'll probably return a nice amount of money for the troubles.
MIMIC said:
Were there really shortages of the PS3? I'm not going to pretend that I have any knowledge one way or the other, but if there are shortages when one of your exclusives sells a little over a million copies, that's a pretty epic fuck up.

The PS3 sold less this month than last month. Clearly something is up. I'm not going to say it though.

charlequin said:
A little googling does not produce any numbers I feel absolutely confident I'm allowed to repeat here, but it looks like Forza 3's first NPD month was about 80% of Forza 2's.

And I only meant its US debut, to clarify. I'm sure GT5 will do absolutely insane numbers in Europe, I just am under the impression that racing sims have more of an uphill climb over here so I don't feel as confident in predicting huge numbers here.

Comparing GT to Forza sales wise is like comparing Killzone to Halo.
postaboy said:
Where is Heavy Rain? It didn't even charted. WTH
Which one of those games should Heavy Rain(in its second month) have outsold? This was a rough month for regular games trying to sneak into the top 10.


Shurs said:
I don't see how going multiplatform with Final Fantasy wasn't beneficial to Square. 400k in America is a pretty great number for a port.

That is more like 500k and likely easily 1 million WW by now. Again if that isn't worth a port what is in fact. More than worth it and the fact that is the fastest selling/best launch to date says a lot.


VALIS said:
"Shortages!" is the new "These sales don't count Amazon/Wal-Mart/Gamecube Hut!"
We've been talking about shortages in the NPD thread nearly non-stop for four years now. What's "new" about them?

... Oh yeah, they're attributed to PS3 now. That makes them different, for some reason.

DS - The fuck!? Jesus christ. Just let it sink in that this handheld sold more units than most individual versions of games in the top 10 did.

Wii - Good for Nintendo. I suggest Nintendo releases a few more evergreens, third parties release some niche little awesome titles, and let the big publishers flounder in the mess they created. I hope next gen Wii gets a better treatment.

PS3 - I picked up on a vague rumor that there are shortages...? :p Still good numbers though.

360 - Good numbers

PS2 - Die already!!! (or: if it never dies and in 5 years NPD still tracks it, that would be awesome)

PSP - I'm still a little baffled by how things can take such a turns for the worse for a good piece of hardware with a good library.

Software: Not much remarks. All the games in the top 10 (both versions of each combined) did very well. I find it funny how Pokemon does so fucking well. They're remakes and did just as well as the Diamond & Pearl releases, if the numbers earlier in this thread are correct.


If Red Steel 2 didn't sell terrifically, it's likely because the first game really, really sucked. And no, they advertised RS2 - but the damage was already done, and it's hard as hell to recover from that. Look at how much Sony screamed to the heavens on behalf of KZ2 - and it underperformed considerably when you look at how much money was pumped into it from head to tail. It, also, was the sequel to a pretty shit title.

Go figure.

EDIT: And while everyone is talking about software, how fucking amazing is NSMB Wii? That thing is ridiculous. As was said earlier: New MK Wii confirmed.

EDIT #2: FWIW, a large number of people didn't buy the PS3 version of XIII for the beta code to XIV. There's not a lot of overlap there, IMO.


Son of Godzilla said:
Avatar rewards, yo!

No but really, screw everything else, the PS3 version getting access to FFXIV beta is such a complete deal breaker for the 360 there are no words. It would probably make an easy fucking argument that SE themselves didn't want the 360 version to be comparable.
The code gives you a chance to get into the beta! it's not a sure thing, it was like that when I registered my code.


GaimeGuy said:
Gold exclusives:

Silver exclusives:

Sorry, but Gold easily has the better exclusives.
Does it really? So I should get Gold? Gold exclusive Pokemon do more damage or something?


1.02 million people bought the wrong version of Pokemon.

vazel said:
Does it really? So I should get Gold? Gold exclusive Pokemon do more damage or something?
Imagine you're at the Olympics. Do you want Gold o do you want Silver?


Shurs said:
I don't see how going multiplatform with Final Fantasy wasn't beneficial to Square. 400k in America is a pretty great number for a port.
well there would also be sales increase on ps3 version if it was exclusive. So in reality it would have been less. I would imagine. Doesn't really matter though. They got all those benefits of exclusive with microsoft basically paying for exclusive advertising. And it is closer to 500k


Souldriver said:
PSP - I'm still a little baffled by how things can take such a turns for the worse for a good piece of hardware with a good library.

Yeah I know. Although when was the last time it had a real price drop? All it has had is a price increase with the PSPgo. I think Sony is content to let it ride out its life into irreverence, enjoying the high profit margins on the hardware, and will probably announce the PSP2 this year at E3. I'm sure we'll get a clearing esque price drop at some point.


Felium Defensor
mintylurb said:
Hey, why are you a still junior? Is it because you posted those scanned pics like almost 2 years ago?
Yup yup. ^_^

The DS is a beast though, seriously...
Mizzou Gaming said:
I dont see how SONY plans on catching anyone if they can't get even 400,000 units on the retail shelves.

As I was saying earlier, it is doubtful Sony either plans on or cares about "catching" anyone so much as they do about selling as many copies of PS3 software as they can whether or not they're technically "beating" 360.


Jtyettis said:
That is more like 500k and likely easily 1 million WW by now. Again if that isn't worth a port what is in fact. More than worth it and the fact that is the fastest selling/best launch to date says a lot.

Plus, I'm sure that bundling was beneficial to Square and we don't have those numbers.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
professor_t said:
I've heard reports that PS3 shortages are expected to continue until it outsells the Xbox360.

Funny thing, that I've been hearing the same exact thing from my girlfriend's 1st cousin twice removed. He works at gamestop and is super reliable. The ps 3 shortages will continue until the instant it outsells the 360. You heard it here 1st err 2nd.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Can we pweeeeeeeeease get an update on how SH: Shattered Memories and FFCC:TCB are doing?


Attack You said:
I'll pay a mod good money to throw the word "shortages" into the word filter for the weekend.

We should get a collection together to sweeten the deal. We get it, folks. Shortages. Awesome. Sony didn't really lose.


Zen said:
Yeah I know. Although when was the last time it had a real price drop? All it has had is a price increase with the PSPgo. I think Sony is content to let it ride out its life into irreverence, enjoying the high profit margins on the hardware, and will probably announce the PSP this year at E3. I'm sure we'll get a clearing esque price drop at some point.

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