TheRagnCajun said:
I'm really surprised by Borderlands sales. Those are some impressive numbers actually.
I'm not. Like a lot of people my friends lists on both 360 and Steam have been full of people playing it lately (though I haven't really been paying attention since MW2 hit).
people are doubting that MW2 will bring new people in? it's not uncommon for the first big sequel to a game to surpass the original and to have a much bigger impact on hardware sales in its first month.
COD4 was big, but it was more driven by word of mouth, so any impact on system sales was diluted out through a few different months. MW2 has had massive mainstream coverage. MUCH more than the original had. it had a LE hardware bundle which no other COD had.
i'm not saying it's going to tip the balance of any one system one way or another, but in it's first month of release MW2 will almost certainly have more impact on hardware sales than COD4 had.
i was one of those people saying 'you don't play a Tim Schafer game for the gameplay' and I stand by it. you'll also note that i never once made a prediction that said the game would be any kind of a success.
i'm glad my prediction of M&S at the Winter Olympics being a complete none event came true. i was amazed that anyone was expecting to see it top ten when it has a direct competitor like Wii Sports Resort.
as for aligned launches... i just hate the loss of context. things like the overall market health (recessions) are lost, as are anything that puts the consoles in direct competition as they indeed are. tracking them month by month we can see things like the PS3 gaining more of the HD console market since it's price drop. you align the launches and it's really impossible to see anything like that.
software sales are so much more important and unfortunately we don't reliably get information about which console is having the most software dollars spent on it.
if the PS3 stays where it is above the 360 it WILL start to eat into those software sales. if it's still ahead in November, Microsoft will be worried even if they claim otherwise because they're not that stupid. stupid enough to do a SKU realignment at the same time as a PS3 price drop yes but not stupid enough to think they aren't in trouble losing November.
what will they do about it?
who knows.
i have to laugh at anyone that thinks the PSP Go wasn't supposed to be a relaunch of the system. i suppose it was supposed to reduce sales of the platform too.
the Wii should continue it's turnaround now that NSMB Wii is almost upon us. Nintendo really dropped the ball software wise this year, and I'm glad they seem to realize it.