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NPD Sales Results for October 2009

Pureauthor said:
Are they just in denial about fighting games being a fading genre or something? They really should be dialing back the budgets on these games.

Tekken 6 had no budget pumped into it whatsoever. The game has been made for 2 years, probably made all it's dev budget back and then some in arcades. The console port was just icing, but trust me when I say they spent zero time on it whatsoever besides the awful scenario mode, which basically looks like PS2 graphics in sub HD.

Kinda makes you wonder when console only releases like Soul Calibur 4 seem like they had such a better budget.

I'm upset that it bombed cause it's only a matter of time before 39.99 or 29.99 and I paid full price... I even chose Tekken over Forza... so pissed.


Stumpokapow said:
I'm kinda blown away that it's possible that Europe would make up the difference. *shakes head*

... you just linked me to worldwide shipment numbers.

Being that those number are from Polyphony digital, they probably include PSN sales as well as shipped to retail sales. However, going by the difference between PD's shipped number and the known actual sales for Japan (a little under 180k difference assuming the PSN version sold 0 copies), actual sales for GT5p in Europe are likely to be somewhere around the 2 million mark. Throw in Canadian sales and PSN sales to the know NPD sales, and the North American sold to customers total is probably around 700k.

Japan - 530k+
North America - 700k
Europe - 1.83M? (Japanese sold numbers are 75% of the shipped numbers. North American numbers are somewhere in that range as well)
Asia - 70k?
Total copies sold to customers: - ~3.1 million

About 3 million units sold worldwide is still impressive for an overpriced demo.


BattleMonkey said:
Tekken 6 2.5 million shipped, holy shit theres a ton of copies sitting on shelves :lol

I can believe it, our local Best Buy has an entire cage of Tekken 6 and it's been there for like 2 weeks now and has not gotten smaller. Mountain of the stick bundles as well and it's not shrunken at all either. Retailers got stuffed with this turkey.

heh that sucks. Lets face it though, tekken has not changed much at all. At least SF4 made a giant leap into next-gen 3d with a complete overhaul of the fighting engine. I bet tekken6 still has some of the same animation since the first game was released.


Second-rate Anihawk
jmdajr said:
I see. So there isn't a chart for digital downloads?
There is nothing that is publicly available. The best we can do is infer from top 10 sellers at the various digital distribution sites (Steam, D2D, GamersGate and so on), and even then you will get nowhere near accurate numbers.
BattleMonkey said:
Tekken 6 2.5 million shipped, holy shit theres a ton of copies sitting on shelves :lol

I can believe it, our local Best Buy has an entire cage of Tekken 6 and it's been there for like 2 weeks now and has not gotten smaller. Mountain of the stick bundles as well and it's not shrunken at all either. Retailers got stuffed with this turkey.


There are going to be massive deals for this game in the coming months.

Anybody have numbers for DS:E?(Just putting it out there).
Arpharmd B said:
Tekken 6 had no budget pumped into it whatsoever. The game has been made for 2 years, probably made all it's dev budget back and then some in arcades. The console port was just icing, but trust me when I say they spent zero time on it whatsoever besides the awful scenario mode, which basically looks like PS2 graphics in sub HD.

Kinda makes you wonder when console only releases like Soul Calibur 4 seem like they had such a better budget.

I'm upset that it bombed cause it's only a matter of time before 39.99 or 29.99 and I paid full price... I even chose Tekken over Forza... so pissed.

It's not a good message though to retailers on future games in the series when they are stuffed with a ton of copies they need to discount. They shipped 2.5 million copies ww. The game sold about or less than 200k in the US, it has done pretty poor from its charting in Europe, and the Japanese numbers are not doing much good to boost these figures with another less than 200k total in sales from there.

That's a shit ton of unsold Tekken on shelves. People complained about Soul Calibur 4 shipped numbers when it didn't sell as well either, but SC4 did not ship 2.5 million to retailers.


Archie said:
Because US retail, for all intents and purposes, is dead. Most of the Borderlands sales probably occurred at digital distribution sites. It was topping the Steam charts for about two weeks.

While I'm sure it sold ok on steam, I think people greatly overate DD sales. Its just not the norm yet and that copy you buy off steam has zero resale value, can't trade it to your buddy, etc. I wonder, has there been a company press release where they praised DD for bring them most of their sales?


igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:
The people want 2d fighters like Blazblue and Street Fighter. The novelty of 3D has worn off and people have realised that they enjoy 2D fighters more.

Tekken 6 needs a complete fucking overhaul. Blazblue and SF4 are much much better.
JudgeN said:
While I'm sure it sold ok on steam, I think people greatly overate DD sales. Its just not the norm yet and that copy you buy off steam has zero resale value, can't trade it to your buddy, etc. I wonder, has there been a company press release where they praised DD for bring them most of their sales?

Well amount of retaielrs carrying pc games has greatly decreased in years as well. Circuit City is gone, CompuUSA's are largely gone. Gamestops carry very few pc games anymore outside of big releases and only a handful of copies. PC game departments everywhere have shrunk. The physical retail space for PC games have shrunk quite a bit in past years.
igotnewsuper8 systemWRONG! said:
The people want 2d fighters like Blazblue and Street Fighter. The novelty of 3D has worn off and people have realised that they enjoy 2D fighters more.

This actually has me wondering...will we ever have any sales numbers for BlazBlue?

This one is a real mystery for me.


Second-rate Anihawk
JudgeN said:
While I'm sure it sold ok on steam, I think people greatly overate DD sales. Its just not the norm yet and that copy you buy off steam has zero resale value, can't trade it to your buddy, etc. I wonder, has there been a company press release where they praised DD for bring them most of their sales?
I didn't say that Borderlands sold spectacularly via digital distribution, but I'm sure that it sold more than 15,000 copies on Steam and the other DD services. :p
jmdajr said:
Tekken 6 needs a complete fucking overhaul. Blazblue and SF4 are much much better.

SF4 is only one of recent that has shown any real big success though. BB has not shown any amazing sales numbers either, it's pretty niche. Soul Calibur and Tekken were the big selling fighters but those have been dwindling.

Street Fighter 4 had the benefit of it being such a classic franchise without a new game in so many years, and tons of hype put behind it.
JosM88 said:
This actually has me wondering...will we ever have any sales numbers for BlazBlue?

This one is a real mystery for me.
Well it's coming to PC soon according to that new thread..... So there's an extra 13 or so sales.
Archie said:
I didn't say that Borderlands sold spectacularly via digital distribution, but I'm sure that it sold more than 15,000 copies on Steam and the other DD services. :p

I'm really surprised by Borderlands sales. Those are some impressive numbers actually.


kswiston said:
Being that those number are from Polyphony digital, they probably include PSN sales as well as shipped to retail sales. However, going by the difference between PD's shipped number and the known actual sales for Japan (a little under 180k difference assuming the PSN version sold 0 copies), actual sales for GT5p in Europe are likely to be somewhere around the 2 million mark. Throw in Canadian sales and PSN sales to the know NPD sales, and the North American sold to customers total is probably around 700k.

Japan - 530k+
North America - 700k
Europe - 1.83M? (Japanese sold numbers are 75% of the shipped numbers. North American numbers are somewhere in that range as well)
Asia - 70k?
Total copies sold to customers: - ~3.1 million

About 3 million units sold worldwide is still impressive for an overpriced demo.

I thought Prologue sold over 4 million?
No one should be surprised with Tekken's shipping numbers. Namco is famous for stuffing the channels with their shit, only to watch it get discounted in a couple of months. SCIV was the perfect example of this.
The hatred and unfounded loyalty in these threads is nuts. The PS3 is not "your" system. The xbox 360 is not "your" system. You may have bought one or the other, or both, but no one at Sony or Microsoft knows your name and they certainly don't spend one minute of their day thinking about you. Why does anyone feel some sense of personal victory when "their" console sells well?

"Wow Borderlands sold a lot. I need to go buy it." Uh, why? I don't see the logic. (Great game, though. You SHOULD buy it.)

"Ha ha, Forza 3 bombed." Why is that funny? Is there any doubt it's a quality game, and that hard-working people busted their ass to make it? How crappy do you think their day is when these numbers come out and people are laughing at them on the Internet? That's 3 or 4 years of their life invested in making that game.

I like NPDs simply because I find this industry interesting, and it's interesting to see what one company will do to try to gain market share, what works and what doesn't, etc., but I certainly don't put any personal stock in it.


Second-rate Anihawk
TheRagnCajun said:
I'm really surprised by Borderlands sales. Those are some impressive numbers actually.
Borderlands did great overall, but I was addressing the people who assumed that the PC version bombed without viewing the overall context of digital distribution. Even factoring in DD, I doubt Borderlands came close to the PS3 version, but PC gaming is a totally different beast from every other platform and retail sales aren't the best metric to use.
TheRagnCajun said:
I'm really surprised by Borderlands sales. Those are some impressive numbers actually.
I'm not. Like a lot of people my friends lists on both 360 and Steam have been full of people playing it lately (though I haven't really been paying attention since MW2 hit).

people are doubting that MW2 will bring new people in? it's not uncommon for the first big sequel to a game to surpass the original and to have a much bigger impact on hardware sales in its first month.

COD4 was big, but it was more driven by word of mouth, so any impact on system sales was diluted out through a few different months. MW2 has had massive mainstream coverage. MUCH more than the original had. it had a LE hardware bundle which no other COD had.

i'm not saying it's going to tip the balance of any one system one way or another, but in it's first month of release MW2 will almost certainly have more impact on hardware sales than COD4 had.

i was one of those people saying 'you don't play a Tim Schafer game for the gameplay' and I stand by it. you'll also note that i never once made a prediction that said the game would be any kind of a success.

i'm glad my prediction of M&S at the Winter Olympics being a complete none event came true. i was amazed that anyone was expecting to see it top ten when it has a direct competitor like Wii Sports Resort.

as for aligned launches... i just hate the loss of context. things like the overall market health (recessions) are lost, as are anything that puts the consoles in direct competition as they indeed are. tracking them month by month we can see things like the PS3 gaining more of the HD console market since it's price drop. you align the launches and it's really impossible to see anything like that.

software sales are so much more important and unfortunately we don't reliably get information about which console is having the most software dollars spent on it.

if the PS3 stays where it is above the 360 it WILL start to eat into those software sales. if it's still ahead in November, Microsoft will be worried even if they claim otherwise because they're not that stupid. stupid enough to do a SKU realignment at the same time as a PS3 price drop yes but not stupid enough to think they aren't in trouble losing November.

what will they do about it?

who knows.

i have to laugh at anyone that thinks the PSP Go wasn't supposed to be a relaunch of the system. i suppose it was supposed to reduce sales of the platform too.

the Wii should continue it's turnaround now that NSMB Wii is almost upon us. Nintendo really dropped the ball software wise this year, and I'm glad they seem to realize it.
Freedom = $1.05 said:
No one should be surprised with Tekken's shipping numbers. Namco is famous for stuffing the channels with their shit, only to watch it get discounted in a couple of months. SCIV was the perfect example of this.

Well they shipped 1.6 mil ww of SC4 and that sold across both platforms much more than Tekken 6 has, which has shipped almost a whole extra million compared to that title. They seemed to have went overboard with the stuffing the channel this time.


Fleet of Foot said:

"Ha ha, Forza 3 bombed." Why is that funny? Is there any doubt it's a quality game, and that hard-working people busted their ass to make it? How crappy do you think their day is when these numbers come out and people are laughing at them on the Internet? That's 3 or 4 years of their life invested in making that game.

I like NPDs simply because I find this industry interesting, and it's interesting to see what one company will do to try to gain market share, what works and what doesn't, etc., but I certainly don't put any personal stock in it.

if you dont get the fact that people put personal stock in sales you probably shouldnt read through 14 pages of an NPD thread.

I'm sure the Forza bombed haha is more of a backlash to a snide cocky community manager's comments a few months ago then any reaction at all to the game.


Tekken 6 is a classic example of why the distinction between shipped and sold is so important. To our knowledge, it has sold -- in total -- approximately 350k units in Japan + US, and began at a low chart position in the UK in a genre that is typically very front loaded.


Cosmonaut X said:
...but it was also a platform with a proven audience for GTA titles (aren't the GTA PSP titles its highest-sellers outside of Japan?) and a lot of people were confident it was the platform, not the game, that was the problem.
It was a platform with a proven audience for modern style 3D GTA titles with a typical style, not generally any GTA game you can throw at it. That said, this GTA audience of PSP is small compared to the actual GTA audience achieved on PS2, PS3/360, though it hasn't had a fully unique iteration.

If anything is going to sell on system unfriendly to the expanded audience Nintendo has gone into, then it's modern style 3D GTA. It's one of the biggest non-Nintendo series. That doesn't mean something like Chinatown Wars is going to sell.

A lesson to be learned for those expecting niche titles to sell big numbers on DS. Small sales can mean either the platform doesn't have the right audience for the game, or the game isn't right for any audience except a small one. In this case, it's the latter. Niche games sell low numbers on all systems.


Opiate said:
Tekken 6 is a classic example of why the distinction between shipped and sold is so important. To our knowledge, it has sold -- in total -- approximately 350k units in Japan + US, and began at a low chart position in the UK in a genre that is typically very front loaded.

has any namco game sold more than a million copies this gen? ace combat and ridge racer didn't do so hot.
Opiate said:
Tekken 6 is a classic example of why the distinction between shipped and sold is so important. To our knowledge, it has sold -- in total -- approximately 350k units in Japan + US, and began at a low chart position in the UK in a genre that is typically very front loaded.

Few games though seem to get away with it, and few games do we see such clear evidence of retail stuffing. Time and time again Namco puts out these giant numbers but the sales evidence does not add up. At least with other games we seem to get a more realistic picture it seems from the numbers we get, but Namco has some kind of pact with the devil it seems that fools retailers. Retailers still have power in how much they order of a game, publishers will influence retailers with certain incentives or put requirements into what they order, but it seems Namco gets away with some crazy stuffing through some kind of magic hype machine?
gcubed said:
if you dont get the fact that people put personal stock in sales you probably shouldnt read through 14 pages of an NPD thread.

I'm sure the Forza bombed haha is more of a backlash to a snide cocky community manager's comments a few months ago then any reaction at all to the game.
I do think it's somewhat short sighted and ignorant.

obviously we all care about sales, but sometimes i think too much stock is put into NPD chart positions here. clearly we care about those more than the publishers do, since, you know, who would split their first week over two NPD periods if they were as important to publishers as they are to us.

Sony seem do it all the time with their big first party releases and console revisions. clearly they don't care about it. pubs pay no attention to NPD charts when deciding when to release their games.

there's a very big difference between saying 'lets wait and see how it does next month before calling it a failure' and 'JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL IT SELLS LOTS NEXT MONTH AND YOU HAVE EGG ALL OVER YOUR STUPID FACE'. i think a lot of people are mistaking people saying the first thing for people saying the second thing.

LBP and KZ2 were laughed at in their first months too.

clearly we're getting some of the GT vs Forza fanboys spilling over in here all willing to point and laugh at Forza or GT PSP for any reason what so ever, and not because they have personal stock in sales figures. they have personal stock in a racing brand just because it happens to be the one brand exclusive to their console manufacturer of choice.

to be honest i find the Forza / GT fanboyism the most tiring of all because both are excellent racing sims that are a little bit better than the other in one area. if you are a fan of racing sims who has to chose between a PS3 or a 360, you really don't have to factor racing sims into your decision because whichever one you go for you have an EXCELLENT racing sim to play.


lockload said:
Read that borderlands sold 540,000 including the ps3 version congrats to gearbox really happy for them

Because of borderlands, I have no desire to get MW2. I really was looking forward to MW2 before

Such a good game, just came out of nowhere for me.


Fear of a GAF Planet
BattleMonkey said:
Well amount of retaielrs carrying pc games has greatly decreased in years as well. Circuit City is gone, CompuUSA's are largely gone. Gamestops carry very few pc games anymore outside of big releases and only a handful of copies. PC game departments everywhere have shrunk. The physical retail space for PC games have shrunk quite a bit in past years.

I agree. I think that DD IS the norm for PC games now. Personally, I haven't bought a retail copy of a game since Civ4. The same can be said for pretty much everyone on my Steam friends list.


plagiarize said:
I do think it's somewhat short sighted and ignorant.

obviously we all care about sales, but sometimes i think too much stock is put into NPD chart positions here. clearly we care about those more than the publishers do, since, you know, who would split their first week over two NPD periods if they were as important to publishers as they are to us.

Sony seem do it all the time with their big first party releases and console revisions. clearly they don't care about it. pubs pay no attention to NPD charts when deciding when to release their games.

there's a very big difference between saying 'lets wait and see how it does next month before calling it a failure' and 'JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL IT SELLS LOTS NEXT MONTH AND YOU HAVE EGG ALL OVER YOUR STUPID FACE'. i think a lot of people are mistaking people saying the first thing for people saying the second thing.

LBP and KZ2 were laughed at in their first months too.

clearly we're getting some of the GT vs Forza fanboys spilling over in here all willing to point and laugh at Forza or GT PSP for any reason what so ever, and not because they have personal stock in sales figures. they have personal stock in a racing brand just because it happens to be the one brand exclusive to their console manufacturer of choice.

to be honest i find the Forza / GT fanboyism the most tiring of all because both are excellent racing sims that are a little bit better than the other in one area. if you are a fan of racing sims who has to chose between a PS3 or a 360, you really don't have to factor racing sims into your decision because whichever one you go for you have an EXCELLENT racing sim to play.

hey i'm not saying its right that people get all jazzed up to rub it in the others face when it comes to NPD time, and these threads have gotten (in my limited exposure to them after the first day) much better over the last 6-8 months where you can just breeze past a few my console is better then yours posts, but hey, it happens.

Your going to have the back and forth on anything that is an exclusive series in direct competition. There aren't many games like that exclusive to each platform.


BattleMonkey said:
Few games though seem to get away with it, and few games do we see such clear evidence of retail stuffing. Time and time again Namco puts out these giant numbers but the sales evidence does not add up. At least with other games we seem to get a more realistic picture it seems from the numbers we get, but Namco has some kind of pact with the devil it seems that fools retailers. Retailers still have power in how much they order of a game, publishers will influence retailers with certain incentives or put requirements into what they order, but it seems Namco gets away with some crazy stuffing through some kind of magic hype machine?

They aren't the only ones. Fallout 3 was a great example last year:they announced 5 million shipped when the NPD totaled at less than 1 million after a month, and charted reasonably well in the EU without being a really big hit.
Opiate said:
They aren't the only ones. Fallout 3 was a great example last year:they announced 5 million shipped when the NPD totaled at less than 1 million after a month, and charted reasonably well in the EU without being a really big hit.

I have no doubt that game had very good legs though, it didn't seem like a game that was stuffed on the shelves at retail everywhere months later. Also the PC RPG's do very well usually in many of the European territories which we dont get numbers for often.

Course I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft is guilty of this either, Farcry 2 was another game that had shipped pretty high yet it's sales didn't match up and remember lot of retailers like Best Buy having hordes of the game on shelf months later.


chuckddd said:
I agree. I think that DD IS the norm for PC games now. Personally, I haven't bought a retail copy of a game since Civ4. The same can be said for pretty much everyone on my Steam friends list.

I agree. Peak concurrent players for Borderlands on Steam has been 5000-7000 the last couple of days. I would imagine that sales of a game on steam would have to be way higher than 15k if 5000+ people are playing at the same time. And that is just Steam. The game was also on D2D and Gamersgate.

Retail is still the dominant stream of sales for things like World of Warcraft and the Sims 3. For titles that are less casual though, I have no doubt that DD sales are more important.


beelzebozo said:
what's that old saying? "he who smelt it dealt it?"
Yes, but he who said the rhyme surely did the crime.

Fleet of Foot said:
"Wow Borderlands sold a lot. I need to go buy it." Uh, why? I don't see the logic. (Great game, though. You SHOULD buy it.)
"Hey, a lot of people thought this game was great, maybe I should it give it a try and see if I like it as well". Good sales are often understood as a sort of recommendation.

Now, we both know that's not how it really works (different tastes, the unwashed masses don't know shit etc. etc.) but you could certainly construct a cohesive argument around the assumption.
AniHawk said:
I think the only system in October that managed to best the Wii's October this year might've been the PS2 in 2001. Or maybe 2000 (its launch month/week).
Ignoring Wii's previous years, of course.

PS2 launch month wasn't this big; short supply and all. It did do over 507K in October once, though.
jamesinclair said:
Was there a shortage?

This number does NOT fit in with other sales.

(PS2 GH5 sold almost as much as PS3 version)
THEORY: PS2 GH5 could count on disc-only buyers who wanted to make use of PS2 peripherals they'd bought with GH 1-4. DJ Hero doesn't have that.
Neo C. said:
Once it seemed the wii had the chance to get over 50% market share. It hasn't happened yet, because Nintendo doesn't push the Wii>360+PS3. Sony was way more aggressive during the PS1 and PS2 era.
PS2 percentage had the advantage of launch a year before both competitors. If we were to pretend that X360 and Wii traded launch times to create a similar situation, and for simplicity the numbers sold for each month from launch didn't change, then at the "current" time the Wii of 36 months would be at 22.1 million and the PS360 of 24 months would be at a combined 12.8 million.

Taking the opposite approach and imagining PS2 traded places with the original Xbox, it wouldn't pass 50% until... late 2005, a bit after NPD stops giving Xbox numbers due to MS dropping it.


thuway said:
Wii on top post price drop, not surprising.

PS3 FPS shooter sales no where to be seen. Talk about an ouch. It must be the controller. Was hoping to see PS3 borderlands in the list.

I am happy to see Uncharted 2 top off the list. Lets hope those legs extend it and give it a good lifetime sale of 4 million.

If I remember right, someone had a ban bet between Uncharted 2 and Wii Fit Plus :lol.

wtf does this even mean?


MrPliskin said:
wtf does this even mean?
PS3 owners don't care about multiplatform games (many multi-console owners getting them on the 360 instead? I dunno).

They let Randy down. :(

edit: and as a certified Dualshock hater I appreciate the jab against it, although it really doesn't make any sense in his post. :lol


Ah, nothing like waking up and wading through the NPD thread after forgetting the results came out the night before :D

No great surprises on the hardware front. Wii sales continues to boggle my mind. 360 numbers are a tad anemic, but to be expected since the PS3 is still selling well. Makes you wonder if MS is starting to sweat their decision to keep the Elite SKU at $299. After 4 years, that's madness IMO. PSP Go bombed as expected. Sony was out of their gourd pricing that at $250.

Also, glad to see Borderlands selling well. Reassuring to see that original IP's can still do reasonably well in this sequel obsessed market.


This is M$'s fault. The Elite is not worth the same amount of money as a slim. Even if you can get an arcade for $199.99. Most folks want a frickin hardrive. What they need to do is eliminate the Arcade, drop the Pro to $179 or $189, and price the Elite at $250 with a pack in game. They are also need to start an agressive advertising campaign the markets not just thier games but the system as well. Sony's new price point and thier new advertising campaign is killing them.


listen to the mad man
Cimarron said:
This is M$'s fault. The Elite is not worth the same amount of money as a slim. Even if you can get an arcade for $199.99. Most folks want a frickin hardrive. What they need to do is eliminate the Arcade, drop the Pro to $179 or $189, and price the Elite at $250 with a pack in game. They are also need to start an agressive advertising campaign the markets not just thier games but the system as well. Sony's new price point and thier new advertising campaign is killing them.

fu¢ken m$@!!!!!!


Haunted said:
PS3 owners don't care about multiplatform games (many multi-console owners getting them on the 360 instead? I dunno).

They let Randy down. :(

edit: and as a certified Dualshock hater I appreciate the jab against it, although it really doesn't make any sense in his post. :lol

huh, I think Borderlands probably suffered more from Uncharted 2 being released.

My statement was more about his reference to the controller though, I can hardly think of FPS sales suffering because of the Dualshock.

Edit: Dude, does your avatar change?


BattleMonkey said:
I have no doubt that game had very good legs though, it didn't seem like a game that was stuffed on the shelves at retail everywhere months later. Also the PC RPG's do very well usually in many of the European territories which we dont get numbers for often.

Course I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft is guilty of this either, Farcry 2 was another game that had shipped pretty high yet it's sales didn't match up and remember lot of retailers like Best Buy having hordes of the game on shelf months later.

We're getting bit off topic here, but why would you ever think Fallout 3 would have good legs? It is:

1) Single player
2) Story driven
3) Third in the franchise
4) "Hardcore blockbuster"

All of those qualities tend to indicate truncated legs. The game clearly overshipped.


Second-rate Anihawk
kswiston said:
Retail is still the dominant stream of sales for things like World of Warcraft and the Sims 3. For titles that are less casual though, I have no doubt that DD sales are more important.
Can you even buy WoW expansions and Sims games via DD?
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