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NPD Sales Results for October 2010 [Update 6: Rock Band 3]


Sales-Age Genius
Nirolak said:
I think selling less than 500,000 as Nintendo's flagship holiday title would qualify as a major failure.
Selling less than 500k means it will be outsold from Just Dance 2.


Trucker Sexologist
mugurumakensei said:
I don't think New Vegas was the reason for Vanquish's lack of sales. It's a fluke when Platinum/Clover creates that appeals to the mainstream. It's a fluke when platinum makes a game that can sell more than 50k on a single console in a single region.
No, it's a fluke when they don't. Even MadWorld did over 60k in the first month.
Zoe said:
I think Naughty Dog are the exception. And teams as large as the AC team introduces a whole new set of problems (resource-wise) which would probably cancel out most benefits you'd see from a shorter dev cycle.

GTA Vice City was 10 months :)


Will Eat Your Children
Nirolak said:
I think selling less than 500,000 as Nintendo's flagship holiday title would qualify as a major failure.
Returns or Kirby? I don't believe Nintendo set the Kirby bar that high, Returns might hit 1 million in it's lifetime tho


Barrage said:
Wii Party's problems:

1. The name is generic. Nintendo thinks when the casual public sees "Wii" they think "First Party Nintendo game." They don't.

2. Nintendo's brand of advertising has been completely co-opted. How many commercials do we see nowadays from Microsoft and Sony copying Nintendo's format of a family playing in front of a TV screen? Nintendo can't do the same concept with uglier graphics anymore. At least if it was Mario Party they could've sold based on brand recognition.

3. Saturation of party games on the Wii.

4. It's a terrible game.

For all their flaws the Mario Party games are great for keeping casuals interested, everyone who I've put this on for has wanted to kill me after just one go.


Teetris said:
Returns or Kirby? I don't believe Nintendo set the Kirby bar that high, Returns might hit 1 million in it's lifetime tho
Donkey Kong, since that seems to be their holiday title in all three regions.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Why are some people doubting Wii Part this early? Have Wii sales trends not taught you anything?
Well, Nintendo wants it to break 10 million world wide this fiscal year, which is looking pretty hard right now even with an upswing.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
Vanquish selling a lot less than 50k across all platforms signals that the death of gaming is near.

that's just horrible, but price will drop and I can pick it up cheap :D


Will Eat Your Children
Nirolak said:
Donkey Kong, since that seems to be their holiday title in all three regions.
Oh yeah, it's getting some heavy marketing I think. Will be very interesting to follow


Sales-Age Genius
Nirolak said:
Well, Nintendo wants it to break 10 million world wide this fiscal year, which is looking pretty hard right now even with an upswing.
I think it was me who posted that number in a Media Create thread but the truth is Iwata didn't give a specific number, just that it would be an important title for this fiscal year.

Blueblur1 said:
10 million!?:lol
Don't laugh, it will happen eventually.


EviLore said:

Who is Ninja Theory gonna blame now?


DangerousDave said:
But the slim and 100$ price drop was in september 2009, and a lot of people was expecting that price drop to buy a PS3. So it's normal to sell less this last two months than the sept-oct of past year (because of the increase of sales that the price drop gave for those months).

It's not like PS3 is selling bad these months (being US and costing double than 360 cheapest SKU), but it seems when you compare it with those months of past year. In the end of the year, YTD 2010 will be bigger than YTD 2009.

Not in the US and not if they continue to be down 30% for the next 2 months.
Furret said:
4. It's a terrible game.

For all their flaws the Mario Party games are great for keeping casuals interested, everyone who I've put this on for has wanted to kill me after just one go.

The quality of a game is rarely a major factor in its sales performance, unfortunately.
Jigsaw said:
jesus what happened to tony hawk?his games sold 3 millions on ps1 and ps2

A combination of brand fatigue, chronic mismanagement of the franchise (decline in quality, Ride controller, etc), and, while I'm not the best person to comment on this last one, it seems to me like skateboarding isn't as popular as it was 10 years ago.


I knew Vanquish was gonna bomb so hard, but it's still a shame. Enslaved, on the other hand, I'm pretty much happy that it bombed.


There goes Tony hawk and Shaun white's video game futures. I can't imagine a publisher making another game with them, paying for their overpriced names, if they expect to sell 3000-6000 opening month.
Busaiku said:
Well, I guess that proves that Wii Play sold for the controller (for all the naysayers).

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but no matter what it is, you're wrong. It didn't sell because of the controller or because of the game, but because it was both in one box and seemed like a good deal vs. just the controller. It's so "duh" that I've never understood the controversy.
Leondexter said:
I'm not sure what you're referring to, but no matter what it is, you're wrong. It didn't sell because of the controller or because of the game, but because it was both in one box and seemed like a good deal vs. just the controller. It's so "duh" that I've never understood the controversy.
I love paying ten dollars over the cost of the single sku for a controller with a game I don't want.

That's how I bought all of my Wiimotes! I then shot the remaining discs of WiiPlay.
DangerousDave said:
But the slim and 100$ price drop was in september 2009, and a lot of people was expecting that price drop to buy a PS3. So it's normal to sell less this last two months than the sept-oct of past year (because of the increase of sales that the price drop gave for those months).

It's not like PS3 is selling bad these months (being US and costing double than 360 cheapest SKU), but it seems when you compare it with those months of past year. In the end of the year, YTD 2010 will be bigger than YTD 2009.


The cheapest 360 is $199 and the cheapest PS3 is $299. This does not equal double the price.
SapientWolf said:
No, it's a fluke when they don't. Even MadWorld did over 60k in the first month.

MadWorld also outsold Bayonetta PS3 in the US. Using MadWorld as the low point doesn't really work as most of Platinum/Clover's games sold much lower.


2010-2011 will be one of the most devastating years ever for the game industry. Except a lot of studio closures over the next months.

And releasing new consoles will not help in any way, shape, or form. There is just too many mediums that attract people's attention all at the same time.
Isn't NBA Jam a textbook example of a game that could easily sell many, many times as much as a $15 DD game? Port-levania sold more than in a week on XBLA.


SlipperySlope said:
All the consoles have so many bombs this month. It's sad to see the industry crash like this. More studio closures are coming :(

I can just picture it now:

Publisher convention

" We can all make 20mil-40mil game projects and release them at the same time, there is no lack of demand for everything we make!" *group hug*
Ether_Snake said:
2010-2011 will be one of the most devastating years ever for the game industry. Except a lot of studio closures over the next months.

Yup. And those that still want the next-gen consoles to be delayed past 2012 are fooling themselves. Especially the publishers like THQ. It's just silly right now to not want the next generation to start.

Shit, Tony Hawk at 3K? Enslaved? Vanquish? Shaun White? EA MMA? These games likely will not see another entry.

We all know that Bloodstone ain't doing too well.

This crash will probably be worse than the early 80's crash, since the industry is so much larger today and the layoffs will be so much more severe. I'd bet that the layoffs just in the last 12 months have already overshot the 80's crash by some margin. Studio closures too.

Next-gen can't come soon enough.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Isn't NBA Jam a textbook example of a game that could easily sell many, many times as much as a $15 DD game? Port-levania sold more than in a week on XBLA.
EA's assumption seems to be that they could sell it to a large Wii audience one month and to a large HD audience the next month, patting themselves on the back that the former don't know about the latter.

Spoiler: But they do.


Ether_Snake said:
2010-2011 will be one of the most devastating years ever for the game industry. Except a lot of studio closures over the next months.

And releasing new consoles will not help in any way, shape, or form. There is just too many mediums that attract people's attention all at the same time.
It's already happening, see how many lay offs and closure threads we had over the past couple of months.
miladesn said:
It's already happening, see how many lay offs and closure threads we had over the past couple of months.

Yeah, but it'll get worse before it gets better. I think half of the studios out there today will probably shutter in the next 24 months. I mean, where will they find the investors, and who would be willing to give them loans when the industry is in the shape it is in?
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