That's what he means, I thinkEverything is counted. However, software included with hardware is counted, but not included with the Software Top 10.
That's what he means, I thinkEverything is counted. However, software included with hardware is counted, but not included with the Software Top 10.
I'm having fun too but I I'm also not feeling too bad about thinking of trading it in for a cool $44 bucks @ BB in order to pick up Dragon Age on the cheap next week. That doesn't speak too well of its longevity this holiday season.
1.5m? I don't think it will reach 1m, including bundles.
That's pushing it, let's not get crazy now.
WW is a loss for MS.
NA is where they can win if they continue to play their cards tight.
Nah, this is probably a first for me.
I'm usually rooting for Sony.
Unfortunately, November is stacked against the PS4.
These factors add up though and the gap in NA isn't large enough for their to be a snowball effect involving friends and etc in favour of the PS4.
The price cut bundles could certainly push the XBO over the PS4 next month.
But I thought that people would had accepted by now that the sales drivers aren't first-party titles/exclusives.
But I thought that people would had accepted by now that the sales drivers aren't first-party titles/exclusives.
So right now on Amazon, Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition is charting above PS4.
An expansion pack for the most popular MMO of all time charting above a 400$ console?
Not that unbelievable.
i know a ton of people who bought ps2s as a dvd player, of course games is the most important factor but the ps2 doubling up as a dvd player was a brilliant move, especially at that time when dvd players wasn't so cheap.I know, it's like some retroactive invention that keeps getting repeated and has become part of the perceived wisdom. The only thing I can vaguely remember that might explain it is some articles about how it helped get DVD players into Japanese homes, but it was games that drove the PS2. It had to compete with the Dreamcast out of the gate, as well as the other future consoles.
It's getting increasingly absurd that NPD doesn't include digital software sales.
The percentage of games being bought via DD is increasing each month, even. They have said they are working on methods to track digital sales but they need to sort it out asap. If this carries on into much of 2015 it will be crazy.
In the film community it is viewed as one of the best horror films ever made. Game community needs to sort itself out.
EDIT: I blame Fox and Gearbox respectively for mishandling the franchise myself. From interviews the main creative forces behind it had no desire to continue past Aliens and from the point the franchise was shaped by commercial rather than creative forces for the most part. The shame is Alien Idolation is clearly s game shaped primarily by creative forces. It does what's right for the title and almost gleefully ignores commercial design which I love which is why I'm genuinely saddened to see a region fail to support it as well as they could have although it may be a case of the action orientated TEW took more of the available market.
What if November = March?
I think Sony deserves to lose Nov/Dec if they don't announce any sort of official bundle for GTA5.
I think Sony deserves to lose Nov/Dec if they don't announce any sort of official bundle for GTA5.
Oh dear, how much have you paid for their reports?
Sure, that's possible. What I meant was: those pricedrops and bundles can be the factor that give Xbox One the edge over PS4 this month, and is probably the factor why the guy would state the PS4 train would come to a screetching halt.
It's getting increasingly absurd that NPD doesn't include digital software sales.
The percentage of games being bought via DD is increasing each month, even. They have said they are working on methods to track digital sales but they need to sort it out asap. If this carries on into much of 2015 it will be crazy.
The WiiU estimates are sad.
They're great for my predictions. Silver linings. And at least they're an improvement Y/Y.
The GTA V bundle is official. It even has official box art. SCEA's blog doesn't officially announce these things until like a week before Black Friday though.
What is this? And yes they do have an official bundle
So right now on Amazon, Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition is charting above PS4.
Yah that's a big issue after CM. they should have placed adverts actually noting its not CM and it's not the same developer.It's just, if I haven't read anything about Isolation and I walk into a games store or whatever and see it on the shelf, even being an Alien fan, why would I have any reason to look at the back of the box? It's clearly just going to be a subpar shooter with lolspacemarines.
Everything is counted. However, software included with hardware is counted, but not included with the Software Top 10.
I checked Amazon - there is no GTA bundle. They have the retail deals but they haven't announced an official pack-in like Europe. Seems strange. The Walmart PS4+GTA5+TLoUR+$50 voucher for 399 is good though.
Any numbers for Sunset yet?
Hoping it's over 150k. While not amazing, would be a decent start.
i know a ton of people who bought ps2s as a dvd player, of course games is the most important factor but the ps2 doubling up as a dvd player was a brilliant move, especially at that time when dvd players wasn't so cheap.
going from vhs > dvd was a huge jump and it certainly helped move ps2s significantly, there's no doubt about that.
why do you think sony shoe-horned bluray into the ps3 and why the format wars was so important for sony to win?
Any numbers for Sunset yet?
Hoping it's over 150k. While not amazing, would be a decent start.
To get the digital sales for a console, they'd have to get the numbers from the Console Manufacturers... and then sell them back to the manufacturers?
I mean Sony and MS already know their DD numbers, and can do their own PR based on them, no need to go public with it for them.
Also if X1 doesn't beat PS4 next month as many here believe, it has to be the closest they've been in the past 10 months right?
Sony and MS each know their own DD numbers, but not the DD numbers of their competitor.
Aside from the $50 gift card, the bundle for Black Friday that Sony is sending every retailer is a PS4 + GTA V + The Last of Us Remastered for $400.
yeah i doubt many people bought the ps2 solely as a dvd player.Having it an extra feature was a brilliant move, but like with blu ray I think it was more the gaming side giving DVD a boost rather than the other way around. Which is what a lot of people try and imply.
I'm failing to see how that can be a decent start, especially when the US accounts for what 50%+ of XB1 hardware sales.
All we know it's above 100k
There is also a Little Big Planet 3 + LEGO Batman 3 PS4 bundle for $399. I do not believe these will be Black Friday only. I think they will be available throughout the holiday season.
I don't think Insomniac regrets their decision that much. They backed the wrong horse, but Sunset Overdrive hasn't even been on sale for a full month. For all we know, the game might perform much better in November.
BIG games in November :
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Rocksmith 2014
Assassin's Creed: Rogue
Assassin's Creed: Unity
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Far Cry 4
Grand Theft Auto V
Little Big Planet 3
WWE 2K15
If Sunset Overdrive enters in top 10, i will be quite surprised!
Thanks. Seems cream no longer posts, so I guess that means no numbers beyond rough estimates?
Where's Driveclub at? /troll
Let's see if Xbox can win next month...
Although I doubt it.
Man over 2000 posts and the only number we have is some roundabout WiiU and Bayo2 figures![]()
Where's Driveclub at? /troll
But what is more important, knowing your competitors DD numbers, or making sure your competitor doesn't know yours? I don't see NPD ever getting DD numbers from the manufacturers. At best, maybe DD numbers from Amazon, but those are pretty small if I'm not mistaken.
Edit: If the important thing for them to know is how 3rd party games are doing DD wise on the competing platform, I think they can extrapolate that going on PR numbers from pubs, minus their own DD numbers. Yeah, still don't see neither MS or Sony being interested in sharing their DD numbers with NPD.
+Price cuts
+Better scoring exclusives
I kind of think that if anything, they will win just due to flooding the retail channels in the US like last year. They will most certainly have more consoles on shelves than Sony.