Paying customers cant be punished. How the secrecy of these numbers can be enforced is puzzling.
Yes, yes they can when they sign NDAs. In certain fields of business such information is considered proprietary. Same idea as leads in sales.
Paying customers cant be punished. How the secrecy of these numbers can be enforced is puzzling.
Ahhh, right, I remember seeing that somewhere a couple days ago....didn't see it when I checked a couple minuets ago....will update my post with the info.
Yes, yes they can when they sign NDAs. In certain fields of business such information is considered proprietary. Same idea as leads in sales.
You really think Cream lost his source? Guess you didn't read his post closely. And those arguments over lack of concern for leakers and NPD getting increasingly concerned with Gaf, but members still butting heads with her over it lead her to request a ban.
She came back, got banned for real.
I suggest you read both NPD threads from last month if you want to learn more.
No....only retailer specific deal I could find for PS4 was the Toys R Us bundle with Lego and LBP3.
Everywhere else seems to be just doing the standard TLOU + GTA bundle.
But there is still hope, Gamestop's BF has not been leaked yet.
From thooks of that flyer, it also shws people getting a $50 GC back as well, meanign people are basically getting the PS4, GTAV, TLoU and another game or controller for $410. Great deal!
two transactions is the key to using that GC right away....Always remember that GAF..
Meijer and HH Gregg also have the PS4, Batman, and LBP3 Bundles. Its not just Toys R Us.
So I'll reiterate what I said last month. Come back Aqua. Be the awesome poster you always were, without endangering yourself and fuck them! Those childish bastards don't want to quote? Fuck em!
We don't have to have the info. It's little more than a vanity project to way too many posters anyway. A way to say "Hah! I told you I was smert for buying PS4!"
It hurts those of us that stat track, but we're not worth your sanity, and for damn sure we're not worth the hassle.
Good job, Goldmund. Hope you're happy.
L'Oréal's been lying to me all these years.It hurts those of us that stat track, but we're not worth your sanity, and for damn sure we're not worth the hassle.
Gather around kids, this is called victim blaming. It's what happens when someone can't get their head out of their ass and instead chooses to make ridiculous unsubstantiated assumptions about the risks surrounding another's pure charity and dedication to a thankless community.
never heard of those retailers, where do you live?
Because it was totally derailing the thread last month, I decided not to make a parody post this time. That stuff is fun, sure, but its not worth risking a banFor.
I hope so too.Hopefully Vita TV bombed. That thing is a wicked piece of shit.
It's quite ridiculous that these numbers aren't made public. The situation is even worse for Europe; we never get any numbers there (thanks for nothing, GfK). Japan does it right, that's the way it should be everywhere.
We know how many books are sold, we know how movies do (and how much money they earn), we know how well music sells. What makes video games and consoles special?
Did you just trash talk Aquamarine and encourage people to use chartz in the same post?I read the original thread and im sorry, she did start to slowly lose it in that thread. Even before people started calling her out.
It was like she was getting overexcited, dropped a bunch of extra info (I was banned at the time but im assuming she was giving exact numbers in the email tags) and then thought "shit, what if members of NPD group have gaf accounts?"
The actual posts from other posters were a bit annoying but they were easily ignored. It was more the people constantly asking for summaries which were a bigger issue.
Honestly, I feel she was doing an excellent favour for this community but just like the "insiders" she got a bit drunk on her importance. Her taking a step back for a while is a good thing for her.
Id argue the perfect NPD system would be to follow John harkers model, small hints here and there, with a larger blowout a month later, closer to the release of the following months NPD. This should be hidden by email tags and presented in a way for people who will actually make the effort to put the info together.
The problem with recent NPD threads is its become a battleground for console wars with NPD numbers as bullets. Most people actually don't give a shit about numbers, they just want further validation of the ascension of their console brand of choice.
Thats what is drawing so much attention to Neogaf, aqua and cream. If the data was much further delayed and further obfuscated, certain members of this forum would be much less concerned about it.
At the end of the day aqua and cream are risking their jobs, careers and livehoods to give a bunch of forum goers talking points. If most of us wer in the same position we would keep our mouths shut. That is to be respected. What shouldn't be respected is knowingly faciliting a carnival of stupid. Honestly, the data will not change if we get it on NPD on release day or a month later. What will change is its importance to NPD as a corporation, its partners (some of which - saying no names - are putting extra pressure on them to crack down) and who on this forum care enough about historical data to follow whats going on.
Basically, if you just want talking points about your console manufacturer of choice, stick to chartzzz and amazon. They give you enough round about info to know what is selling a decent range of how much.
The average neogaf poster simply does not need to know if product x is selling 238k or 258k. Around 250-270k is enough.
It's quite ridiculous that these numbers aren't made public. The situation is even worse for Europe; we never get any numbers there (thanks for nothing, GfK). Japan does it right, that's the way it should be everywhere.
We know how many books are sold, we know how movies do (and how much money they earn), we know how well music sells. What makes video games and consoles special?
These numbers should not be kept secret. Why don't these so-called video game journalists do something about it? Now that would be a worthy cause for once.
I am in Indianapolis. Meijer is in the Midwest, Michigan, Illinoi, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky, HH Gregg Midwest and East Coast.
Someone is making millions off the data.
Getting something for free out of someone that's making millions off selling it.....not easy.
Because you're worth it.L'Oréal's been lying to me all these years.
Playstation TV was just a poor ass launch from sony, and they had a year to figure out how to market it here in the states. It should've breathed a second life into the Vita, but instead it just seems so poorly thought out and supported.
never heard of those retailers, where do you live?
Smash will absolutely chart.It really really won't.
Smash is doomed. I question if it will even chart.
Did you just trash talk Aquamarine and encourage people to use chartz in the same post?
At least you have that tag as a warning.
The fact is that Aquamarine cared about this community, and she took risks to bring us information. She was a good poster, and losing her is noteworthy. She will be missed not just for her contributions, but for her general presence here.
The $50 GC is for getting a regular PS4 with no games.
Did you just trash talk Aquamarine and encourage people to use chartz in the same post?
At least you have that tag as a warning.
The fact is that Aquamarine cared about this community, and she took risks to bring us information. She was a good poster, and losing her is noteworthy. She will be missed not just for her contributions, but for her general presence here.
Smash will absolutely chart.
Nope, not a sure fire bet Halo will either.
Last year:
AC Unity, Rouge, COD, GTAV, Madden and NBA will all be huge million+ sellers. XB1 Minecraft release with the other 3 skus could see it do huge numbers too.
Far Cry, Dragon Age and perhaps Destiny (though this month has made me doubt its legs)
MK is around 1.2m after 5 months is it not? Smash will sell well but to outsell MK LTD in 2 weeks?
If they do both chart it'll be in the lower positions. Top 5 is already locked down.
Why would it need to outsell MK LTD to chart? It's only the one month's sales.
Hmmm. Hard to argue you with you. I still think Smash will chart, but with less than two weeks, it'll certainly be closer to 10 than to 5.Nope, not a sure fire bet Halo will either.
Last year:
AC Unity, Rouge, COD, GTAV, Madden and NBA will all be huge million+ sellers. XB1 Minecraft release with the other 3 skus could see it do huge numbers too.
Far Cry, Dragon Age and perhaps Destiny (though this month has made me doubt its legs)
MK is around 1.2m after 5 months is it not? Smash will sell well but to outsell MK LTD in 2 weeks?
If they do both chart it'll be in the lower positions. Top 5 is already locked down.
Because most of those games I mentioned will do 1m+ easy.
XB1/PS4 userbase will be over 10m end of Nov vs WiiU's 3m, that gives multiplats like Far Cry ect a great shot at 1m+
You're dealing with a month with a much higher total software bar than the month MK launched in.Why would it need to outsell MK LTD to chart? It's only the one month's sales.
You're dealing with a month with a much higher total software bar than the month MK launched in.
If Smash WiiU sells on par with the 3DS version, there's a very good chance it won't chart at all.
What? Don't confuse WW vs. NPD sales.Because most of those games I mentioned will do 1m+ easy.
XB1/PS4 userbase will be over 10m end of Nov vs WiiU's 3m, that gives multiplats like Far Cry ect a great shot at 1m+
Hmmm. Hard to argue you with you. I still think Smash will chart, but with less than two weeks, it'll certainly be closer to 10 than to 5.
What? Don't confuse WW vs. NPD sales.
I remember Brink doing really well for what it was too though.
It launched with 401K:
Combining the two is how I read it. If PS4/One sold on par with what they did last month, the two combined should be cresting the 9 million unit mark. By November their combined unit totals should be around 10 million units. This puts WiiU in a precarious position.What? Don't confuse WW vs. NPD sales.
Are Smash WiiU and 3DS combined? If so it could very well chart higher than I expect. WiiU on its own though, no.
Even if 25% of the install base buy it in the first 2 weeks that's 850k~ (MK for comparison sold to about 30% of the install base after 6 weeks)
Both Smash and Halo will chart.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U, 3DS)
....nah I don't think so
I doubt it, barring Smash pulling unexpectedly high numbers