lovely ladies
I think they're most likely saving the updated numbers for their playstation event next month.
And yet the music, movie, and television industry all have visibility and transparency into not just monthly tracking but WEEKLY tracking. All for free and open to the general public. The game industry is a joke.
Don't take me wrong i love PS4, but it is weird they didn't ship any console this 2 last months, since we have blackfriday and holidays...
Nobody wanted to play with Bayonetta?![]()
You seem very concerned, espeically for someone that loves PS4. Sony isn't giving the numbers of consoles they plan to ship the next month, like MS. MS was including all the consoles they intend to ship, since they will reach 10 million shortly. Plus, that 13.5 million shipped number was from the end of September/3rd Quarter. They still have their 4th Quarter shipment, you know, the holiday shipment, that the haven't shared yet.
PS4 is going to be around 18 million shipped by the end of this year easily.
But that doesn't seem right as since the game has launched per Microsofts PR they are selling a ton of systems, plus its bundle on Amazon kept selling out?
It is the only console that I haveand I play at least 3-4 hours per day
I'm concerned because i want to Sony skyrocket sales![]()
Pretty sure we still do actually. What word should he have used then?
No, nobody says crack anymore. Hack is more of a "90's" word anyway.
And yet the music, movie, and television industry all have visibility and transparency into not just monthly tracking but WEEKLY tracking. All for free and open to the general public. The game industry is a joke.
I presented my opinion in a civil discourse, no one got shatted on. Are you still whining about nothing? I thought a mod told you better.
Did Bayonetta sell at least 50k?
NPD really has nothing to gain by sharing its data-- that subscribers pay thousands of dollars for-- with the general public. People aren't going to suddenly start paying up if the service starts offering key stats in a few areas. We get general numbers from NPD, and then console manufacturers can share their own numbers if they so choose. NPD does the smart thing and lets these companies decide whether or not to share their data.
We, as consumers, are not entitled to see that information. We never were. It's been that way for awhile, and we've been fortunate as Armchair Analysts to get data from console manufacturers or from GAF sources, but if we don't get any data? That's honestly the way it should have been since NPD pulled that information back inside years ago.
Japanese trackers seem to disagree. We get numbers from three different trackers every week. NPD just needs some competition....
Woops,thread moved without me. Anyone can link to SSO estimates?
Over-under 100k? 200k?
This topic has been discussed ad nauseum today. Just go back a few pages and you'll have all your answers.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about hacking (I'm an expert), but Iron Man and Robert Downey Junior are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Nepal where you can become successful by being able to beat up a monk with stick. If you screw someone over by hacking, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is by hugging strangers on the subway.
NPD really has nothing to gain by sharing its data-- that subscribers pay thousands of dollars for-- with the general public. People aren't going to suddenly start paying up if the service starts offering key stats in a few areas. We get general numbers from NPD, and then console manufacturers can share their own numbers if they so choose. NPD does the smart thing and lets these companies decide whether or not to share their data.
We, as consumers, are not entitled to see that information. We never were. It's been that way for awhile, and we've been fortunate as Armchair Analysts to get data from console manufacturers or from GAF sources, but if we don't get any data? That's honestly the way it should have been since NPD pulled that information back inside years ago.
So that's who that is!, I forgot.
Forcing non-sequitur references into conversations is obnoxious.
Historically what are hardware generally down % wise from sept to oct?
This topic has been discussed ad nauseum today. Just go back a few pages and you'll have all your answers.
Over 100K based on previous post but no definitive number.
Shouldn't they be up, on average?
With me you gotta read between the lines haha
Don't take me wrong i love PS4, but it is weird they didn't ship any console this 2 last months, since we have blackfriday and holidays...
Look. I like aqua being here. Ive learnt alot from reading her posts.
Im just saying the information she is revealing in NPD threads is painting a big target on her back and for what? So people can argue amongst themselves over console wars? This shit has consequences and Neogaf is getting big enough and influential enough that it is a good idea tl be much less fortcoming and hide the information much more.
At the end of the day if she loses her job and gets sued, it doesnt effect anyone than her. Its not worth it to do things how they have been done.
The information can be spread to the community without a big "hi look at the NPD data!" Thread each month. People who actually give a shit about her should be able to see that, surely.
Listen, I'm sorry, truly, I'm having what some would call a 'bad day' and it showed here.
I went hyperbole with the 'shat on', I agree, you presented your point correctly. Though in the end, it essentially ended up as some politically correct kind of whining, which didn't help Aqua's state of mind, clearly. I'm not whining about nothing though and I didn't have any kind of interaction with a mod about this either, we lost a precious member in the GAF community.
Whatever, sorry man. I took care of editing a part of my past lividness in my previous post as well.
Don't take me wrong i love PS4, but it is weird they didn't ship any console this 2 last months, since we have blackfriday and holidays...
Nobody wanted to play with Bayonetta?![]()
Then why do companies like Media Create or Famitsu exist? They provide consistent public data for the top titles and hardware and provide additional data at a fee. And the reason is because there's competition in the data that they can't harbor all the shit in and charge $10K a pop. Someone needs to step in an challenge the NPD bullshit to break down the barriers.
Furthermore these are public companies the data represents. Sharehodlers should demand more transparency into the perforamnce of the software and hardware. Not generic PR bullshit that is misleading and has ambigious wording.
Nobody wanted to play with Bayonetta?![]()
Nope. Just like the original.
I have no idea since I've never cared about NPD but let's say down about 25% from last month (given the PS4 and MS faux Destiny bundle)?
Oh way more than that. Destiny was a powerful driver.
Software drives hardware and October was just way weaker.
Given what I reported here
Would you say nearer to 60% or nearer to 45%? At least for PS4 and Xbox One.
You have it backwards. Without numbers all that is left is fanboy wank. No numbers, no real discussion, no salesage community, or at least a greatly reduced one. But yeah, NPD isn't friendly.
Are the NPD results on VG accurate ?
PS4- 293,251
XB1- 218,818
About as accurate as the rest of NeoGAFs prediction thread.Are the NPD results on VG accurate ?
PS4- 293,251
XB1- 218,818
Not sure if Insomniac is going to be able to rebound from this. They really pushed SO as their magnum opus but it just didn't strike a chord with the general audience. Not surprised really. It was hyped to all hell around here but I never saw anything special.
Fanboy wank runs the risk someone getting a ban. At worse losing a free forum account.
Posted numbers run the risk of some losing their job, their career and potentially a financially crippling lawsuit.
One of these things are more important than the other. Console warriors will move on to the next thing to fight about.
Sales age data will still be available to people who put an effort to look for it and can keep their mouths shut.
Maybe John Harker can tell if Chartz had lucky this month.
They have Ratchet and a movie they will be fine.Not sure if Insomniac is going to be able to rebound from this. They really pushed SO as their magnum opus but it just didn't strike a chord with the general audience. Not surprised really. It was hyped to all hell around here but I never saw anything special.
So NPD is worse than PAL (UK) charts with regards to data now? At least we get reasonably good estimates for most big titles (on a weekly basis too) there. Still, the internet is far bigger than GAF alone, when I was far more interested in this than I am now I could find far more comprehensive leaks on foreign (generally non-Roman script) message boards than on GAF. I'd be surprised if there aren't any leaks at all in some remote part of the internet for those willing to put the time and effort in to search for it.
So no Pachter forecast this month? Did that start happening this month, or has that been the situation for a while now?
So NPD is worse than PAL (UK) charts with regards to data now? At least we get reasonably good estimates for most big titles (on a weekly basis too) there. Still, the internet is far bigger than GAF alone, when I was far more interested in this than I am now I could find far more comprehensive leaks on foreign (generally non-Roman script) message boards than on GAF. I'd be surprised if there aren't any leaks at all in some remote part of the internet for those willing to put the time and effort in to search for it.