Depends on the meaning of bombed. Are the PSV-level sales the same as "bombed" level? If so, then it bombed.Hopefully Vita TV bombed. That thing is a wicked piece of shit.
Depends on the meaning of bombed. Are the PSV-level sales the same as "bombed" level? If so, then it bombed.Hopefully Vita TV bombed. That thing is a wicked piece of shit.
Where that numbers came from?
In not a leaker, but they're not entirely made upWhere that numbers came from?
Awesome! 60K it isDepends on the meaning of bombed. Are the PSV-level sales the same as "bombed" level? If so, then it bombed.
Where that numbers came from?
When PS2 was dominating the console market, we were arguably introduced to many of the greatest games of all time.
Septembers' figures pointing to a 1m gap + Octobers' estimated 120k gap.
Last year's sales were horrible. You should compare them to brighter years because beating the month just before two next gen console were launched is no big feat.
The difference won't be that, but sales in excess of 1.1 million are quite common in November and December. Like Aqua said though this holiday season will be the stress test for the XB1. It needs some good sales to show the rest of MS it is worthwhile.
Man wouldn't it be so cool to have both X1 and PS4 close in NA here on out.
Are you seriously insulting me based on a damn joke post I made a month ago?
Honest question to NEOGAF moderators and please do answer me in PM so as to not pollute this thread anymore with vitriol like this:
How much do I have to deal with until I'm allowed to treat these people the same way they treat me?
How many microconsole failures does that make now?Depends on the meaning of bombed. Are the PSV-level sales the same as "bombed" level? If so, then it bombed.
Hmm? Shouldn't the company with the better product deserve success? The product MS has out now is different from the reveal.No, not at all... Sony deserves the success, MS... doesn't, not after all of the things that they tried to get away with... and the things that they've done/said and still are doing/saying.
Hmm? Shouldn't the company with the better product deserve success? The product MS has out now is different from the reveal.
It is a well known fact that the PS4 tech specs are superior to the ones in the XBO, so i don't get what you're saying. And MS keeps screwing up and twisting the truth to try and mislead people... they haven't stopped doing that at all.
Superior tech has never dictated which console won a generation. Price and software have.
By twisting the truth, you mean spin? That's what PR's for.
Superior tech has never dictated which console won a generation. Price and software have.
Nope I'm saying your post in this thread was absurd enough to grant you that Tag you previously stated you desired so very much "months ago". As the proverb goes, be careful what you wish for.
Also no you don't get to absolve yourself of any ill will or legitimate criticism simply because you apologize or use an excuse as tenuous as "English isn't my first language." In case you didn't notice people get called out for saying stupid things here and it tends to stick. Look at how often Amirox's "The age of Sony is done" is still brought up. That was YEARS ago. GAF holds people accountable for the shit they say even if they themselves don't and GAF tends to not forget.
But it's not my say to give you the tag and Harker has pledged for your forgiveness so you've dodged a bullet. That is what I'm saying.
I sincerely hope comments like yours don't cost us the few inside sources we have left for actual sales figures. The fact that it's even a concern infuriates me and should anyone be stupid enough to make comments that do so I will continue to vehemently repudiate them in order to discourage such childish behavior in the future.
Microsoft is not touching first place, if that's what you're getting at.
Superior tech has never dictated which console won a generation. Price and software have.
By twisting the truth, you mean spin? That's what PR's for.
Fool?, why no one sir, i wear my PS badge proudly on my sleeve, i've never shied away from the fact.
Edit: Removed needless remark.
Nothing, not even Cuphead is gonna make me get one. Hell i'd be flat-out offended if someone offered one to me as a gift... INSULTED.
Yeah, but a whole year of the PS4 beating the XBO in sells would've been wicked cool for me... now it looks like it's not gonna happen... *kicks bucket*
Glad that PS4 took this month, i'm rooting for them to take Nov/Dec against all odds... the good shall prevail =D
Don't worry, they'll take Nov/Dec as well, my hex will make it so![]()
Sony will win Nov/Dec, mark my words!!! (hexes MS)
Why is it that XB guys seem so prone to getting banned?
Yes, and i don't forget. What if you catched a glimpse of a person behind you raising a knife about to stab you, but he notices that you saw him and proceeds to ask for forgiveness, would you forgive said person?, would you trust him afterwards?, i sure wouldn't and to me... its kinda like that.
I dunno man, wish i could explain it... i'm just that weird. I have psychological issues.
...And i don't even have a PS4!!!
Oh yeah. lolI mean, you're talking to a guy who's posted all of this:
bonus points:
Septembers' figures pointing to a 1m gap + Octobers' estimated 120k gap.
Better explanations would be nice. People were throwing around different numbers for a while.Using percentages from J. Harker
Also, to try and steer the conversation away from the meta a bit...
I'm guessing that all handheld hardware combined sold less this Oct than the PSP did alone in the ~equivalent 2008.
So, where to for dedicated handhelds?
Sony's answer will presumably be exit. And I guess the games as a service model is an attempt to leverage smartphone and tablet's as portals.
But it's still a very important piece of the puzzle for Nintendo's operations. Given the n3DS, with a Western launch still absent, I don't expect we'll see a new handheld until 2016. Where does it go strategically in order to re-attract audiences or at least stem further decline? Upmarket DSLR-style niche route as cameras eventually responded to convergent devices? Or the other direction, as cheap as possible in order to make any future system a more palatable purchase for parents, with software equivalently low priced? Or something completely different, since both have inherent significant drawbacks.
Also, this is conjecture on my part, but I think it's traditionally been an important piece of attracting an audience into gaming [on dedicated hardware] from a younger age i.e. I wouldn't be surprised if many people currently buying PS4s and XBOs got their first taste of gaming on GameBoys. So what does the collapse of the handheld market and migration to substitutes mean in the longer term?
Better explanations would be nice. People were throwing around different numbers for a while.
But they have a warchest and they're not going to stop battling. Not so long as the division exists. They've got more leeway to spend than their major competitor.
Competition is always good for the consumer though, so fight on I say.
Better explanations would be nice. People were throwing around different numbers for a while.
It's not MS distorting expectations, it's actual sales. Wherever there's a billion dollars to be made, there will be people throwing hundreds of millions around. If you want to blame someone, blame the ridiculously profitable CODs and GTAs.
I think you are looking at these events with rose tinted glasses. Budget costs would inevitably go up as the technology improved. That said, you are right MS completely changed the dynamics of the game industry by turning publishers like Activision into true behemoths. Couple that with a change in gaming taste shifting more towards western developers and the money dynamic completely changed and greed took over. Some of these publishers today are making an incredible amount of money.
Also, this is conjecture on my part, but I think it's traditionally been an important piece of attracting an audience into gaming [on dedicated hardware] from a younger age i.e. I wouldn't be surprised if many people currently buying PS4s and XBOs got their first taste of gaming on GameBoys. So what does the collapse of the handheld market and migration to substitutes mean in the longer term?
I mean, you're talking to a guy who's posted all of this:
bonus points:
It's up to us to decide who deserves what. We speak with our wallets.No, not at all... Sony deserves the success, MS... doesn't, not after all of the things that they tried to get away with... and the things that they've done/said and still are doing/saying.
I think Sony tried last gen pretty admirably to make games for all audiences, but most of them bombed.
No, not at all... Sony deserves the success, MS... doesn't, not after all of the things that they tried to get away with... and the things that they've done/said and still are doing/saying.
I thought their efforts last gen were a significant step down from their PS2 efforts where we saw EyeToy, Buzz! and SingStar all achieve significant success (speaking from a European point of view, as that's where I am - I can't speak anecdotally about how they fared in the US, but I don't think they exactly bombed over there)
Hmm? Shouldn't the company with the better product deserve success? The product MS has out now is different from the reveal.
Remind me, who paid big bucks for time limited exclusive DLC for both CoD and GTA?
I think its hard to argue against a $100 million game with a platform owner dropping $50 million for limited exclusivity / co-marketing deals (made up numbers) gets to actually be a $150 million game on the market, and a competitor has to try and spend as much even if neither game was ever going to sell enough to justify a $150 million price tag.
It's market distorting.
PR is always going to try to put a positive spin on things. Sony does this, Nintendo does this. As long as they aren't flat out lying, I don't really care how they decide to word it.It is a well known fact that the PS4 tech specs are superior to the ones in the XBO, so i don't get what you're saying. And MS keeps screwing up and twisting the truth to try and mislead people... they haven't stopped doing that at all.
childish behavior such as insulting someone for a post he/she didn't mean no harm?
Keep fighting the good fight.
Honestly I do hope NEOGAF insiders stop posting the damn numbers. When others have to tread lightly around them, it causes disconfort. So in order to avoid that, I hope, I really hope you don't get the numbers anymore.
If they want to share the numbers, do it so in a clear way: Ps4 sold x units, xbox one sold y units...
If they don't want to, then don't post them.
Just like how you and others are free to lash at others for daring to criticize something the insiders did, I'm also free to criticize them for something they did
It irks me that people act that way. If you're not in the mood or feel safe sharing stuff, don't share. Otherwise do it out of good will.
Frankly, I don't need to know the numbers. Just need to know if the system I chose is selling enough to guarantee support for it in the future and both microsoft and sony are sharing some info about it.
I think Sony absolutely scoped down the production of those types of experiences as we'd identify them, however at the same time they're stepping up with Project Morpheus to deliver something almost entirely new to the console space. I think we'll see some of that less-core stuff coming out again, given that their projects leads discussed how typical experiences generally don't work with Morpheus.I think Sony tried last gen pretty admirably to make games for all audiences, but most of them bombed. So they're just going to keep fuckin' that chicken with their existing shootbang/racebang/sportsbang, and in the case of God of War, bangbang crowd until the space just becomes purely unprofitable.
It's already pretty close.
When PS2 was dominating the console market, we were arguably introduced to many of the greatest games of all time.
This is more of a longer term thought than whether Nintendo's issues are reflected in the current market and/or nearer term market of this generation, their collapse is still relatively isolated. (And I've actually expressed this viewpoint before.)It's interesting to me that you're expressing this viewpoint, because you've previously given me the impression that you believe problems with Nintendo are problems only with Nintendo and not symptomatic of the larger market - not calling you out for having that opinion, just making an observation.
I think it depends on whether large publishers can manage to use the substitutes as the new portal/gateway drug to their dedicated [home] systems.I agree that the decline in handhelds and lack of even real attempts to appeal to younger markets from Sony or MS (and when we discuss handhelds for younger gamers, we really are talking about Nintendo handhelds - the PSP and Vita both skewed towards a "gadget" demographic more than a "my first console" demographic) is bad for future growth.
In essence Destiny was another flash in the pan game then?
Doing great things for PS4 one month and then dropping off. Seemingly a more extreme version of the phenomena last gen..
I thought their efforts last gen were a significant step down from their PS2 efforts where we saw EyeToy, Buzz! and SingStar all achieve significant success (speaking from a European point of view, as that's where I am - I can't speak anecdotally about how they fared in the US, but I don't think they exactly bombed over there)
I don't think MS's and Sony's payments for DLC have had any significant effect on game budgets. If a game can earn a billion dollars in revenue, then an extra $50M means very little towards my possible budget.
I also don't think anyone's paying $50M for DLC, but that's neither here nor there. The increase in game budgets isn't due to MS's wallet. It's due to our collective consumer wallet.
at the same time they're stepping up with Project Morpheus to deliver something almost entirely new to the console space. I think we'll see some of that less-core stuff coming out again, given that their projects leads discussed how typical experiences generally don't work with Morpheus.
So... the fact that i prefer Sony over MS invalidates my points?, that is interesting... care to counter my arguments?, FYI i have never shied away from being known as a Sony guy, however that doesn't automatically render my posts less truthful...
But those efforts bombing says nothing about the efforts themselves (except that they didn't sell well). There was nothing really wrong with the quality of the titles they produced for "all audiences" across all platforms.
EyeToy and Singstar, for the record, are (were?) way bigger in Europe than in the US.
I see a lot of people saying that but I can't believe it.
It's undeniable how impactful Destiny has been. It's changing the way games are brought to market, a case study in how affective a marketing beta can be. It's the biggest selling new IP of all time, another example that big money behind a big idea can make a long term financial boon.
It did wonders for hardware sales - look how steep both consoles dropped this month without it. It's a million seller on Xbox, despite not being the hero console... Good sign for future shooters for that ecosystem.
Yea it's reputation post launch has not be golden, and dropping nearly what, 85%~ is no joke, but what does that mean really in light of its successes? It's already profitable. assassins creed 1 had even worse of a reputation after launch and has grown into a top 3-4 biggest franchise in those five years.
There are people disappointed in destiny for sure but I don't see any indications this is a one hit wonder
I mean, you're talking to a guy who's posted all of this
bonus points:
I see a lot of people saying that but I can't believe it.
It's undeniable how impactful Destiny has been. It's changing the way games are brought to market, a case study in how affective a marketing beta can be. It's the biggest selling new IP of all time, another example that big money behind a big idea can make a long term financial boon.
It did wonders for hardware sales - look how steep both consoles dropped this month without it. It's a million seller on Xbox, despite not being the hero console... Good sign for future shooters for that ecosystem.
Yea it's reputation post launch has not be golden, and dropping nearly what, 85%~ is no joke, but what does that mean really in light of its successes? It's already profitable. assassins creed 1 had even worse of a reputation after launch and has grown into a top 3-4 biggest franchise in those five years.
There are people disappointed in destiny for sure but I don't see any indications this is a one hit wonder
I see a lot of people saying that but I can't believe it.
It's undeniable how impactful Destiny has been. It's changing the way games are brought to market, a case study in how affective a marketing beta can be. It's the biggest selling new IP of all time, another example that big money behind a big idea can make a long term financial boon.
It did wonders for hardware sales - look how steep both consoles dropped this month without it. It's a million seller on Xbox, despite not being the hero console... Good sign for future shooters for that ecosystem.
Yea it's reputation post launch has not be golden, and dropping nearly what, 85%~ is no joke, but what does that mean really in light of its successes? It's already profitable. assassins creed 1 had even worse of a reputation after launch and has grown into a top 3-4 biggest franchise in those five years.
There are people disappointed in destiny for sure but I don't see any indications this is a one hit wonder
Oh stop. The fact that you would feel insulted that someone GAVE you an Xbox One doesn't make you a Sony guy, it makes you weird. Also, how much of a Sony guy are you when you don't even own a PS4 at this point? If your young and can't afford it, I get it, but your extreme cheerleading over something you don't even own is very odd
Yea of course it should, that's why the ps4 is dominating. You mind telling me how the Xbox is different hardware wise from the the reveal besides dropping kinect like a bad habit? It's still vastly inferior on a hardware spec level.