It's even marked in the TC's post that Fifa and Overwatch are the only 2 on the list that don't include digital PC sales....Actually you’re wrong. Microsoft exclusives do include digital PC.
It's even marked in the TC's post that Fifa and Overwatch are the only 2 on the list that don't include digital PC sales....Actually you’re wrong. Microsoft exclusives do include digital PC.
Iirc thats only if the game is bought digitally on xbox.Actually you’re wrong. Microsoft exclusives do include digital PC.
You wished it bombed. It did not. Neither did SoD2. I'm sure you and TLW are in some serious pain. It's kinda obvious. Let. It.Go. All brands doing well is great for us, the gamers. That's what counts.Sea of Thieves is not a hit, it bombed. I would say gamepass didn’t help it at all and actually hurt its sales. Check the OT to see how many people used gamepass instead of buying it day 1. MS must’ve really set the bar low if it exceeded their expectations. Game hasn’t even crossed 1mil yet. If you believe everything MS says, i have lots of bridges to sell to you.
You wished it bombed. It did not. Neither did SoD2. I'm sure you and TLW are in some serious pain. It's kinda obvious. Let. It.Go. All brands doing well is great for us, the gamers. That's what counts.
It was your claim that the game is under a mil...I didn't claim anything. Still waiting for that proof....Go check the npd threads, its not even in top 10 year to date. Its getting its butt whooped by MLB The Show. How about you giving me proof its done over a mil.
There is a lot of evidence that SOT didnt bomb.Did i say SoD2 bombed? Nope. SoT did bomb but you can keep believing it didn’t.
yes. That's exactly why Recore, Halo Wars 2, and Super Lucky's Tale sold like gangbusters.Xbox fans are starved for content. It shouldn't be a surprise it sold well
It was your claim that the game is under a mil...I didn't claim anything. Still waiting for that proof....
And okay so? Not being in the top ten doesnt mean it cant be a success.
Detroit Become Human isnt in the top 10 either, but it was successful, as well.’re the one that claimed it being a sales hit. You want proof? It dropped like a rock after the first month. It got beaten by MLB The Show in April and May. For a triple A game in development for 4 years and not even close to 1 mil is not a hit. Rare is not cheap. The game has no legs. It didn’t do so hot in UK after its first week. Go look up chartz and thats the best numbers you will get, nowhere close to 1mil. Now you give me facts where you think it sold over 1mil?
edit: vgchartz doesnt count PC or Xbox digital. And even if it did, it is not a reliable source.
I got bridges to sell to you.
Edit : How about stop spouting wrong info and calling someone else wrong when you were in fact wrong about the digital PC sales.
Or, you could just admit that you’re wrong?
SoT had 4 million people playing their game. They stated this on stage at E3. It’s in game pass so it has legs from that.
Looking at your post history against all things MS related...
Keep fighting the good fight there Slugger.
At E3 Phil said that Sea of Thieves sold substantially better than internal projections and that games in Game Pass somehow sell more than general...I don't understand why people are buying these Gamepass games with how cheap GP is and free trials and all that. I am surprised by t he sales of SoD and SoT before it.
Yeah, I don't believe that. Maybe people using GP trials to demo software could have some merit in that scenario, but with how bad these two games were/are I don't see it. Let's be real here, there is no way MS would know if a game sold better because of Gamepass or not, there are just no logical metrics to compare.At E3 Phil said that Sea of Thieves sold substantially better than internal projections and that games in Game Pass somehow sell more than general...
... don't get it either
At E3 Phil said that Sea of Thieves sold substantially better than internal projections and that games in Game Pass somehow sell more than general...
... don't get it either
Yeah screw that. Metacritic warriors aside, and this seems to be lost in this generation, but multiplayer games are fun, and millions of people are playing these games together while making new friends....but with how bad these two games were/are I don't see it
This is GOW's second month on the NPD, it was first last month. SOD2's number is across XBOX+Windows platform btw, this is why MS wants windows integration so badly and does not mind all their xbox titles coming to their Windows Store....They consider XBOX+Windows, eventually their Windows Phone to be one platform, that will help them with sales metrics on all their titles in the future on NPD, PR et al.....
Edit : How about stop spouting wrong info and calling someone else wrong when you were in fact wrong about the digital PC sales.
I'm aware that NPD lists are revenue based now, I think I've made that known in prior NPD threads myself. I'm pretty sure I also said in the April NPD thread, that MS now counts the windows store and the Xbox as one platform. SOT sales at the April NPD was a combination of windows store+xbox, the same applies here with SOD2 and any future XBOX game. It's a strategy of MS now to converge those platforms as one and eventually windows Phone and any other device MS develops in the future will likely shoe into that strategy of one MS platform across several devices. This means that if they have a huge hit, it will be a combination of several devices, so an advantage to MS in that regard. Reporting on engagement numbers, which is their approach now will also be higher due to more persons firing bullets on several platforms or zombies killed et al......If you don't believe, try to tweet Mat Piscatella of the NPD group on what I've just explained......He made that clarification very clear in April's NPD, or perhaps you guys should just read around and stay informed, nobody is trying to misrepresent MS here....Just keep in mind that the list is based on total revenue and not toal units sold. This puts SOD 2 at a huge disadvantage since its only 30 bucks.
NPD doesn't take PC sales into account, either, so you're wrong on that front.
The worse thing about a poster like you is that you try to convince others that you are not a warrior, when this whole post is just dyed in the wool.... Do you have an argument? At this point, we don't even know what SOD2 sold, a poster was trying to impress on us that SOD2 beat GOW as if this was GOW's debut month, but the truth is, this is GOW's second month at the NPD and SOD2's first. These are facts....It was also a slow month relative to new releases. Do you know by how much SOD2 beat GOW in it's second month? You don't, nobody is arguing SOD2 came first, but you can't go with the narrative that SOD2 is this huge hit when it's not even cracking this year's best sellers. GOW made the best sellers list on debut month (April), it was just below Monster Hunter, but now (in May) it's second on the list ahead of MH and behind only FC5, a multiplatform game on several platforms btw....Now that's progression, that's a sales juggernaut, that's impressive. It is clear then, that SOD2 is not the sales phenomenon that some think it is or try to declare, it's probably not close to being a million seller in NA and neither is SOT, as they've not made the best sellers list this year....So there's no sales juggernaut here....but yes, it performed well enough to hit number 1, which is still commendable, but don't blow it out of proportion...Keep fighting the good fight there slugger.
Congrats to MS and Undead Labs. A mediocre score game beating a juggernaut near perfect game in's even a $10-40 game! Sony is pumping the gas, but MS has a full tank and a turbocharged futuristic race car!
Did I fit in with the console warriors this time?
My bad I got that wrong. Windows sales ARE counted. Thanks for correcting me.I'm aware that NPD lists are revenue based now, I think I've made that known in prior NPD threads myself. I'm pretty sure I also said in the April NPD thread, that MS now counts the windows store and the Xbox as one platform. SOT sales at the April NPD was a combination of windows store+xbox, the same applies here with SOD2 and any future XBOX game. It's a strategy of MS now to converge those platforms as one and eventually windows Phone and any other device MS develops in the future will likely shoe into that strategy of one MS platform across several devices. This means that if they have a huge hit, it will be a combination of several devices, so an advantage to MS in that regard. Reporting on engagement numbers, whcih is their approach now will also be higher due to more persons firing bullets on several platforms or zombies killed et al......If you don't believe, try to tweet Mat Piscatella of the NPD group on what I've just explained......He made that clarification very clear in April's NPD, or perhaps you guys should just read around and stay informed, nobody is trying to misrepresent MS here....
The worse thing about a poster like you is that you try to convince others that you are not a warrior said:People also have to understand that XBOX players have a thirst for games, because there's not so many high quality games coming their way, they will play whatever MS offers or nothing at all, so it's understandable. [/B]The truth is, whilst GOW is going up to 3 million units in NA alone, it has hit the best sellers list since debut and it's doing so on console only without the PC platform attached....
FYI, the only exclusives that has made the best sellers list are GOW, MLB the Show and Mario Kart, which is quite impressive in the sea of multiplat juggernauts like GTA, FC5 et al......Not even Detroit is on that list....but like SOT which some people felt did amazing, and millions are having fun and engaging in, we will see the legs come next NPD for SOD2 and see if the same thing that befell SOT does not happen here....
Okay, lets see the UK.
March 26th- #1
April 2nd- #3
April 9th- #3
April 16th- #6
So no, it did well even after it's first week. Still waiting for you proof.
I gave you four different sources, and what did you give me? Nada.
GFK chart track is only physical sales, so this isnt the full, why don't you show us those UK numbers to see how well it did. Those numbers aren't even over 150k. Just because a game is #1 in chart in the first month doesn't mean its a hit. I'm still waiting for your proof it sold over 1mil buddy.
Phil said in a interview with Jeff that SoT sold above the expectations.Pick a metric of "success" and just point to the sales numbers from MS.
Oh wait, MS is not telling and no one is ever going to agree on what "success" is.
I think SoT was a dud, but there is no hard evidence. We don't know how much they spent to make it or what MS's expectation were.
I'm aware that NPD lists are revenue based now, I think I've made that known in prior NPD threads myself. I'm pretty sure I also said in the April NPD thread, that MS now counts the windows store and the Xbox as one platform. SOT sales at the April NPD was a combination of windows store+xbox, the same applies here with SOD2 and any future XBOX game. It's a strategy of MS now to converge those platforms as one and eventually windows Phone and any other device MS develops in the future will likely shoe into that strategy of one MS platform across several devices. This means that if they have a huge hit, it will be a combination of several devices, so an advantage to MS in that regard. Reporting on engagement numbers, which is their approach now will also be higher due to more persons firing bullets on several platforms or zombies killed et al......If you don't believe, try to tweet Mat Piscatella of the NPD group on what I've just explained......He made that clarification very clear in April's NPD, or perhaps you guys should just read around and stay informed, nobody is trying to misrepresent MS here....
The worse thing about a poster like you is that you try to convince others that you are not a warrior, when this whole post is just dyed in the wool.... Do you have an argument? At this point, we don't even know what SOD2 sold, a poster was trying to impress on us that SOD2 beat GOW as if this was GOW's debut month, but the truth is, this is GOW's second month at the NPD and SOD2's first. These are facts....It was also a slow month relative to new releases. Do you know by how much SOD2 beat GOW in it's second month? You don't, nobody is arguing SOD2 came first, but you can't go with the narrative that SOD2 is this huge hit when it's not even cracking this year's best sellers. GOW made the best sellers list on debut month (April), it was just below Monster Hunter, but now (in May) it's second on the list ahead of MH and behind only FC5, a multiplatform game on several platforms btw....Now that's progression, that's a sales juggernaut, that's impressive. It is clear then, that SOD2 is not the sales phenomenon that some think it is or try to declare, it's probably not close to being a million seller in NA and neither is SOT, as they've not made the best sellers list this year....So there's no sales juggernaut here....but yes, it performed well enough to hit number 1, which is still commendable, but don't blow it out of proportion...
So, let's say GOW sold 300,000 units and SOD2 sold 620,000 units @ $30, it's a win for SOD2 and that's fair, but SOD2 is still across a two prong platform, so still an advantage for MS there, even in GOW's second month. People also have to understand that XBOX players have a thirst for games, because there's not so many high quality games coming their way, they will play whatever MS offers or nothing at all, so it's understandable. The truth is, whilst GOW is going up to 3 million units in NA alone, it has hit the best sellers list since debut and it's doing so on console only without the PC platform attached....
FYI, the only exclusives that has made the best sellers list are GOW, MLB the Show and Mario Kart, which is quite impressive in the sea of multiplat juggernauts like GTA, FC5 et al......Not even Detroit is on that list....but like SOT which some people felt did amazing, and millions are having fun and engaging in, we will see the legs come next NPD for SOD2 and see if the same thing that befell SOT does not happen here....
Phil said in a interview with Jeff that SoT sold above the expectations.
Here is the exact part of the interview where he says that:
that's impressive, just saw the presentation video showing dollar sales too.Yes, it's been that way for a while and makes State of Decay being #1 even more impressive since it can be bought for $30.
Where did MS say SO outsold expectations?Microsoft said the same thing about Sunset Overdrive, so why aren't they interested in the next one?
Companies will always throw out the "exceed expectations" spin even when the game has done badly. It's meaningless until they give out the numbers.
It's also too early to assume such, "that GP actually quickens sales", that's impossible when Gamepass is such a new service. We have no idea how many subs there are. So it's most likely that XBOX players needed a game to play and SOD2 fits within the tastes of the fanbase, which also happen to love online games with shooting mechanics....hey it has zombies, even better. Didn't MS get some exclusivity for DR3 because their fanbase loved zombies.....Yeah, I don't believe that. Maybe people using GP trials to demo software could have some merit in that scenario, but with how bad these two games were/are I don't see it. Let's be real here, there is no way MS would know if a game sold better because of Gamepass or not, there are just no logical metrics to compare.
Hmm I can't find it. I swear I saw an article about it searching up Sunset Overdrive sales not too long ago. I might have mixed it up with Quantum Break, which they did say it sold really well (, but, of course, they parted ways with Remedy after which shows it didn't do well. Microsoft didn't say anything about Sunset Overdrive sales, so I think I was thinking about Quantum Break.Where did MS say SO outsold expectations?
In the wise words of MJ. Stop it. Get some help.It's also too early to assume such, "that GP actually quickens sales", that's impossible when Gamepass is such a new service. We have no idea how many subs there are. So it's most likely that XBOX players needed a game to play and SOD2 fits within the tastes of the fanbase, which also happen to love online games with shooting mechanics....hey it has zombies, even better. Didn't MS get some exclusivity for DR3 because their fanbase loved zombies.....
In any case, 30+ million Xbox-One owners are more than enough to purchase just over 600k of SOD2 at $30.00 with no push from gamepass. I mean if you have gamepass, why buy the game, you can play it to your heart's content and when it hits $5 in a few weeks/months you can always buy it if you want. Why buy gamepass and the new titles on gamepass? Now I know some super xbox fan may just do that, but to call this the norm is just outrageous and way out of left field.....
At this point gamepass subs may not even be at 1 million, we don't know, with how things could fluctuate with all those 14 day trials and 1 month of GP for $1 deals.....Gamepass needs much more time to be evaluated....MS has not even given a number on how succcessful it is, nor will they, but they may give some lip service without any reference point or quantifier, which is what they are doing here with saying "GP is driving sales"......
Pretty much the same thing happened to Sunset Overdrive, it was bundled, but it looks like it did even worse than QB, since QB was declared as MS's highest selling new IP and it exceeded expectations, but it's obvious that those expectations were super-low or just PR because it was definitely not lucrative for Remedy or MS.Hmm I can't find it. I swear I saw an article about it searching up Sunset Overdrive sales not too long ago. I might have mixed it up with Quantum Break, which they did say it sold really well (, but, of course, they parted ways with Remedy after which shows it didn't do well. Microsoft didn't say anything about Sunset Overdrive sales, so I think I was thinking about Quantum Break.
I'm not saying that things can't not work out, just pointing out there are deeper rooted issues internally which does not foster good relationships or better output at MS and there's a long trail to suggest such.thelastword the same can be said of Sony with regards to Ready At Dawn, or even worse, Housemarque.
Sometimes, it just doesn't work and partnerships end.
Sure, but the point being is that Sony doesn't lie about "exceeding expectations".thelastword the same can be said of Sony with regards to Ready At Dawn, or even worse, Housemarque.
Sometimes, it just doesn't work and partnerships end.
So expect "30m zombies killed" or the equivalent from MS, but don't expect sales number.
Pick a metric of "success" and just point to the sales numbers from MS.
Oh wait, MS is not telling and no one is ever going to agree on what "success" is.
I think SoT was a dud, but there is no hard evidence. We don't know how much they spent to make it or what MS's expectation were.
Who knows, but if you're among these people, then you have a long era of grief ahead of you because Xbox will only become stronger from now on.
It says God of War is now the #2 selling game in 2018, which puts it ahead of Monster Hunter World, which is at least at 7.5 million sales (which is an old announcement). That's pretty insane for an exclusive single player game.