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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group

Not in the slightest, I find it quite ridiculous that people that are pro-trump get labeled as being racist (sure there are a few but also sure there are a few that are dems/libs/green).

In regard to Palmer, i was referencing the accusations in the OP

His entire campaign is built on bigotry in some form or another. What the fuck other reason could someone have to be "pro-Trump"?


Yes, "I've seen firsthand what people want to do to the US" is bullshit fear mongering.

He's right but it's because we spend money and resources to stick our nose in places it's not needed nor wanted. We obviously need a military but we do not need to be the world's policeman. We have too many bases, send too many young men and women to places to be placed in harm's way when there is not a logical reason for us to even be there.

That is what makes me angry. Telling our youth to join and serve but then ship them off to a country that does not want us there. We could cut the military budget by 2/3s and still be as safe, if not safer, than we are now. The Middle East is a meat grinder and the only reason we go is to protect oil interests and keep funding for the DOD and their trillion dollar contracts with private arms makers. I don't believe we are "protecting freedom" when we engage in proxy wars. We are actually "protecting special interests"
The "Seen firsthand" thing is absolutely not fear mongering and I respect the fuck out of the soldiers who go overseas and see firsthand the shit that most people in the US could never even dream of so I can't agree with you there at all Scooter. Even though I don't agree with anything else he is saying.

It's bullshit fear mongering to use that first hand experience as a reason for the ridiculous and excessive military spending this country has. Yes, there are bad people all over the world. I don't need "first hand" anecdotes to know that. Doesn't mean we need to spend trillions on bombs and fighter jets we will never use. Opinions like his is why we can never even have any real dialogue or discourse on military spending in this fucking country, and why it's so easy for politicians to get away with it, because the minute you try and bring it up you have to deal with bullshit "You weren't on the frontlines/you're not a patriot" bullshit rhetoric like Marinemountie's over there.


Where did you get that he was willing to fund millions into it? He gave them like $10,000, according to their tax records, and made some fake posts.

I read the article, I didn't see anything suggesting he did anything scummy, just that for a lark he gave a tiny (for him) amount of money to a group that made funny political memes.

And is their VP. And dates a racist. In addition to giving his pocketchange to white supremicists for the lolz. He's a scumbag.


Maybe some Trump supporters aren't racist in the classical sense. But if they're voting for a candidate who has clearly established in no uncertain terms that he will be banning people based on religion, building a wall against Mexico, and who has a history of housing discrimination against blacks... among other things... then I'd say it's not much better than racism. Enabling racism is just as bad.


You don't actually need space for the Vive. It has a single camera mode too, just like the Oculus. Normally the two base stations are set to B and C channels, but you can set one to A and put it above your computer and play seated games with an Xbox controller. Works great for Elite Dangerous, for example.

Can set up two for wider coverage (turning around for example) or standing non-roomscale only games too. Set the boundaries really wide or just turn em off. No surprise Oculus didn't want the Vive to support Oculus store games.
Sure, he funded $10,000. Sitting there and boasting "I'm a self-made nimble rich billionaire man" isn't a $10,000 fund to me. Sure, it's a $10,000 now, at the start of this. It'll be $10,000 more soon, and more soon, until he gets to shake Trump's hand and stroke his ego in his pants to give a few more.

Regardless, a billionaire trying to rile shit up in the world for his own personal gains is a douche in my books.
Did you actually read that quote? He was pretending, playing a character. Unless you think that he somehow ran in the same circles as Donald Trump before 2008 (when he was 16 years old) so could try to convince Trump to run for office.

AYF 001

Liberal dominated board: "Immigrants are people"

Conservative dominated board: "Immigrants are insects"

I hope you can see which one is worse.

Considering how Trump would likely privatize the VA system as well, it really shouldn't be too hard to figure out what the best option for pretty much anyone is.

Oh, and maybe if America didn't spend the past 60 years overthrowing democratically elected governments and invading countries under false pretenses, maybe people wouldn't hate the U.S. so much?

Anyway, glad I didn't buy an Oculus. Hopefully the Vive wasn't tested on Bonobos until they went blind or something like that. Then again, that's why I try to avoid buying things as much as possible.


His entire campaign is built on bigotry in some form or another. What the fuck other reason could someone have to be "pro-Trump"?

Not trying to argue or imply i support him. I am sure a chunk of the people voting for him typically vote republican in each election due to their views on spending/taxes and realize his batshit crazy ideas would never make it out of congress.


Unconfirmed Member
For what it's worth, The Daily Beast is owned by IAC, which has Chelsea Clinton on the board of directors.

I'm going to sit on this one and wait until I hear his response to pass judgment. Regardless, I'd like to know what Palmer was thinking. Publicly admitting to funding something like this? Eh?

What does Chelsea Clinton being on the board of directors have anything to do with Palmer? Is she a Vive fan girl or something?
Not trying to argue or imply i support him. I am sure a chunk of the people voting for him typically vote republican in each election due to their views on spending/taxes and realize his batshit crazy ideas would never make it out of congress.

What are his views on spending/taxes?
Did you actually read that quote? He was pretending, playing a character. Unless you think that he somehow ran in the same circles as Donald Trump before 2008 (when he was 16 years old) so could try to convince Trump to run for office.

"Guys, I was just *pretending* to be enabling terrible racist behavior! It's a classic Luckey Delicious Meme!"

I know you just can't *not* leap to his defense, no matter how awful his behavior, but this is a new low.
The most interesting thing about all of this is how this gaming side thread is getting real politically heated and focusing on the election and such, while the off topic side thread has Krejlooc going into a lot of detail about VR hardware and software.
It's bullshit fear mongering to use that first hand experience as a reason for the ridiculous and excessive military spending this country has. Yes, there are bad people all over the world. I don't need "first hand" anecdotes to know that. Doesn't mean we need to spend trillions on bombs and fighter jets we will never use.

I don't disagree there at all and Military spending is a huge albatross on the neck of the countries budget. We could easily cut the budget hugely, and focus the majority of our resources on anti-nuclear / anti-missile technology and do the better for it.

You just seemed in that post to be brushing off the perspective of military veterans and I can't condone that at all, my apologies if I misunderstood you man.


Did you actually read that quote? He was pretending, playing a character. Unless you think that he somehow ran in the same circles as Donald Trump before 2008 (when he was 16 years old) so could try to convince Trump to run for office.

I will not allow Palmer Luckey to pull a "it's just a prank, bro" on this one.

Nope nope nope.
Fear mongering? I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps. 3 deployments, was forced out due to injuries and am now disabled. I have seen 1st hand what people want to do to the US. You take away defense spending, bad things will happen.

I'm done with this. I didn't realize GAF was so liberal dominated. Not sure if its better or worse than a conservative dominated board. Back to happy game threads for me.
Trump has disrespected Vets, LIKE YOU, on a daily basis. Just letting you know.


If Palmer was still the primary owner/driver behind Oculus this would honestly make me reconsider giving them money. But it's Facebook now. And lots and lots of other people of all kinds of political persuasions. Hell a Facebook co-founder just dropped 20 million towards efforts to defeat Trump. So...

Complicated feelings.


A reminder of why trusting an impulsive hothead like Trump with nuclear launch codes is a very, VERY bad idea:


Nukes have gotten stronger since they were first used in WWII. A -lot- stronger. The dots represent the relative blast radius.


Banstick Emeritus
In what way? Are you suggesting that anybody who is pro-Trump is a straight scumbag?
Lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

At this stage, you know what you're getting and the nature of the man you're supporting. The wiggle room for excuses ran out quite some time ago.
Wish i could tell you lol, i was implying traditional conservative views on spending/taxes...

I dont think/know if he has even given a plan around those items

Someone who is willing to tow party lines despite fairly blatant racism and bigotry is, at best, a fucking enabler of racism and bigotry and is no better than a racist themselves, so yes, I feel fairly comfortable labeling any Trump supporter as a racist and, frankly, a piece of shit.


It's bullshit fear mongering to use that first hand experience as a reason for the ridiculous and excessive military spending this country has. Yes, there are bad people all over the world. I don't need "first hand" anecdotes to know that. Doesn't mean we need to spend trillions on bombs and fighter jets we will never use.

You're right. It's pretty much the defninition of fear mongering. His only argument was fear of the enemy while he pushed multiple lies and exagerations. That's lieterally how fearmongering works.


Did you actually read that quote? He was pretending, playing a character. Unless you think that he somehow ran in the same circles as Donald Trump before 2008 (when he was 16 years old) so could try to convince Trump to run for office.

He spent real money to spread real hate. This isn't a fucking video game.


I will not allow Palmer Luckey to pull a "it's just a prank, bro" on this one.

Nope nope nope.

Yep, and what about his girlfriend? Has she just been doing one long prank for years now?

Oh, I know what's next: "He's not his girlfriend! He can date whoever he wants"
I don't disagree there at all and Military spending is a huge albatross on the neck of the countries budget. We could easily cut the budget hugely, and focus the majority of our resources on anti-nuclear / anti-missile technology and do the better for it.

You just seemed in that post to be brushing off the perspective of military veterans and I can't condone that at all, my apologies if I misunderstood you man.

My intent was not to belittle anybody's service. I have respect for people that serve. But judging by his posts, his experience in the military hasn't given him any special insight or perspective on the subject of military spending and attempting to try and shut down conversation by playing that card is not something I respect and doesn't automatically make him some kind of authority or expert on the subject.
Did you actually read that quote? He was pretending, playing a character. Unless you think that he somehow ran in the same circles as Donald Trump before 2008 (when he was 16 years old) so could try to convince Trump to run for office.

So not only is he funding a racist alt-right cause, he's misrepresenting himself in the pursuit of additional funding.

Are you trying to defend Palmer here, or...?
Where did you get that he was willing to fund millions into it? He gave them like $10,000, according to their tax records, and made some fake posts.

I read the article, I didn't see anything suggesting he did anything scummy, just that for a lark he gave a tiny (for him) amount of money to a group that made funny political memes.



Just saw this on Twitter, and wow, what the fuck? He seemed like a decent dude the few times he was on Giant Bomb stuff.

This is reprehensible.
The Daily Beast isn't going to destroy its reputation to falsely smear someone who is only known to tech geeks. This is only a big story within corners of the web like Neogaf.

I don't know the site that well but it seems they've had several unsavory articles already this year:

Using Grindr to falsely draw out possibly closeted athletes in the Olympic village, which has since been pulled for being (rightfully) blasted.

This piece has been called inaccurate by several sources, one of which claimed it was a ridiculous smear.

So in my brief research, it doesn't seem like it's a paragon of journalism in its current state. Also, Palmer being on the cover of Time would imply he's a bit bigger than our small circle.

You think the owner of the NimbleRichMan account deleted it simultaneously with the release of this article for absolutely no reason?

You don't think this sort of behavior is consistent with Palmer's character, as demonstrated by his twitter activity and the company he keeps?

I think they're definitely related, yes. I also don't think it's terribly out character.

I'd just like to hear his side of the story before lambasting him. It's out there now so I doubt he'll stay silent for long. He's up shit creek at the moment.


Did you actually read that quote? He was pretending, playing a character. Unless you think that he somehow ran in the same circles as Donald Trump before 2008 (when he was 16 years old) so could try to convince Trump to run for office.

haha it was just a social experiment bro
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