How long until Facebook turf him out? Or no chance?
We'll see how Facebook PR responds tomorrow.
On one hand, regardless of the candidate, it sets a bad precedent to fire an employee because of whom they support. On the other hand, this is some next-level support of a candidate who seems to contradict a lot of goals of Facebook. As upper-management, he needs to represent the ideals of the company. Is using his money to support Anti-Hilary memes what they want their management to represent in some fashion?
This is real nasty timing for Oculus/Facebook with Oculus Connect 3 conference coming up in less than 2 weeks. Their Touch launch needs to go well or they're going to be swimming up shit creek real fast. This news is certainly not going to help their image right now. If Oculus dumped him (which who knows how his contract is written), they could save the face of the brand a bit and get all of this behind them and focus purely on Touch. If Oculus/Facebook do nothing, it's going to be the real nasty elephant in the room at the conference. If he doesn't get canned, it will be interesting if they let Palmer speak for the company with all of this going on.
The shitty thing is that this is going to be one of those pieces of information added to any Oculus story for a while on major news sites. You know, the ones which give you a little bit of background information on the company and related news.
While I realize Oculus is now more than one person, I really fucking hope they toss him to the side. He got VR started. He got rich. Let him be a rich asshole on his own now like notch. He should not be the face of Oculus anymore.
Yeah but I can't make this thing worth a shit unless I give them another $200 for Touch next month. Which in the face of this is a pretty hard sell. Their job of selling me on that at Oculus Connect just got unbelievably difficult.
Exactly how I feel. Oculus/Facebook as a company need to decide how to move forward with this. It will be very telling both ethically and morally how they handle this. I want to get a Touch, but at this point, I'm just not so sure I would want to support this company anymore. They need to handle this situation and give me the fucking strong sell at their OC3 event. If they ignore this like nothing happened, and Palmer is up there being the face of it all, I'm so tempted to just say fuck it and get a Vive.