sued for what?
Facebook, for damaging their brand
sued for what?
Yeah that was it. Oculus' business practices after the FB buyout were savagely anti-consumer. I just never paid much attention to what Luckey said prior so wasn't really aware that it was a 180.Prior to selling his company to facebook, he spoke of technological openness, competition, rising tides raising all ships, VR being a medium not a platform. He gave literally dozens of lectures of the importance of teamwork and cooperation among multiple companies in order to launch a medium, success of the medium before the individual. He stirred many people with this talk, because it echos something within many in the field.
As soon as he sold his company to facebook, everything changed. Oculus slowly became closed off, a walled garden that bought exclusives. They stopped cooperating with other companies. The company that was founded by public goodwill to be an ambassador to VR became the kingpin of the medium, attempting to block competition.
This came to a boil when, within the span of weeks, Luckey would say one thing, then facebook would do the exact opposite with regards to ReVive, a piece of software that let Rift games run on other headsets.
In the end, a lot of what he said to win over people, wound up being bullshit. I don't resent Palmer Luckey for "selling out," I don't even resent him for what happened to Oculus once it was out of his control. I do resent him for immediately pivoting his position to lick boot as soon as he sold his company, though. It's one thing to sell your company and just shut up. It's another thing to sell your company and be the very thing you were speaking out against passionately just 6 months prior.
Perhaps the first Oculus employee to (indirectly) comment on this:
Ding ding.Facebook, for damaging their brand
Frankly, unless there is some sort of legal agreement in place Facebook has to come after him. Facebook owns oculus now. Palmer's actions are causing irreparable damages to their brand. Like, I know I'll certainly never buy an Oculus product now, and I really wanted one.I wonder if Facebook can let him go, or if he has some kind of poison pill or something in the acquisition agreement.
Isn't that the image board full of racist pedophiles that wanted to form a nation with only white people in the heart of Africa?
Yeah that was it. Oculus' business practices after the FB buyout were savagely anti-consumer. I just never paid much attention to what Luckey said prior so wasn't really aware that it was a 180.
After seeing his girlfriend's twitter though, the picture is pretty clear. Even if the article does embellish in some way, Luckey isn't my kind of people.
Facebook, for damaging their brand
Sony suddenly rolls out a new box.
Oh yes, everyone who came from nothing remembers taking sailing lessons, going to college early, and building a six-monitor monster PC during their teenage years.
What is it with these bootstraps dipshits and having no concept of what people who are actually fucking working class actually experience?
It's astonishing to me that someone would throw away a really promising career over memes. This has to be the dumbest example of career suicide I can remember.
I keep seeing his girlfriend's twitter being mentioned but no one links to it. What's her handle? I'm curious.
He is already extremely rich due to the buyout, he doesn't care.
I keep seeing his girlfriend's twitter being mentioned but no one links to it. What's her handle? I'm curious.
It's astonishing to me that someone would throw away a really promising career over memes. This has to be the dumbest example of career suicide I can remember.
I keep seeing his girlfriend's twitter being mentioned but no one links to it. What's her handle? I'm curious.
Is this how VR dies?
Rift, Vive, and PSVR represent platforms (Oculus Store, Steam, and PS Store respectively) but it is important to realize the difference between a platform an a medium. Virtual Reality is the medium, and those platforms provide a way to disseminate VR to the public. Looking at the history of technological progression, it is likely that one or more of those platforms will fail, but their failure is not the same as the failure of VR.
To put it in historic terms - did Atari and Sega's failures in the console realm equate the failure of video games as a whole? Did 3DFX's failure equate to the failure of hardware accelerated 3D graphics? Did Compuserve's failure equate to the failure of the internet?
So far Jeff Gerstmann has unfollowed him, so I'd call that a win.
And they are calling him a Facebook Titan.
Is this how VR dies?
It does indeed. Go look at his likes if you want to find some more gold.
not only follow, but he likes quite a few of his tweets
dude has been a lowkey shitstain for a while. this is his girlfriend:
Is this how VR dies?
You know whats really funny.
He has a fuckton of money that he could use to influence politics (fuck citizen's united) and the best he comes up with is memes. Is that honestly the best he could come up with?
I wonder how this will effect people's view on Bethesda's lawsuit? It basically trashes Palmer's contributions. I wonder if some people will now what to support that view?
Is this how VR dies?
It's better if we quote another gaffer from the off topic thread.
I wonder how this will effect people's view on Bethesda's lawsuit? It basically trashes Palmer's contributions. I wonder if some people will now what to support that view?
Yeah. But also - I'm all for anything that might get Luckey away from Oculus. Fuck him.As shitty as this is, I still don't think Bethesda's claims are all that substantive.
It's always astonishing seeing how right-wing supporters tweet/say/post all the same shit, no matter the country.
Holy shit, this came completely out of nowhere to me. Lucky always sounded a bit of an asshole buy this is something else. Money and success can turn some people into complete nut jobs.
But is he really a white supremacist or just a trump supporter? And is this not him just joking about it with memes?
Not trying to defend him, just want to know if he really thinks like that our if hes 4chan "role playing"? Also, in that forum post he does not say anything about white supremacy?