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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


Well, he has been using the language of hate his entire campaign run, promising to shut off America from the world and "make America great again" by deporting millions of brown people. He's been blaming black people for all their suffering and has hiring the lead of Breitbart to run his campaign.

He surrounds himself with people who say things like "racism didn't exist in America until Obama became president" and has staff that trolls known white supremacist chan boards for dank memes to post on Twitter.

Someone doesn't have to walk on stage in flipflops and say "I'm a white supremacist" in order for you to put the pieces together.
But if we listen to what Obama's opponents say, racism didn't exist in America until he became president. I'm just trying to see through the lies here.
In comes the alt burner accounts.

The group founders and their rhetoric are linked to white supremacy. Alt right hero and insufferably vial GamerGate leader Milo Yiannopoulos is the man who connected Palmer to the group. This isn't, Palmer supports trump so he's automatically a white supremacist. The situation is exactly what the thread title suggests.


Damn could he have least thought of his investors, employees, and the hundreds of studios working on vr before saying this stuff.

I mean sheesh, your entire company was possible because of crowdsourcing, you couldn't do it on your own.
The very definition of "fuck you" money, right there.
When their beliefs are shitty? Absolutely. Fuck them.

Truth. Stand up for your beliefs all you want, but if your beliefs involve racism, white supremacy, and misogyny, and you are using funds from your company and its success to fund those things, then fuck you.

I'd argue that supporting Trump equates to the same thing as publicly saying you support all those things, but even if you somehow have the cognitive dissonance to not believe that, then still, fuck you for supporting an incompetent, racist asshat.

Supporting an army of trolls that shitpost and make the world a worse place, a group that involves neo-Nazi sentiments and bullshit men's rights misogynists, well, that's another fuck you.

Basically, fuck you Palmer. Fuck you forever.


I argued w/ Gamergaters on Reddit for months when I was unemployed. I know exactly what they think.

Yes, they're pissed they're not allowed to be assholes without reprecussions anymore, just like every generation of largely white guys have been upset that they can't be assholes in various ways anymore.

If these guys were 20 years older, they'd be in a bar bitching about how the new crop of secretaries won't let them grab their asses anymore. Or how their new "bitch of a boss" is ruining the company.

Love this post - I think the only contention in this discussion was that you slightly don't get what 'alt-right' means. It's more about being contrarian and highly cynical, regardless of ethnicity/other socio-political markers. Usually with some super snide humour to boot. South Park borders on alt-right quite a lot, but I think it's just Parker and Stone going ham.


if it walks like a racist and talks like a racist and pours out the same or worse bigoted garbage as a racist then you don't need a white hood to conclude that it's basically a racist
This is insane. I have no investment in OR but I would hope others who do are paying attention. It's one thing to donate to candidates but to support an army of trolls? It actively degrades a political culture that anyone can see is already toxic. Comparing it to funding the American Revolution? It's almost like he's not living in reality....


Its crazy how these kind of topics always draw out the suicidal juniors like moths to the light.

Or maybe he's one of the trolls being paid to undermine and play dumb regarding this election hoping that someone buys their FUD. "I've never seen Trump showing any sign of being racist", "Trump isn't against brown people. It's only against Muslims so that makes it completely fine guys!"


I think if you are tolerant person, you have to tolerate intolerance as well. I mean, they are human garbage, but even garbage has a place in the world.

That place would be jail eventually. Legitimizing everything under the banner of freedom is misguided.
Ya'll read they're making anti-semitic and white supremacist memes, right?

I read some of that, but can't actually see any evidence on their website or anything.

That Luckey is a GamerGater, right? Or that 8chan is the worst place on the internet and home of gamergate and has hosted child pornography and other disgusting things, right?

Well those things both suck, but not what this thread is really about.

And that the people at Nimble America are white supremacists too? And that white nationalism is white supremacy?

Where did you see evidence for this?

And that Milo is a proud and openly homophobic and racist?

I thought he was gay? Not sure about the race thing. I thought he had a black boyfriend?

Or that Luckey's own girlfriend is openly racist and he's still with her and favoriting her racist tweets.

Some of those tweets I've seen shared around are a bit much, but I'm not sure that she is openly racist. Seems like a bit of a dick though.

All of these Luckey seems to be in support of as well as Donald trump who encompasses many of these things all rolled into one.

Many of these things are pegged to him by his opponents though, rather than based in fact.


'Alt-right' is an euphemism that needs to die. Call those fuckers out for what they really are: white supremacists.

"Hitler didn't hate Jews; he was just an alt-socialist."


This is insane. I have no investment in OR but I would hope others who do are paying attention. It's one thing to donate to candidates but to support an army of trolls? It actively degrades a political culture that anyone can see is already toxic. Comparing it to funding the American Revolution? It's almost like he's not living in reality....

He's a "near Billionaire" at 24.

His "reality" is far, far, far, far away from everyone else's.
Wow, late to the party here. OR will never be in my future plans. I planned on getting PSVR to start and then getting VR on PC later one. Vive it is.


People claiming they haven't seen any evidence of Trump being a white supremacist are either so ignorant on the subject that I am not sure any defense they mount is in anyway relevant,

or they are being massively disingenuous about the subject and again, irrelevant in their outrage.


Well now we're going round in circles. My whole point was that I've not seen anything that shows Trump to be a white supremacist, other than attacks from his opponent.

If you only judge a candidate by what their opponents say about this, this election is Blonde Hitler vs Corrupt Corpse.

Either youre wilfully ignorant of trump or you agree with him and don't think what he says is racist. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_56e0729fe4b065e2e3d47e82

If that isn't enough I have plenty more from him and the people he put on his campaign who, one at least, doesn't even believe blacks went segregation and being hanged way back when.
Well now we're going round in circles. My whole point was that I've not seen anything that shows Trump to be a white supremacist, other than attacks from his opponent.

If you only judge a candidate by what their opponents say about this, this election is Blonde Hitler vs Corrupt Corpse.

Really? Just in the last two days he proposed something that is typical white supremacist thinking.

Trump proposed nationwide stop-and-frisk to address violence in the black community. That is racial profiling, imposing rule over a non-white group, targeting black people.

Next thing you're going to tell me is that South Africa's apartheid policies were not white supremacist, nor was the lack of civil rights in the U.S in the past.


Atomic Edge looked at tweets from someone being brazenly racist and said:

"I'm not sure that she is openly racist"



Yeah! Fuck someone for standing up for their beliefs!

His "beliefs" are the nonsense ramblings of a pack of A.D.D addled 14 year old boys from reddit and 4chan and besides publicly attaching your name to politics that are this divisive when you are the public face of a massive company is really really stupid and you know it.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Just to be clear... I am fine with any backlash against the alt-right. And to the point of the thread... yes, Luckey's support of an alt-right group lowers my opinion of him significantly, and I will be voting with my dollars to not support Oculus now.

Just trying to spread awareness amongst the liberal-minded on GAF that they often put a clown mask on the alt-right which isn't necessary at all to regard them as a problem.

The alt-right isn't fuelled by racist self-interest. They're fuelled by disgust against those who are pushing to make society a less racist place. I can understand why people would regard these views as one and the same, but there a difference of motivation there that I think is important. Even someone who doesn't hold racially superior views might be tired of being pushed to think and speak and behave in a certain way, and they're pushing back mainly against the restriction, more than they have the desire to say what they want without it.

Yes they are. You're separating a linked issue. The disgust is that by people raising the bar for minorities and giving them the opportunity afforded to what was a privileged set of people, those people see their privilege being removed as an attack on them rather than a help to others.

The alt right have on the whole a contempt for those who are not them. It is pure self interest at play here. A rational person will never respond to people wanting equality by "pushing back" using the vitriol of the alt right. Rational people have empathy and know that being shown the plight of others and asking to act not of pure self interest is not being told how to think.

Everyone is entitled to put their priorities first. The alt right however is characterised by the lack of an ability to value anyone else's.
I thought he was gay? Not sure about the race thing. I thought he had a black boyfriend?

Believe it or not, it's possible to be homophobic and gay at the same time. It's called being self-hating. Milo's been on the record saying if it became medically possible to be converted to straight, he would do it.


"I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza — black guys counting my money!” O’Donnell’s book quoted Trump as saying. “I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. . . . Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”"

Not a white supremacist guys


Atomic Edge looked at tweets from someone being brazenly racist and said:

"I'm not sure that she is openly racist"


That tweet where she said black people are the real racists... I mean you guys might say that is a 9/10 on the racist scale but clearly its an 8.8/10 and frankly anything under 8.9/10 isnt "racist" racist, just "racist."


For you.
Atomic Edge looked at tweets from someone being brazenly racist and said:

"I'm not sure that she is openly racist"


At this point I think Atomic Edge believes Trump can only be considered a white supremacist if he comes to the debate donning KKK attire with a burning cross in the background while yelling "I HATE OTHER RACES AND I HATE MINORITIES AND I THINK THEY'RE INFERIOR"

Admitedlly, that still might be a little bit too subtle for Atomic Edge.


The alt-right is where the white supremacist ended up. Excuse the language but this famous Lee Atwater quote, a Ronald Reagan advisor, explains part of that evolution.

Lee Atwater said:
Atwater: You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger"—that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me—because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."

Thanks for sharing that. Well put by Atwater.

what shit logic is this....

The point is that in informal spaces people are allowed to say whatever they like, problematic or not.

And that by tolerating, but calling out, this problematic behaviour, we are lowing our culture's 'threshold' for tolerating it - and it will happen less. Look at how much better women are treated on a daily basis now than they were 200 years ago. This only happened because people consistently called out unfair/biased behaviour towards them for a long time. We never made it illegal, we just called it out. (In professional contexts then the law can/does come into it.)

This Luckey thing is delicious because he is an important figure in a formal context and has allowed an informal context to spill over into the formal. I have experienced this myself, on a tiny scale, and it is horrific.

(I'm arbitrarily using the words informal/formal here to indicate public/private, business/personal, etc.)
Believe it or not, it's possible to be homophobic and gay at the same time. It's called being self-hating. Milo's been on the record saying if it became medically possible to be converted to straight, he would do it.

That's pretty crazy. Not something I'd ever considered before.
"I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza — black guys counting my money!” O’Donnell’s book quoted Trump as saying. “I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. Those are the kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else. . . . Besides that, I’ve got to tell you something else. I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is; I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”"

Not a white supremacist guys
That's some 18th century level logic lmao


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
TIL that my parents are white supremacists. You think you know somebody.


Love the sinner, hate the sin.

It's only a sin if the sinner commits it. If they keep comitting the sin then at one point you can't separate the two.

Being a pacifist or an enabler to bigotry and hate isn't cute. No matter how much zen you try sprinkle on these racists bigots.
I'm gonna use that "well then please be tolerant of my intolerance towards intolerant people" line next time someone uses that junk line lol. Good stuff
Gemüsepizza;217831898 said:


This is good. People need to know.


A perfect example for that thread made a week ago. Whats that phenomena when someone starts talking about a subject you start to notice the subject more?

By buying oculus rift you are giving more money to palmer who can use said money to oursue his disgusting goals yet at the same time thr dude is already rich as is and can do damage just fine. Hed probably wouldnt even need the income he gets from oculus anymore to still do damage.

I would never buy an oculus as is anyways but thats hardly saying much when the competition is vive and psvr but itd be interesting to see how many people would stick to their guns in a world without them or if this news came out 2 years ago. Btw im not saying buying an oculus right now is wrong, i genuinely dont know and i kinda feel bad about my ignorance in this situation.


The alt-right isn't fuelled by racist self-interest. They're fuelled by disgust against those who are pushing to make society a less racist place.

Mmm, no. The Alt-Right is absolutely fueled by racism and the feeling of superiority. It's kind of their thing as people. It's not even anything new. Even if their motives are what you say - stopping those who are fighting racism is kind of helping racism, no?


Disappointing. When i saw the headlines I thought nice to see a conservative high up in silicon valley which has turned into a sea of homogeneous extreme social liberals. But instead we get this alt-right/meme garbage with the undercurrent of racism. Just a manchild with a lot of money. This hateful year really needs to end.
At this point I think Atomic Edge believes Trump can only be considered a white supremacist if he comes to the debate donning KKK attire with a burning cross in the background while yelling "I HATE OTHER RACES AND I HATE MINORITIES AND I THINK THEY'RE INFERIOR"

Admitedlly, that still might be a little bit too subtle for Atomic Edge.

I'm not sure that is openly racist. Trump would seem like a bit of a dick though.
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