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Oculus' Palmer Luckey funds white-supremacist/misogynistic/anti-lgbt harassment group


Banstick Emeritus
The alt-right isn't fuelled by racist self-interest. They're fuelled by disgust against those who are pushing to make society a less racist place. I can understand why people would regard these views as one and the same, but there a difference of motivation there that I think is important.
That doesn't matter at all when the results are the same. Hair splitting on "motivation" is insulting to everyone who has to deal with this toxicity.


TBH nothing in Luckey's dumbass post really jumped out as being white supremacist. He just comes off as a boiler plate bratty spoiled ass rich kid with a Atlas Shrugged enema.


Also, don't discuss politics on NeoGaf folks,it never goes well.


I've read this article like three times now and seriously can't wrap my head around wtf Palmer was thinking.

1. Make anonymous account to drum up support for pro-Trump org.
2. Account gets called out as Milo shill/scam, gets chased off of fucking /r/The-Donald of all places
3. ???
4. Give an interview to the Daily Beast saying it was you all along

Just... what?


Disappointing. When i saw the headlines I thought nice to see a conservative high up in silicon valley which has turned into a sea of homogeneous extreme social liberals. But instead we get this alt-right/meme garbage with the undercurrent of racism. Just a manchild with a lot of money. This hateful year really needs to end.

Agree with the latter part of your post, but... I'm pretty sure the bolded is not what silicon valley is

Lol, I love this comment on Facebook from someone replying to Eurogamer's post on this story:

"gamergate taught me better"

A perfect example for that thread made a week ago. Whats that phenomena when someone starts talking about a subject you start to notice the subject more?

By buying oculus rift you are giving more money to palmer who can use said money to oursue his disgusting goals yet at the same time thr dude is already rich as is and can do damage just fine. Hed probably wouldnt even need the income he gets from oculus anymore to still do damage.

I would never buy an oculus as is anyways but thats hardly saying much when the competition is vive and psvr but itd be interesting to see how many people would stick to their guns in a world without them or if this news came out 2 years ago. Btw im not saying buying an oculus right now is wrong, i genuinely dont know and i kinda feel bad about my ignorance in this situation.

I own a Rift. Not much I can do now and I have no interest in going through the trouble of selling it. I think I am going to hold out on those Touch controllers until they do something about Palmer though.

Though, if we go through the trouble of boycotting products that may have ties to shitbag human beings I wouldn't be surprised if we would end up with a long list.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Has something been corroborated over night? That Daily Beast article was taking a random Reddit users messages as gospel that they were Palmer Luckey and nothing else?

I'm no fan of the guy, he's a cocky idiot manchild at the best of times, but the Daily Beast is about to get Gawker'd if they just took some internet trolls words at face value especially now other rags have reposted it.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
That doesn't matter at all when the results are the same. Hair splitting on "motivation" is insulting to everyone who has to deal with this toxicity.

Saying that nominally socially normal people don't like being categorised as racist or sexist so they react in pretty racist and sexist ways isn't exactly a defence.
TIL that my parents are white supremacists. You think you know somebody.

It's been proven that as people get older they become much more insular and their social circles become less mixed. I wouldn't call them white supremacist, but rather insular and ignorant and therefore enabling white supremacist. Which is only not as bad for their self concsience, but still bad at a macro level.


Disappointing. When i saw the headlines I thought nice to see a conservative high up in silicon valley which has turned into a sea of homogeneous extreme social liberals. But instead we get this alt-right/meme garbage with the undercurrent of racism. Just a manchild with a lot of money. This hateful year really needs to end.

Oh trust me there are plenty of conservatives in the valley. They just tend to be the insufferable trust fund Ayn Rand variety.


Gamespots headline is certainly much less sensationalist...

Palmer Luckey financially backed anti-Hillary Clinton meme campaign, according to reports.

Well this has made my fence sitting on which VR headset to buy post-touch an easy decision. Disappointing though, and I feel for the guys like Iribe and Carmack at Oculus.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Has something been corroborated over night? That Daily Beast article was taking a random Reddit users messages as gospel that they were Palmer Luckey and nothing else?

I'm no fan of the guy, he's a cocky idiot manchild at the best of times, but the Daily Beast is about to get Gawker'd if they just took some internet trolls words at face value.
At the very least his girlfriend has been exposed, and she's awful. I doubt he'd stay with her if he was shocked by her ideas.


I own a Rift. Not much I can do now and I have no interest in going through the trouble of selling it. I think I am going to hold out on those Touch controllers until they do something about Palmer though.

Though, if we go through the trouble of boycotting products that may have ties to shitbag human beings I wouldn't be surprised if we would end up with a long list.

I really don't think it will take long. Something will happen to him very soon. His world will be crumbling right this second. I feel bad for him, this bullshit notwithstanding.


Has something been corroborated over night? That Daily Beast article was taking a random Reddit users messages as gospel that they were Palmer Luckey and nothing else?

I'm no fan of the guy, he's a cocky idiot manchild at the best of times, but the Daily Beast is about to get Gawker'd if they just took some internet trolls words at face value especially now other rags have reposted it.

the article has direct quotes from luckey himself stating his involvement. so unless the daily beast is insane enough to fabricate that, it seems pretty cut and dry.
Has something been corroborated over night? That Daily Beast article was taking a random Reddit users messages as gospel that they were Palmer Luckey and nothing else?

I'm no fan of the guy, he's a cocky idiot manchild at the best of times, but the Daily Beast is about to get Gawker'd if they just took some internet trolls words at face value especially now other rags have reposted it.

The article quotes Palmer Luckey directly. If they fabricated the story, then they decided yesterday to blatantly commit libel against a near billionaire. Maybe they did but I have a hard time believing this was the story they would go with to destroy their site.


At the very least his girlfriend has been exposed, and she's awful. I doubt he'd stay with her if he was shocked by her ideas.

Yeah. Those post of hers certainly are damning, and they do give this whole story a bit more context which is important to understand.


I own a Rift. Not much I can do now and I have no interest in going through the trouble of selling it. I think I am going to hold out on those Touch controllers until they do something about Palmer though.

Though, if we go through the trouble of boycotting products that may have ties to shitbag human beings I wouldn't be surprised if we would end up with a long list.

Yeah, standing in the exact same place myself.

lol, the NimbleRichMan account has already been deleted.

Well, if that's not proof that it was his account....

I certainly don't approve, but I don't see this kind of outrage about phones build in third world sweatshops.

There is when a thread is made about them, though?


I read some of that, but can't actually see any evidence on their website or anything.

Well those things both suck, but not what this thread is really about.

Where did you see evidence for this?

I thought he was gay? Not sure about the race thing. I thought he had a black boyfriend?

Some of those tweets I've seen shared around are a bit much, but I'm not sure that she is openly racist. Seems like a bit of a dick though.

Many of these things are pegged to him by his opponents though, rather than based in fact.

This isn't mere ignorance, this guy knows what he's doing. He is deflecting and being disingenuous on purpose.


Has something been corroborated over night? That Daily Beast article was taking a random Reddit users messages as gospel that they were Palmer Luckey and nothing else?

I'm no fan of the guy, he's a cocky idiot manchild at the best of times, but the Daily Beast is about to get Gawker'd if they just took some internet trolls words at face value especially now other rags have reposted it.

Arguably the most damning part is the fact that the account and all of its posts were deleted almost immediately after the article went live. Regardless of how unfounded the DB's article may or may not be, that looks like a very guilty set of actions.

People need to learn this shit. If there's something you will regret posting on the internet, just don't post it. Deleting it after the fact does exactly nada.
Gamespots headline is certainly much less sensationalist...

Palmer Luckey financially backed anti-Hillary Clinton meme campaign, according to reports.


I don't see where gaf is making the white supremecist connection. It's a much more serious and harmful accusation.

Unless you just believe that trump support = white supremecist then I guess that's the story.
I really don't think it will take long. Something will happen to him very soon. His world will be crumbling right this second. I feel bad for him, this bullshit notwithstanding.

You don't have to feel bad for him he's in his twenties and he's rich enough to never have to work another day of his life. If he gets fired he'll probably become an analyst on Fox News or something


"I'm not racist! I just want racism to keep existing"

I think to be more accurate it would be something like...

"I'm not racist! I just don't believe in racism because I am in a privileged position to have never experienced racism in my circles and I don't care about it. I am also too self-centered and callous to ever think of myself in any other person's position, so I will conclude that anyone who claims racism still exists must have ulterior motives. I believe all of this because it is easier for me to find fault in victims to preserve the stability of my world view so I don't have to change anything about myself, rather than to accept that there might be flaws in a social system which already benefits me greatly. If you feel otherwise, fuck you!"

This is the MO of the modern racist. Philosophically and ideologically different from racists in previous generations maybe, but still just as racist. Willful ignorance or delusion that is detrimental to society is no less dangerous than active violent action. If allowed to fester and be accepted as a harmless thing, it could even do more damage.


People claiming they haven't seen any evidence of Trump being a white supremacist are either so ignorant on the subject that I am not sure any defense they mount is in anyway relevant,

or they are being massively disingenuous about the subject and again, irrelevant in their outrage.
Because he doesnt out right say it, its been the lie people tell themselves about polticians for decades that use racist dog whistles they mention race without saying id directly. People arent putting up with that shit anymore.

He is one, the alt-qaeda are a bunch of people who are okay with terrorizing people based on shitty political beliefs and fuck palmer luckey for supporting anything related to that.

Its high time we stop giving people like that a free pass hatred and hate speech is awful and anyone defending people who call for violent acts or to willfully marginalize a group of people I will never defend it.
As I understand things the alt-right are too new to be blamed for much yet. They are not in opposition in the sense they caused much bi-partisan rifts, they seem to actively dislike the tea party - who have been the reflex oppositional political force.

They are this guy

and the people who admire him. Dis-affected, trollish, they believe there is no truth anymore. Trump is ideal for them because he has no beliefs either. They are modern version of 70s punks doing things for lols and the camera, while the establishment looks on, horrified. They live for publicity and shock value. If they get real political power they probably would tear each other apart arguing about what to do with it.

The alt-right are the same type of people who the republicans courted during their southern strategy to flip the south and give them a solid voting block. The alt-right by themselves aren't a powerful group. It's the gyrations the republicans are doing to use this group to gain and maintain power that is giving them an outsized effect. How many times have you heard traditional republicans say to hold you nose and vote for Trump because of the supreme court or abortion?

Building a physical wall on the southern border...

...or deporting 11.4 illegal aliens
...or starting a war with Iran over an insult
...or a US nuclear strike in europe
...or a religious test for immigration
...or admiring strong men leaders with human rights abuses
...or...(you get the point)

...are now all now real political positions, and not just something to be laughed at, due to the support given to Trump from the alt-right. They have definitely left their mark on our political landscape.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
the article has direct quotes from luckey himself stating his involvement. so unless the daily beast is insane enough to fabricate that, it seems pretty cut and dry.

The article quotes Palmer Luckey directly. If they fabricated the story, then they decided yesterday to blatantly commit libel against a near billionaire. Maybe they did but I have a hard time believing this was the story they would go with to destroy their site.

I mean the man is an idiot sure, but just emailing Daily Beast back "yeah sure i had a secret account on reddit and I'm funding a bunch of online sociopath meme makers" is... I dunno? Theres a sudden leap in the article where it doesn't really make sense for Luckey to have been in contact with the Beast.

Arguably the most damning part is the fact that the account and all of its posts were deleted almost immediately after the article went live. Regardless of how unfounded the DB's article may or may not be, that looks like a very guilty set of actions.

People need to learn this shit. If there's something you will regret posting on the internet, just don't post it. Deleting it after the fact does exactly nada.

Trolls are even more aware of how to make stuff look legit with a quick delete. "What can I do to make this seem more real?" is meme magic in itself.

I mean I imagine we'll hear something shortly but I am super sceptical about this. Luckey would be confirmed the biggest fucking online idiot in a long time if it is true.


I don't see where gaf is making the white supremecist connection. It's a much more serious and harmful accusation.

Unless you just believe that trump support = white supremecist then I guess that's the story.

How could you support a racist if you don't believe or condone racist views?
I mean the man is an idiot sure, but just emailing Daily Beast back "yeah sure i had a secret account on reddit and I'm funding a bunch of online sociopath meme makers" is... I dunno? Theres a sudden leap in the article where it doesn't really make sense for Luckey to have been in contact with the Beast.

Palmer came out in defense of the group because people were starting to say the group was fake and scamming people out of money. To do so, he had to out himself as the Nimble Rich Guy.


You don't have to feel bad for him he's in his twenties and he's rich enough to never have to work another day of his life. If he gets fired he'll probably become an analyst on Fox News or something

I don't feel bad for him like as a human - he'll be fine thanks to money - I just empathise with how stressful this shit is. I've experienced it once, on a tiny scale, and it was unbelievably horrible.

He fully deserves it, but I know exactly how it feels, and can still feel it myself, sitting at home with that gut-punch, sliced-open feeling of everything crumbling around you.
It's definitely a bad story for Palmer. I always thought he was a weird dude.

But white supremecist is a leap in logic I'm not really ready to make. Racist? Sure, I'll believe that. Anyone with as much money and disconnected from normal society as him would surprise me not to have some racist views.

I dont see it any different than people who support those groups that buy radio ads that talk about Hillary being corrupt or lying. It's just being done over the internet.

Its just because someone decided that a cartoon frog that has been an internet meme for years was a white supremecist meme.


Wow, late to the party here. OR will never be in my future plans. I planned on getting PSVR to start and then getting VR on PC later one. Vive it is.

Everyone who works for OR must be in horror right now. I do not like Palmer, and now I like him even more. Yet I don't know if I'm willing to punish everyone else at OR, He's one of the driving forces at Oculus, but he's just the most visible, not the only one.

It's a bad situation all around. And it makes me want to not buy his product.
I mean the man is an idiot sure, but just emailing Daily Beast back "yeah sure i had a secret account on reddit and I'm funding a bunch of online sociopath meme makers" is... I dunno? Theres a sudden leap in the article where it doesn't really make sense for Luckey to have been in contact with the Beast.

Money and youth can blind you and make you feel invincible. He probably didn't think it would matter to reveal this.

And in the longrun, it probably won't, since he's already filthy rich. He'll live the rest of his life in comfort regardless.

What a waste though, he'll now forever be remembered as the tech executive that donated to an alt-right online meme factory instead of to charity for starving children.


Palmer came out in defense of the group because people were starting to say the group was fake and scamming people out of money. To do so, he had to out himself as the Nimble Rich Guy.

Wasn't he also listed as a founder of Nimble America until they removed it after this blew up? That sort of implicates him a little..


This is so damn bizarre. If he doesn't come out and emphatically deny then...wow.

The casual way he lays it all out, like he doesn't care about the mammoth consequences. It's surreal.

Do we have anything outside of what the Reddit user said?


I think if you are tolerant person, you have to tolerate intolerance as well. I mean, they are human garbage, but even garbage has a place in the world.

Bullshit. If you tolerate intolerance, the intolerant will eventually remove your right to be tolerant.
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