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Odyssey is by far the worst Assassin's Creed and one of the worst games I ever played

Do you think AC Odyssey is a good game/good AC?

  • It's a good videogame but not a good AC.

    Votes: 125 23.9%
  • It's a good videogame and a real AC.

    Votes: 174 33.2%
  • It sucks.

    Votes: 225 42.9%

  • Total voters


What i find funny is that they could really frame "sexism is bad" on their vision while maintaining historic acurracy with good writing. But no just shove it in your face, marking a checklist with displaced todos so that marketing can post on twitter that they're woke.
At least they explained what they were doing. If they want to do that is cool
I have! Already got 90% of the trophies in it and itching to go back! Seriously take a long breath, relax and come back to the game when you're not so hooked up on one of the writer's political belifes.
It seems that you are the one who has prejudices about me. I explained my problems clearly both with the writing and the gameplay. That picture was used only for demonstration purposes. Read again my whole post.
To begin, I was sort of an Assassin's Creed fan from the beginning in 2007. The first game was simply magical, that huge open world, the uniqueness of the setting and the gameplay, the graphics, the animations, the serious story that touched on philospophical and morality topics simply amazed me. Sure, the repetitiveness of it was criticized by many but it was nothing compared to Odyssey's.

So coming from Origins (which is among my favorites in the franchise, although I don't consider it a true "Assassin" game that either) I had no high hopes for Odyssey, seeing that it was a reskinned Origins, but still I was curious because of the new setting and as I like the franchise. I was getting worried seeing some videos that left me a bad impression regarding the writing but I was not prepared to what the game offers. Got it on day one, played a few hours and it gave a bad impression. I thought I will play it later but everytime I tried I never enjoyed it. Now Valhalla is coming and I decided to play it through to know the story but I'm having a really hard time and I can't wait to finish it.

I always try to avoid judging someone based on their looks, but look at one of the main writers of this game:

Based on this image you would imagine the worst millennial type writing filled with obnoxious SJW bullshit in your face all the time and you would be so right. Honestly, I don't remember ever complaining about writing in a game, but this is just unbearably horrible. I'm skipping the dialogs as I can't stand them. I have never done this in any game. It has nothing to do with the deep (compared to this) topics of the original AC, it's like a (really) bad millennial TV comedy with some of the worst performances I ever saw. A lot of times there is like no connection in the delivery, the writing, and what you can see animation wise on the screen. I just can't understand how can it be so bad. Everything is trying to be funny and failing so bad I'm cringing all the time. Thanks to this and the lame performances even the scenes intended to be serious are laughable. Also Alexios acts like a typical millennial bitch. I can't say this in any nicer way. It's horrible. The most important thing is to force their SJW bullshit in your face. Some male characters always wanting to fuck Alexios and not once having me forget which hole they like.

Honestly, who designed this game? Did they really think it is enjoyable? You can't even play as a proper Assassin. I go into a fort and can't assassinate captains that are 5 levels below me. Wtf? Of course I'm forced to fight for an infinite amount of time as 10 soldiers start to attack me, who are made of stone and have to chip away their health for minutes, despite being 5 levels lower than me and my gear. Then some fucking mercenaries start to teleport who are even worse with posion and magic spamming and some bears and wolfs, and some fucking chickens. You can't go anywhere and enjoy the scenery for too long, as everyone and everything wants to kill you always. Fucking chickens even, lol. Infinite amount of samey forts, caves, ruins etc. How can this be considered one of the best in the series when it has 100000 times the repetitiveness of the first AC game? Also, there is this boring neverending combat always with the bad animations and you cannot even use a shield as a Spartan(!). Wtf is this again?

Remember the leaks for Origins? It said that Greece was part of that game. It's clear, lots of reused assets, lazy design in every sense. It's like they took the Greece parts out of that game, enlarged the map and made a full game of it filling with boring content. They needed a story and characters and said fuck it, who cares, just vomit and shit something, mix it well then those losers will get it anyway.

Excuse my rant but I'm baffled why so many like this game. I have never wanted something to end this much. You could ask why I'm playing it if I hate it this much. It's only because I still like the franchise and I'm interested in the story and want to know it before Valhalla and I also like to explore as the world still has some beautiful and interesting places despite having a lot of reused assets and lazy design. The graphics has some high points and the music is nice but playing it through is just a slog. Being everything so frustrating I just run into the locations, get the required loot, kill the captain etc. to complete the place and just run away instead of fighting half the world for hours.

TLDR: This is one of the must frustrating games I ever played, with boring, neverending repetitive gameplay with the worst SJW writing I ever saw. I cannot understand how this particular instalment became so popular.
You are 100% spot on in your criticism of the game. Sadly, that is the state of video-game writing these days...


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Yup, SJW writer with current year hair sure sound like 2deep a critique 4me.
But it is when that means that inclusims has higher priority than historical accuracy, which the devs admited.

And its not the only critique in OP's post, he also mentions the shitty combat, ghe grinding and the bad mission design.

I think that dissmising all of that just because he mentions the SJW thing is kind of dishonest.


Shit taste OP it's by far the best AC game to date, oh but I see you're another poltics addict who can't unwind.

Hint: you're just a parallel of the SJWs you so hate an unfun stick in the mud, a joyless void of a human being.
Geesh, a little rough no? Maybe relax a bit as well.

I didn’t like the game because it was a time gated slog.
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I would have picked her if the game let me play as a real assassin, but you simply can't. It forces you to always fight with that shitty combat system and it's jarring when a 50 kg woman hacks 100 kg brutes.
That isn't unique to this game, or even to women. Practically every game with humanoid mobs has brutes, brutes that are significantly bigger than the protagonist. How do you beat them? It's almost always finesse, something a woman can do just as well as a man and in some cases better.
I'm sorry you're struggling with the assassination stuff. It's not for everyone. Luckily, the Warrior portion of the skill tree is there for you!
Then please tell me what I'm doing wrong if I can't assassinate even lower level captains than me? I have the spear upgraded as much as I could and also the assassination perks. What do I miss?
That isn't unique to this game, or even to women. Practically every game with humanoid mobs has brutes, brutes that are significantly bigger than the protagonist. How do you beat them? It's almost always finesse, something a woman can do just as well as a man and in some cases better.
You are right, but still it's more jarring to play this game as a woman for historical reasons also. I just can't imagine such a Spartan warrior woman. In Syndicate I liked playing as Evie more because she was the character who was tailored more as an Assassin and it was not jarring at all. Although the women gang members were yes.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I also think that the "RPG" elements where a mistake. Locking game mechanics like the assassination behind skills and levels... Ugh, wish they had went with a different approach for the progression systems.
But it is when that means that inclusims has higher priority than historical accuracy, which the devs admited.

And its not the only critique in OP's post, he also mentions the shitty combat, ghe grinding and the bad mission design.

I think that dissmising all of that just because he mentions the SJW thing is kind of dishonest.
I have never done this in any game. It has nothing to do with the deep (compared to this) topics of the original AC, it's like a (really) bad millennial TV comedy with some of the worst performances I ever saw. A lot of times there is like no connection in the delivery, the writing, and what you can see animation wise on the screen. I just can't understand how can it be so bad. Everything is trying to be funny and failing so bad I'm cringing all the time. Thanks to this and the lame performances even the scenes intended to be serious are laughable. Also Alexios acts like a typical millennial bitch. I can't say this in any nicer way. It's horrible. The most important thing is to force their SJW bullshit in your face. Some male characters always wanting to fuck Alexios and not once having me forget which hole they like.
This whole paragraph is false and i don't know if the OP played the game while high, there’s exactly 1 character in 1 side quest who is a gay for Alexios, a doctor you help and that's it.

The writing is the best in the series and i'm not speaking out of my ass, as I've stated i fell out of love with the franchise back in 2013, but i came back due to a sale for all the AC games prior to Origins and played them all and i loved my time with them that I went and played Origins + DLC and got Odyssey day 1 and IMO it's by far the best story and writing in the franchise, and I don’t know if it's nostalgia or what but the OP should go back and play 1-3 and come back to me about the writing and story of those games compared to Odyssey, or just watch them on YouTube if you like.


I thought it was ok, though it helps I bought it for cheap.

I do have to say it really isn't AssCreed, heck I actually think I would have enjoyed it more if it was named something else, since I wouldn't have expectations towards the gameplay.
This whole paragraph is false and i don't know if the OP played the game while high, there’s exactly 1 character in 1 side quest who is a gay for Alexios, a doctor you help and that's it.

The writing is the best in the series and i'm not speaking out of my ass, as I've stated i fell out of love with the franchise back in 2013, but i came back due to a sale for all the AC games prior to Origins and played them all and i loved my time with them that I went and played Origins + DLC and got Odyssey day 1 and IMO it's by far the best story and writing in the franchise, and I don’t know if it's nostalgia or what but the OP should go back and play 1-3 and come back to me about the writing and story of those games compared to Odyssey, or just watch them on YouTube if you like.
Jesus, you are beyond saving man.
Jesus, you are beyond saving man.
I'm sorry if i was harsh friend, but you remind me of myself back in 2014-16 when I was consuming these political channels who talk non-stop about the SJWs and the games they've ruined with their BS including AC Especially Origins (we wuz kangz) and Syndicate (Oh noes the Girl ends up with the Indian guy OMG Blacked! And she's the reasonable one! Fuck you SJWs!).

Again i apoligize.


You are right, but still it's more jarring to play this game as a woman for historical reasons also. I just can't imagine such a Spartan warrior woman. In Syndicate I liked playing as Evie more because she was the character who was tailored more as an Assassin and it was not jarring at all. Although the women gang members were yes.
Just assume that warrior women like that were quite common. Almost all traces of them have been erased from history though because of the oppressive male patriarchy that wrote the histories. ;)


I just gave up after 15 hours due to the things you spoke of. I was enjoying parts of it but most of the enjoyment came from messing with the games systems, like getting the mercenaries to kill the legendary animals for me while I hid in a bush lol.

I'm in the Richard-Leadbetter-minority because I really liked AC:Unity and one of the best things for me was were the riddles. I genuinely enjoyed working those out even if they weren't exactly rocket science. It was the cloest I've seen ubisoft come to Nintendo level of "its so obvious that you overthink it but its satisfying nonetheless" type of game design.

The riddles in Odyssey were kinda arse and I stopped caring shortly after that. I also wanted to climb stuff and that wasn't really there apart from the statues, which were tied to the subpar riddles.

I know this is a weird pull but go and watch (Or play, its a great fun game) The Darkness II if you want to see animation that perfectly match up to what the NPC is saying, I've never seen a game more committed to that, even random NPCs 5th or 6th line (which most people wouldn't bother to hang around for) is fully acted out and the body/hand movements clearly line up exactly with what they are saying:

Its obviously limited by the technology of the time (2012) but I thought it was great attention to detail and really improved the game for me a lot. In fact these side conversations actually make the game for me in many ways.

Attention to detail is the reason I used to play these bloody AC games! They take out all that makes it an AC game and expect us to still like it lol:

* No one-hit stealth kills/regressed stealth over AC:Unity
* Levels instead of clear visual design choices that tell you the enemy will be tougher/require different "tactics" (Okay I know its holding attack instead of mashing it, or pressing dodge/parry once or twice and repeat but I still prefer it over numbers dictating the damage I do)
* Giant open world that has too much empty space and isn't a dense living world anymore, its like the old games maps split up and spread over a barren landscape.
* RPG loot mechanics that try to give you a feeling of power when you find a legendary/epic but its a falsehood because of how quickly enemy levels increase in the game, so you will only feel that power increase for 15 mins and then the weapon is trash compared to common higher level gear. Its not Diablo where that sort of thing works because the game pace is 800x faster in Diablo and you also choose when to increase the level of the enemies and its not a waste of time to NOT do that. It was way more satisfying to spend time collecting things or doing hidden temples/challenges and then get this mega weapon and its fucking awesome forever, against almost all the enemies in the game. I stopped the game primarily due to having to fast travel to that one town and upgrade my preferred weapon after, and this isn't hyperbole, every 2nd or 3rd map icon I "cleansed".
* This is a big one: The quality of the animations and cutscenes just shat itself from Origins onwards because they started priortising a giant huge open world instead of a dense seemingly living world, basically quantity over quality.

I could go on for days lol I'm gonna stop and have lunch though.


Then please tell me what I'm doing wrong if I can't assassinate even lower level captains than me? I have the spear upgraded as much as I could and also the assassination perks. What do I miss?

If you've got the perks, you've got the upgrades and you're wearing assassin focused gear, then all you do is sneak up to someone and press the assassinate button. As you get more of the above you'll get to one shot even more types of enemies. At some point, you'll even get access the Pirate set (the main story forces you to get it) which is broken as hell. Then you can also enchant that stuff with more assassin bonuses, plus there are legendary assassin weapons and then...well, 2 shotting level 99 enemies while you're in your 50s. The game becomes a bit of a superhero powertrip at that point. I legitimately stopped fighting enemies when I reached my 20s, and regularly got the ghost bonus for clearing fortresses without being detected. Helps that the AI is dumb as hell.

There are a few enemies in the game that you can't one shot though. A few of the biggest forts have 1 enemy of a specific kind that you can't, but they never respawn as you get rewards for killing those. Story bosses with boss bars too, but I can count those on my one hand. And ships. You can't 1 shot ships no matter how good of an Assassin you are. I tried.

So yeah. The first island (tutorialville) isn't a great measure, but beyond that? I was a fucking ninja.
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Then please tell me what I'm doing wrong if I can't assassinate even lower level captains than me? I have the spear upgraded as much as I could and also the assassination perks. What do I miss?

Are you doing the critical assassination? With it you should have no problems one shoting any captain below your level. Are you wearing the Gear for the stealth tree?
Second worst game I've ever played after FFXV. It's like it goes out of its way to waste your time. Not to mention the combat is dogshit. I feel like I should have been paid to play that trash. I would love to play another AC when they decide to focus more on stealth like they used to.
🤦‍♂️ Wat


Origins is downright masterpiece. One of the best games of this generation.
Odyssey is alright. It's not quite as good for sure. Story is bland, regions are fairly similar looking. It's a repetitive game for sure, but so is Skyrim or any other game with 150 hours of content including DLC.
Personally I loved exploring the cities and islands. I think if you're not interested in history both games would be mostly lost on you.
Are you doing the critical assassination? With it you should have no problems one shoting any captain below your level. Are you wearing the Gear for the stealth tree?
Yes, sometimes even that doesn't work for some reason. Maybe it just doesn't register as that, I don't know. What do you mean by wearing the gear for the stealth tree?

Kuranghi Kuranghi
Agree with everything you say. It's a shame what Unity received during launch. I played it on day one and I was blown away. It was among my first "nextgen experiences" this gen. On PS4 the bugs weren't so bad either. It's genuinely one of the best in the franchise, though I didn't like the main character and the story too much. But as a game it was really good IMO.

Inspector Q

The best thing about this game is that it's a great cure for insomnia. Struggling to fall asleep? Just turn on Odyssey and you will be dozing off within minutes. Amazing stuff.

Anyway, I have been trying to get through this game for over 2 years now and I just can't play it for that long before I start passing out. It's just become absurdly boring for me.

There is so much content in the world, but none of it is noteworthy or exciting. I am going around and knocking off tasks just to get the little check marks on my map.

My biggest issue with the game is actually the enemy design. People like to mention the Souls series as an inspiration for AC's new combat mechanics, but what sets those games apart is that you are constantly faced with completely new enemy types with each area you visit. In Odyssey? Not at all.

I feel like I have not seen a new enemy type in 140 hours and I have about 150 hours clocked. A Daughter of Artemis fights just like a Huntress who fights just like a Follower of Ares who fights just like a common bandit who fights just like a Cultist, etc etc. Why not give these different factions completely fresh and new play styles and moves that they can use against you? This way, each new area you visit will feel a little more fresh with new enemy types thrown your way.

So yeah, I won't say that the game is complete trash, but it's become an absolute snoozefest at this point. Valhalla looks a little better, at least from an enemy variety perspective. So we will see how that turns out.

Just checking this video now. He is talking about the same things as me. Except in Odyssey it's ten times worse than this. Though I'm sad that I saw this, I was looking forward to Valhalla, coming from the Origins team I expected better quality. Oh well...
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I love all AC games, even the bad ones are still OK. While i like Kassandra and some side characters, and also some quests are quite cool, but it's a really bad game, because:

- The horse, the worst ever, in animations, sounds, like everything (Yes HORSE is super important in a game like this when you're gonna ride most of the time, thankfully people like R* and SP understood this)

-The Map: What a joke, at first looks cool, after 10 hours you realize that it's just 10% of the map that is duplicated to fulfill the entire map that ended being soulless.

- Most cool stuffs are locked behind microtransaction, at least in Origins you can still unlock those but with Odyssey it's impossible.

- For some reason the gameplay doesn't feel good, much less good than Origins for example.

- Insane loading times.

There are other cons but those are the biggest ones that really make it bad.
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Yes, sometimes even that doesn't work for some reason. Maybe it just doesn't register as that, I don't know. What do you mean by wearing the gear for the stealth tree?

Kuranghi Kuranghi
Agree with everything you say. It's a shame what Unity received during launch. I played it on day one and I was blown away. It was among my first "nextgen experiences" this gen. On PS4 the bugs weren't so bad either. It's genuinely one of the best in the franchise, though I didn't like the main character and the story too much. But as a game it was really good IMO.

Crit assassinations use stamina, so only use it when you have to to get the one shot. Every price of armor will
Boost either the Bow skills, Combat, or assassination. The boost can be very substantial, 10% an armor piece or so. You can also put enhancements on armor and weapons that give similar boosts. If you aren’t wearing the right type of armor with the right enhancements your DPS will suffer a lot. This is an RPG.



Just checking this video now. He is talking about the same things as me. Except in Odyssey it's ten times worse than this. Though I'm sad that I saw this, I was looking forward to Valhalla, coming from the Origins team I expected better quality. Oh well...

Ok, but wait. Valhalla was obviously going to be more Odyssey than Origins. I have no idea why anyone would think otherwise. If Odyssey had bombed, then sure: we'd see them revert back to a more successful formula or try something completely new...but Odyssey was a commercial success. The move to a more RPG-esque formula is probably viewed as a success by Ubi, regardless of how we might feel.

I 110% expect more Odyssey in Valhalla's DNA.
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Ok, but wait. Valhalla was obviously going to be more Odyssey than Origins. I have no idea why anyone would think otherwise. If Odyssey had bombed, then sure: we'd see them revert back to a more successful formula or try something completely new...but Odyssey was a commercial success. The move to a more RPG-esque formula is probably viewed as a success by Ubi, regardless of how we might feel.

I 110% expect more Odyssey from in Valhalla's DNA.

Valhalla is made by the team who made Origins. In many ways it will build off Odyssey, but it’ll be like origins in many ways as well.


I personally think Odyssey is good. There always seems something to do in it. It just suffers a little bit of having to much bloat. With all that content the quality of it will be all over the charts. As for the story I just started skipping all the scenes mid way through the game. I just wanted to see if there where clues to the secret order and just hunt them down. Having lots of bloat is what’s keeping me from getting the next game.



Just checking this video now. He is talking about the same things as me. Except in Odyssey it's ten times worse than this. Though I'm sad that I saw this, I was looking forward to Valhalla, coming from the Origins team I expected better quality. Oh well...

Watching as well, I had planned to play Syndicate if Valhalla turned out to be subpar but it has half-rate physics on PC which I don't like so will wait for a remaster.

Instead I'm just going to replay AC: Unity at 4K30 (STILL can't do 4K60 even on a GTX 1080 lol even without the crazy PCSS shadows) probably, maybe I'll settle for 1620p60 but we'll see. I remember playing it originally at 1080p but the framerate was crazily bouncing between 30 and 60 because I didnt bother to lock to 30 back then.
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