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Odyssey is by far the worst Assassin's Creed and one of the worst games I ever played

Do you think AC Odyssey is a good game/good AC?

  • It's a good videogame but not a good AC.

    Votes: 125 23.9%
  • It's a good videogame and a real AC.

    Votes: 174 33.2%
  • It sucks.

    Votes: 225 42.9%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
To begin, I was sort of an Assassin's Creed fan from the beginning in 2007. The first game was simply magical, that huge open world, the uniqueness of the setting and the gameplay, the graphics, the animations, the serious story that touched on philospophical and morality topics simply amazed me. Sure, the repetitiveness of it was criticized by many but it was nothing compared to Odyssey's.

So coming from Origins (which is among my favorites in the franchise, although I don't consider it a true "Assassin" game that either) I had no high hopes for Odyssey, seeing that it was a reskinned Origins, but still I was curious because of the new setting and as I like the franchise. I was getting worried seeing some videos that left me a bad impression regarding the writing but I was not prepared to what the game offers. Got it on day one, played a few hours and it gave a bad impression. I thought I will play it later but everytime I tried I never enjoyed it. Now Valhalla is coming and I decided to play it through to know the story but I'm having a really hard time and I can't wait to finish it.

I always try to avoid judging someone based on their looks, but look at one of the main writers of this game:

Based on this image you would imagine the worst millennial type writing filled with obnoxious SJW bullshit in your face all the time and you would be so right. Honestly, I don't remember ever complaining about writing in a game, but this is just unbearably horrible. I'm skipping the dialogs as I can't stand them. I have never done this in any game. It has nothing to do with the deep (compared to this) topics of the original AC, it's like a (really) bad millennial TV comedy with some of the worst performances I ever saw. A lot of times there is like no connection in the delivery, the writing, and what you can see animation wise on the screen. I just can't understand how can it be so bad. Everything is trying to be funny and failing so bad I'm cringing all the time. Thanks to this and the lame performances even the scenes intended to be serious are laughable. Also Alexios acts like a typical millennial bitch. I can't say this in any nicer way. It's horrible. The most important thing is to force their SJW bullshit in your face. Some male characters always wanting to fuck Alexios and not once having me forget which hole they like.

Honestly, who designed this game? Did they really think it is enjoyable? You can't even play as a proper Assassin. I go into a fort and can't assassinate captains that are 5 levels below me. Wtf? Of course I'm forced to fight for an infinite amount of time as 10 soldiers start to attack me, who are made of stone and have to chip away their health for minutes, despite being 5 levels lower than me and my gear. Then some fucking mercenaries start to teleport who are even worse with posion and magic spamming and some bears and wolfs, and some fucking chickens. You can't go anywhere and enjoy the scenery for too long, as everyone and everything wants to kill you always. Fucking chickens even, lol. Infinite amount of samey forts, caves, ruins etc. How can this be considered one of the best in the series when it has 100000 times the repetitiveness of the first AC game? Also, there is this boring neverending combat always with the bad animations and you cannot even use a shield as a Spartan(!). Wtf is this again?

Remember the leaks for Origins? It said that Greece was part of that game. It's clear, lots of reused assets, lazy design in every sense. It's like they took the Greece parts out of that game, enlarged the map and made a full game of it filling with boring content. They needed a story and characters and said fuck it, who cares, just vomit and shit something, mix it well then those losers will get it anyway.

Excuse my rant but I'm baffled why so many like this game. I have never wanted something to end this much. You could ask why I'm playing it if I hate it this much. It's only because I still like the franchise and I'm interested in the story and want to know it before Valhalla and I also like to explore as the world still has some beautiful and interesting places despite having a lot of reused assets and lazy design. The graphics has some high points and the music is nice but playing it through is just a slog. Being everything so frustrating I just run into the locations, get the required loot, kill the captain etc. to complete the place and just run away instead of fighting half the world for hours.

TLDR: This is one of the must frustrating games I ever played, with boring, neverending repetitive gameplay with the worst SJW writing I ever saw. I cannot understand how this particular instalment became so popular.
Holy Shit...what is that thing?

Yea um, if you can't assassinate enemies five levels lower than you in AC Odyssey then it's probably a build issue. You gotta level up your hidden blade. by time I got close to lvl 45, I was murdering a horde of level 50's in the flashpoint battles where you gotta choose between the athenians and the spartans. In the arena, same thing. Didn't even wait to level up. Purposely fought higher leveled enemies because there wasn't much of a challenge anymore.

The game is repetitive, but all AC games are. It's all about the gameplay loop. I can't think of one AC game where I was going from town to town doing basically the same thing.

I'll admit when I was playing the game, I felt like I was given way more opportunities to bang the same sex than I was the opposite. But I played the female character and...well...i didn't mind it much. What was weird is that they had Socrates as sexually fluid which was very...offputting. Not because he liked men and women...but because they sexualized him in the first. Nobody is concerned with who Socrates was bangin. It's just a detail that may or may not be true about a historical figure and they just forced it down our throats. It's weird and unnecessary for a video game. Even if Socrates was the most dude bro heterosexual in the game...I still would feel that detail is unnecessary. It lends literally nothing to the story and could possibly be tainting history.
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One of the green rats
This is false on every level. I tried going back and playing earlier ac games over again and the controls and fighting are god awful in comparison to origins and odyssey.
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Unfortunately, you are right, I think. This is partly what made me create this thread. There is this franchise that I really like and I'm worried about its future. I don't want more of Odyssey, I want more of Origins. Better yet, I want more of what was the first game about.
If they are going to continue with it being more open-world RPG style, I would hope they can bring in solid characters and plot like they did for Origins. That said, I've always been curious to see if they could do a more focused and streamlined AssCreed in the style of a Splinter Cell. Focused set-piece missions with a little more care in the crafting. Get away from the very generic open-worldy missions they have been filling the games with.


Shit taste OP it's by far the best AC game to date, oh but I see you're another poltics addict who can't unwind.

Hint: you're just a parallel of the SJWs you so hate an unfun stick in the mud, a joyless void of a human being.
SJWs never give good arguments as seen here, they just get personal and try and guess what people are like on a daily basis and throw insults.

Hint: Wokeness is the biggest cancer to society, this is just one example of how this disease affects human interaction.
I loved Odyssey but hated Origins. Playing Odyssey full stealth was amazingly fun. At high level, I could clear a base in minutes. In Origins, I had to grind materials to level up my hidden blade. That is the quickest way to piss me off while playing an AC game. If I can't even 1 hit assassinate basic guards, the game is seriously failing the entire premise.

Tracking down the Cult of Kosmos throughout Greece was awesome and exploring the world was one the best gaming experiences this gen. In contrast, Origins had a small hit list, I was too underleveled to even start the DLC (not grinding side quests), and the world only had a few interesting places to go (Cyrene, Memphis, Alexandria). Odyssey is better in every way. To each their own.
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I’m a fan of the older styles assassin creeds. Batman combat was much better imho then the new souls lite stuff.

I feel both have their pros and cons. I miss the endless combokillslaughterfests of the old ones, but it also just lacks challenge. The new ones have great animations and new possibilities but the balancing feels off (too spungy enemies, which seems to be changed in valhalla though) and it doesn´t feel kind of uniwue anymore.

Batman and AC were the go to games with a huge emphasis on combocounterkillchaincombat, now it feels like every other rpg with meleeweapons and hitboxes plus dodge and parry.

What really added to the tiring was the yearly release cycle of the games, i just tore down much faster than batman for instance with the arkham trilogy plus 1.

The parcour is something for taste i think. I love the more demanding but sometimes wonky controlled "classic" parcour, but in our private group of gamers i am the only one. The other all prefer the newer style, especially Origins.Unity seems to be a good "middle ground" maybe, but that depends very much on the environment and revolutionary paris takes the cake in those regards of all setting. There is hardly a "better parcourable" setting you can find, it is just that.


Kassandra is a great character and despite the bloat and a map that's way too large, I played the game for probably around 80 hours and never really got tired of it. Witcher 3 is probably the only open world game this gen that's better than Origins/Odyssey and I pretty much played them all.

I'd put DA:I up there. It's a bit older and was cross gen, but was a very strong game to start the gen.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Odyssey was one of my favorite games of the generation. It was like a more engaging BOTW to me because you can run around murdering people in Ancient Greece.

After about 240 hours, I played through it twice and then finished the first DLC. I got to the huge second DLC and decided I just couldn't play anymore.

Absolutely gorgeous game in 3440x1440 too. Ran like a dream on my 1080ti.
SJWs never give good arguments as seen here, they just get personal and try and guess what people are like on a daily basis and throw insults.

Hint: Wokeness is the biggest cancer to society, this is just one example of how this disease affects human interaction.
L O L.

I'm an SJW? If one isn't on your team then he must be on the other one!

I was simply disagreeing with the notion that the writing is filled with "wokness" and tokenism, and that every male character is after the MC's thundercock, i even apologized to OP.

SJW and Antisjw are both sides of the same insufferable coin.
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My fav so far. Bought it on PS4 but did it thinking it was boring. Rebought on pc and about to finish the whole thing and loved it.


I can't weigh in on any of these Assassin's Creed games. I've never played any of them.

I just wanted to contribute a warning to the OP and others. If you don't like woke gaming, you're really not going to like next gen. The takeover of gaming companies was just in its transitional phase the last couple of generations. The woke police are likely the majority in every company now, though. You may not be interested in hard left progressive politics, but they're interested in your games.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I feel both have their pros and cons. I miss the endless combokillslaughterfests of the old ones, but it also just lacks challenge. The new ones have great animations and new possibilities but the balancing feels off (too spungy enemies, which seems to be changed in valhalla though) and it doesn´t feel kind of uniwue anymore.

Batman and AC were the go to games with a huge emphasis on combocounterkillchaincombat, now it feels like every other rpg with meleeweapons and hitboxes plus dodge and parry.

What really added to the tiring was the yearly release cycle of the games, i just tore down much faster than batman for instance with the arkham trilogy plus 1.

The parcour is something for taste i think. I love the more demanding but sometimes wonky controlled "classic" parcour, but in our private group of gamers i am the only one. The other all prefer the newer style, especially Origins.Unity seems to be a good "middle ground" maybe, but that depends very much on the environment and revolutionary paris takes the cake in those regards of all setting. There is hardly a "better parcourable" setting you can find, it is just that.

yeah might give Valhalla a try when I get done with cyber punk. I miss the feeling of being a super assassin that the older games gave ya like you mentioned. Counter combo system just made the player feel like a bad ass but like you said it maybe most encounters trivial.

If they tune the new one not to make it feel like a slog to encourage you to buy your way past, I'll give it a fair shake. On PC can just cheat past that crap if I need to (like I did in red dead, ton of gold made me skip the tedious looting).
L O L.

I'm an SJW? If one isn't on your team then he must be on the other one!

I was simply disagreed with the notion that the writing is filled with "wokness" and tokenism, and that every male character is after the MC's thundercock, i even apologized to OP.

SJW and Antisjw are both sides of the same insufferable coin.
I hate this argument that SJWs and antiSJWs are the same. They are not. SJWs create problems from nothing and are trying to destroy civilization. AntiSJWs are just the ones who doesn't want this. If the SJWs wouldn't create problems then no one would be "antiSJW".


L O L.

I'm an SJW? If one isn't on your team then he must be on the other one!

I was simply disagreed with the notion that the writing is filled with "wokness" and tokenism, and that every male character is after the MC's thundercock, i even apologized to OP.

SJW and Antisjw are both sides of the same insufferable coin.
If you aren't an SJW or AntiSJW then don't tap into their toxic ways, makes you look like something you're not, my apologies for the confusion Mon Ami.
I can't weigh in on any of these Assassin's Creed games. I've never played any of them.

I just wanted to contribute a warning to the OP and others. If you don't like woke gaming, you're really not going to like next gen. The takeover of gaming companies was just in its transitional phase the last couple of generations. The woke police are likely the majority in every company now, though. You may not be interested in hard left progressive politics, but they're interested in your games.
Yeah, I know. They infested every medium unfortunately. Brainwashed people, most of them doesn't even know/understand that they are serving an evil purpose that is hidden behind rainbows.


Yeah I was a big AC fan pretty much up until Black Flag, I skipped Syndicate, Origins and Unity as other stuff was just a lot better at the time and I chose to spend my limited time with other games, it also really rubs me the wrong way who they've de-prioritized the modern storylines and completely muddled the primary Assassin's vs Templar conflict.

I tried to get back into it with Odessy as I have a friend who swears it's the best AC ever made. I should've taken it with a pinch of salt as she's got like 1000 days of playtime in World of Warcraft...but after giving Odessy about 8 hours of my time...holy hell does it feel like a wannabe MMO. Everything is so insanely trivialized, nothing you do seems to matter, gear has less impact than in Borderlands, and fighting enemies might as well be the same as chopping trees for the amount of excitement it gives. Remember in the original AC where you'd want to run and hide if you got spotted? What the fuck happened to that?

I feel like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was the ultimate AC game, sure the combat was a bit too easy but that could easily be tweaked (make enemies attack simultaneously, give counters a cooldown, remove helper "brotherhood" assassins). It had the right combination of dense urban environments and more open natural ones (outskirts of Rome) it let you ride a horse around in the streets, but going form rooftop to rooftop was still the primary way of getting around), and it gave you a lot of customization options and different weapons and gadgets without over-saturating the player with new gear every few minutes). It also did side quests right, they were either optional but still valuable additions to the story, or they were there to help build up your base and take over the city districts...giving you tangible progress. They didn't simply reward you with some sword or spear or something that you'd sell 20 minutes later cause the stats were low, they felt like a part of the overall "campaign".

I can see a lot of this being addressed in Valhalla, but they need to return the combat system to it's roots...which I don't think will be possible while playing as a Viking in Britannia...not like crowd blend will work when you're 30cm taller than everyone else.


I enjoyed the game , same as Origin. But I feel like these are NOT true Assassin Creed games. I miss actually being an assassin, not a warrior ploughing through enemies.
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This was the first Assassins Creed game that I liked enough to play more than a couple of hours of it. To each their own I guess. I liked it enough that I've already got Valhalla preordered for PS5.


Kassandra is a great character and despite the bloat and a map that's way too large, I played the game for probably around 80 hours and never really got tired of it. Witcher 3 is probably the only open world game this gen that's better than Origins/Odyssey and I pretty much played them all.

Honestly, the immense size of the game was just too much. I would have preferred a more focused game that was a smidge smaller as I got tired of it after about 50ish hours. I definitely feel like I got my money out of it even if I didn't finish it, and I still pop it in and play a bit here and there.


What time is it?
What was so worse about the original? Repetitiveness? You get that ten times here. That game was a masterpiece compared to this. It had a vision, serious topics that made you think. Not filled with obnoxious sjw bullshit that is a parody of itself.

Repetitiveness of mechanics that were dull the first go around. All of the modern day sequences were terrible. The ending boss was trash. Let's collect feathers! The only thing the original has going for it is that they created a beautiful world which was squandered by the game play elements and Altier's character design was dope. I was beyond excited for Assassin's Creed when it came out and I can still feel the disappointment.

I'm no huge fan of Origins. I zoned out while playing it and did just about everything the game had to offer and yet, I'm hard pressed to tell you anything about it. Even if Odyssey is 60% of what Origins was in quality, I doubt I'd actively dislike it.
yeah might give Valhalla a try when I get done with cyber punk. I miss the feeling of being a super assassin that the older games gave ya like you mentioned. Counter combo system just made the player feel like a bad ass but like you said it maybe most encounters trivial.

If they tune the new one not to make it feel like a slog to encourage you to buy your way past, I'll give it a fair shake. On PC can just cheat past that crap if I need to (like I did in red dead, ton of gold made me skip the tedious looting).

The new games still have the "Superhero feel" with how the special attacks, adrenaline meter etc work (i won´t go into whether some are superhuman, that is a whole different discussion) but it isn´t the same anymore, because the fluidity and looks af animations but also the fact of one hit kills.

When it comes to grinding i have a totally different experience with ac as most people it seems: i never had the need to grind in any game (including origins and odyssey) except for Black Flag when i had to level up my ship. And i never could get past a certain of the game. Which ruined it for me, since i think every other aspect is great. But oh boy did that just mess up the game for me. But subsequently the existence of p2w didn´t bother me in origins and odyssey.

but, because you mention red dead: valhalla in general gives me much more rdr2 vibes than it does witcher 3 and stuff. maybe because the settlement seems to work similar like the camp in rdr2 or because it has been hinted in interviews kind of a few times now that the story seems to go down a similar path in terms of emotions through relationships etc.
but coming back to the grind in rdr2: it was one to a certain point in the story but i felt this added to the tension and the survival/outcast aspect of the protagonist and the gang. so i think that at least was on purpose. rockstar did something similar in gta v as well, at some point you yourself became tired of being broke in the game just like the characters. at least that was my experience in the first playthrough.


I think the interchangeable male/female protagonists was a big flaw, disappointed they've continued the trend with Valhalla.

It's one thing in a RPG like Skyrim or Dark Souls where story isn't particularly important, but if they're trying to have a strong plot like Witcher 3 then you can't just genderswap with an identical narrative, even if you make the protagonist bisexual, you remove all nuance to the personality. Mass Effect got away with it because Shepard was written entirely as a male (imo), and the female was just an added bonus for some players.

Tried to play Odyssey twice now, furthest I made was 10 hours. Perhaps just tired of the same mechanics after loving Origins, but that game had both stronger environments (Egypt was an incredible open world) and a better character with Bayek.


I fucking loved it. Granted, when I played it on PS4 I barely made it past the first quarter but once I bought a high end gaming PC I fucking loved Odyssey. Amazing graphics and 4k60fps, fast travel with SSD was amazing.

Granted I'm a graphics ho and I used fast travel a lot as well to jump from mission to mission but man I loved it. Story was enjoyable two. The sibling showdown was quite epic with great music.


What sucks about this game is the lack of verticality like previous games where I lived on the roof tops. The parkour that made the previous games fun feels tacked on. I played like a 100 hours of this game and just stopped for 3 months. I finally finished it because I felt like playing a hack and slash.

But its not Assassin's Creed.


Can't really take OP seriously after seeing him post a picture of the game writer and comment on her looks, as if that has anything to do with it. I'm sure OP is no prize himself. If you want to be taken seriously, write a serious post, keep this personal vendetta garbage out of it.
It DOES have something to do with it. That person makes itself look like an SJW. If they make themselves look SJW, surely they make sure their writing is SJW too.
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I think the interchangeable male/female protagonists was a big flaw, disappointed they've continued the trend with Valhalla.

Well as is known now the reason for the gender choice is because the Simpy incelvirgin gang around Hascoet and friends wouldn´t allow the devs and writers to make a game based off a female lead as they wanted to make since unity basically, so they had to work around somehow, either cutting the female role in general (Unity), minimize screen time (syndicate, origins) or go full choice with odyssey and valhalla and have writers come up with anything to fit in the lore (the solution in odyssey is charming though, even if you have one canon and one non canonical choice).

What sucks about this game is the lack of verticality like previous games where I lived on the roof tops.

this is something that comes with the fact of being located in different historical eras, some befit parcour and verticality more and some less.
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What sucks about this game is the lack of verticality like previous games where I lived on the roof tops. The parkour that made the previous games fun feels tacked on. I played like a 100 hours of this game and just stopped for 3 months. I finally finished it because I felt like playing a hack and slash.

But its not Assassin's Creed.
Yeah, I really miss Unity's parkour as well. That's just a joy to watch. Beautiful animation/animation blending. That was one thing I didn't like in Origins. I get that it couldn't have the same mechanics because of the different architecture but it was too much of a downgrade.
One of the biggest disappointments for me. Loved Origins to death but hated Odyseey. The game world felt it was like out of random generator. As someone who plays these games mainly for historical sightseeing it was a huge letdown for me. Story was horrible as well and Alexios the worst protag the series has had.

Only thing that saves this game for me was it‘s DLC, which was outstanding.
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Kassandra is a great character and despite the bloat and a map that's way too large, I played the game for probably around 80 hours and never really got tired of it. Witcher 3 is probably the only open world game this gen that's better than Origins/Odyssey and I pretty much played them all.

The bloat was insane though. Most side quests were simply fetch with no impact on the overall story, and the main quest line was only 10-20 hours long, or at least it felt like it was very short compared to the rest of the game.

I completed most of Odyssey because I guess I had nothing better to do, but it’s definitely put me off trying Origins and waiting for actual reviews (coupled with the usual Black Friday/Boxing Day discount) to buy Valhalla.

As for standout open world games, GTA V and RDR 2 are easily a notch above AC:O, and on par with Witcher. Rockstar knows how to build an open world. Ubisoft is still learning I guess.
One of the biggest disappointments for me. Loved Origins to death but hated Odyseey. The game world felt it was like out of random generator. As someone who plays these games mainly for historical sightseeing it was a huge letdown for me. Story was horrible as well and Alexios the worst protag the series has had.

Only thing that saves this game for me was it‘s DLC, which was outstanding.
What's so better about the DLC? Honest question, as I have the season pass for it. At least I would have something to look for before finishing the main game.


I fucking loved it. Granted, when I played it on PS4 I barely made it past the first quarter but once I bought a high end gaming PC I fucking loved Odyssey. Amazing graphics and 4k60fps, fast travel with SSD was amazing.

Granted I'm a graphics ho and I used fast travel a lot as well to jump from mission to mission but man I loved it. Story was enjoyable two. The sibling showdown was quite epic with great music.
the game lack a higher resolution texture pack imo
What's so better about the DLC? Honest question, as I have the season pass for it. At least I would have something to look for before finishing the main game.

The first blade dlc is a neat lore heavy self contained story (although with narrative issues), the Atlantis DLC is a full blown batshit crazy greek mythology dlc within AC lore and basically one big metaphor for platos cave allegory.
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Yea I agree. Map was way too big and bloated. Stop playing around 30 hours in. Had I not played origins first I probably would of liked it more but was way too similar. It’s the perfect example of too much. Origins map and setting are superior in ever way and is ubisofts best open world game this generation. Games of this scope need a 2 year cycle to keep things fresh. Hopefully Valhalla proves this.
The first blade dlc is a neat lore heavy self contained story (although with narrative issues), the Atlantis DLC is a full blown batshit crazy greek mythology dlc within AC lore and basically one big metaphor for platos cave allegory.
But is the writing or gameplay better in any sense than the main game?
Edit: actually I'm just talking to Pythagoras at the entrance(?) of Atlantis. He is the first character who I think was decently written and performed.
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the gameplay is the same, so is the writing. If you didn´t like the base game (edit: and aren´t too much into the lore), you won´t like the dlc.
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Yeah I was a big AC fan pretty much up until Black Flag, I skipped Syndicate, Origins and Unity as other stuff was just a lot better at the time and I chose to spend my limited time with other games, it also really rubs me the wrong way who they've de-prioritized the modern storylines and completely muddled the primary Assassin's vs Templar conflict.

I tried to get back into it with Odessy as I have a friend who swears it's the best AC ever made. I should've taken it with a pinch of salt as she's got like 1000 days of playtime in World of Warcraft...but after giving Odessy about 8 hours of my time...holy hell does it feel like a wannabe MMO. Everything is so insanely trivialized, nothing you do seems to matter, gear has less impact than in Borderlands, and fighting enemies might as well be the same as chopping trees for the amount of excitement it gives. Remember in the original AC where you'd want to run and hide if you got spotted? What the fuck happened to that?

I feel like Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was the ultimate AC game, sure the combat was a bit too easy but that could easily be tweaked (make enemies attack simultaneously, give counters a cooldown, remove helper "brotherhood" assassins). It had the right combination of dense urban environments and more open natural ones (outskirts of Rome) it let you ride a horse around in the streets, but going form rooftop to rooftop was still the primary way of getting around), and it gave you a lot of customization options and different weapons and gadgets without over-saturating the player with new gear every few minutes). It also did side quests right, they were either optional but still valuable additions to the story, or they were there to help build up your base and take over the city districts...giving you tangible progress. They didn't simply reward you with some sword or spear or something that you'd sell 20 minutes later cause the stats were low, they felt like a part of the overall "campaign".

I can see a lot of this being addressed in Valhalla, but they need to return the combat system to it's roots...which I don't think will be possible while playing as a Viking in Britannia...not like crowd blend will work when you're 30cm taller than everyone else.

Give Unity a go if you liked the old style more, its buttons now (On PC and Xbox anyway):

PC - https://www.cdkeys.com/assassin-s-creed-unity-pc-cd-key-uplay
Xbox - https://www.cdkeys.com/assassin-s-creed-unity-xbox-one

If you loved Brotherhood then Unity is a great evolution over that games graphics/animations/stealth/variety in approach to infiltration.
I got to the part where you meet your father and just dropped it. It was grindy and the story was boring as hell, meeting your father was the one thing that I was remotely interested in and even that was disappointing. I only payed $20 so no big deal.
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I got to the part where you meet your father and just dropped it. It was grindy and the story was boring as hell, meeting your father was the one thing that I was remotely interested in and even that was disappointing. I only payed $20 so no big deal.

I remember laughing so hard at a moment around that part where you have to fight a guy near a cliff edge and you can literally just blast him off the cliff with a kick and the battle is over. I think it was the ragdoll/animation that caused so much laughter.
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What's so better about the DLC? Honest question, as I have the season pass for it. At least I would have something to look for before finishing the main game.
Better writing (if you like the mythology) and a game world that actually looks hand crafted. Felt to me like the DLC was made from the people that created Origins.
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