How many games left?
How many games left?
Can't stop won't stop!I'll never stop.
Dunno! Doesn't matter to me, as I'm not playing another game till my contacts come and my power level is able to rise over 9000 once more!
In the mean time we should take Super Bowl odds:
Rors 5/2
LJ 3/1
FMT 7/2
Everyone else 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/1
Cb is going to win the SB.
I said it before the franchise started and I'm sticking with it even with those injuries!
I'm pretty confident I'll win the SB this seasonSo who thinks they'll win the sb this year besides FMT? Lots of negative nancys this year. All the confidence seems to be in the NFC. Maybe it's because the AFC is so much more beastly.
Ramirez vs. Smokey is my favorite post season match-up.
I hope we get it, and I hope it's on SmokeyTV, that way Wallace cheese can be revealed to the league once and for all and another asterisk is born
please be on smokey tv
please be on smokey tv
please be on smokey tv
Well, at least you know you're not getting by me.
You gon get dat work and if for some reason I don't beat you you will be humbled in the next round. I will fight cheese with cheese if that's how you wanna play the game son.
Me and Luke are souf bros so I listen to his smokeytv requests. You? I lol. I don't give two shits about your requests!
After you guys see it we'll have to ban drags, curls, streaks, outs, ins, & posts! Only screens & runs will be legal! Alex Smith & FMT will become the unstoppable dynasty.
He's already gave me the recipe to beat you down like he just did, some bro he is!
He's already gave me the recipe to beat you down like he just did, some bro he is!
Don't try and invent things to take the heat off yourself.
Smokey and I are AFC South bros 4life
Right up until you spray NWO on a Texans uniform.
I've beaten LJ many times, Rors is the only one I fear! I can't rely on Smokey knocking him out this year.
I've beaten LJ many times, Rors is the only one I fear! I can't rely on Smokey knocking him out this year.
LES is elite at everything. He's even a legend at Eeyoring.
You've beaten me exactly once in league games, the ones that matter.
I actually want a piece of you, just to fucking lay a beat down on your ass.
You've beaten me exactly once in league games, the ones that matter.
I actually want a piece of you, just to fucking lay a beat down on your ass.
But we areHey non-playoff guys, let's rage against the machine, aka the playoff guys.
But we are
Ram is in a lose lose situation
He wins and he moves on to get slaughtered
His cheese game plan gets exposed on da channel. So does he cheese or not cheese?
His ships have legendary * next to them now that the elites are back
Feels good man
Since I locked up the division I get Smokey, Rors, Ramirez next year. That should be fun. Wonder who gets to two wins against me first Ram or Pheenix.
Well, if I do get slaughtered in the next round, at least I can take solace in the fact that you'll be sitting right next to me, and it will be because I did it.
Good since we're not meeting in the playoffs. I'll see you next year!Since I locked up the division I get Smokey, Rors, Ramirez next year. That should be fun.
Wonder who gets to two wins against me first Ram or Pheenix.
Actually, you'll get me, not Smokey.
So that's a free win for you
Actually, you'll get me, not Smokey.
So that's a free win for you
If you beat me it's because I'll be watching my nephew