As a matter of fact, I'm out if it's Saturday or Sunday night (Falcons game) that weekend.
Does this iteration of Madden have a draft board?
Does this iteration of Madden have a draft board?
I'm pretty sure the scouting option comes back at least once before the draft. I think it was during the Super Bowl or free agency, maybe both.
I also didn't receive any coaching bonus for making the playoffs. Is it like that for everyone? Maybe it gets applied after the season is fully over.
I think if nothing else, it's time to consider the following, more Red State MaddenGAF for season 2:
- Play your games, play them timely.
- If you can't stop someone on fourth down, it's probably your fault. Deal with it.
- If you get blown out, you probably deserved it. Keep it to yourself.
- If you wanna pass, pass. If you wanna run, run. Just keep scoring.
- If someone takes control of a defender when the ball is in the air, take control of the wide receiver and make a play.
I feel like a lot of the rules that exist probably are there to keep people interested, try and keep games from getting out of hand and feelings getting hurt, but maybe we're past all of that.
Maybe those rules don't need to exist.
As a east coast guy, the draft is to early. 6, 7, 8 hippie time would be better. Some dudes have lives.
Yeah, some of us DO have lives. 9+pm is bad for me since I'll probably be drinking and cutting a rug. Make it Sunday night or Monday night. Not prime time dammit.
Do you work for Lowe's, Home Depot, or a contractor?
There isn't a draft board to sort picks of who you want/don't want/in what order, I'm pretty sure
And scouting does come back a few times in the offseason, the offseason has 8 steps (some are the same, just sign FA and scout) the 8th step is the NFL draft and the 7th step is your last chance to spend scouting points
by the 7th step, if you haven't spent any XP and didn't get a scouting point boost, you should have 46,000 points to spend on
There isn't a draft board to sort picks of who you want/don't want/in what order, I'm pretty sure
There isn't a draft board to sort picks of who you want/don't want/in what order, I'm pretty sure
Man, the talks of this hurricane coming up here is kinda scary. If the cold front hits at the same time as the storm, this could produce a ton of snow... I'm afraid I might lose power.
I need to play my games! Damn you storm!
Man, the talks of this hurricane coming up here is kinda scary. If the cold front hits at the same time as the storm, this could produce a ton of snow... I'm afraid I might lose power.
I need to play my games! Damn you storm!
What I do with scouting is I'll look up certain attributes a player must have (like if a WR has D route running, no thanks, don't care if catching is an A)
Something I noticed that I didn't before, is player development speed. There's slow (very few get this I Think), normal, quick, superstar. seems like before the draft it's either avg/fast/star, not sure. but that costs 5000 points to unveil...may be helpful if you're stuck between two choices though.
I lost power and heat for 4 days in a row last year on Halloween when there was that random blizzard that hit. That suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
Yea the development speed has been talked about before in here. It seems to be this year's "potential" rating. Luckily, development speed isn't a necessity this year.
I remember that... I also remember that the storm was the only big winter storm last year... and UMD still had school during it.
True as you can just XP them to victory but having a fast or star development nets you those XP in bunches.
Yeah. I don't think I have any "superstar" guy on my team but I have a few quick ones like Orakpo and RGIII. They do gain a lot more from the goals. Again, though, many of the potential draft picks have some pretty good stats to start with.
I have one superstar trait guy. Julio. Spoon is quick. I need to make a couple of my key guys quick.
Would the wait actually payoff, though? 40-50k is a lot of points to gather.
The reason i haven't done it. Year one i updated stats. Maybe year 2 i will try to get a couple there.
Man what the fuck, I hit yearly totals easily with a bunch of guys and none of them got XP bonuses, what gives? Did you guys get the coach XP bonus for making the playoffs? I didn't get that either.
I also didn't receive any coaching bonus for making the playoffs. Is it like that for everyone? Maybe it gets applied after the season is fully over.
Yeah I've been thinking about that now... I mean young guys could be worth the risk since they'll be gaining those points over their career much faster. Do points add up every year?
Yeah I thought of that later. Makes sense.Those apply after the season is over.
Newegg is running a 12 dollar off promo code again:
Just ordered Playstation All Stars for PS3.
He doesn't have it on his sure rors? It should be a 20k trait to improve, drops open passes.
I should have clarified. I did get those. Totaled out to about 5000 points. I didn't get the 2500 points for winning 8 games nor the 25000 for making the playoffs tho.I got my coach xp for season totals on defense, like allow under 2000 yards and such, but maybe because my season is over?
Damnit, Rivers finally said something unhateable.
More brilliance from the Sabol clan...
Yea I did that offer two weeks ago for Halo 4 for 45$... But I don't think I'll get the game until Wednesday or Thursday of that week. :
Also, Smokey was saying Target is having a B2G1 next week. If true, I'll be picking up Fifa, NBA 2k13, and WWE '13.
By the way, no practice for bye teams. Sorry, that's why bye teams get rusty... They don't practice!
Holy hell. What happened in here last night?
Go Pittsburgh Giants![/IMG
A super team with AT and Ram combined![/QUOTE]
AT actually won a SB last year with Ben, lol. I traded him so that no matter what, he'd get 3 SBs in 4 years!
A stat padding 3-4 cheddar head? Sounds really awesome. -_-Go Pittsburgh Giants!
A super team with AT and Ram combined!
Did she have a pointy nose? Was she lighter than a duck? Damnit these are important details!A good old fashioned witch hunt
So basically if you are a playoff team, no rules apply to you. Good to know!
I'll need at least 13 guys to stop you on defense. Don't cry after the fact!