Thank god you drafted the walrus. I know Millen had a ridiculous hard on for JamarcusSigh. I wouldn't even be mad if that worked. Works in real life. I'm still pissed we didn't draft him.
Thank god you drafted the walrus. I know Millen had a ridiculous hard on for JamarcusSigh. I wouldn't even be mad if that worked. Works in real life. I'm still pissed we didn't draft him.
When you guys want to come sit at the adult table, I'll gladly clown you by 20 in Halo.
When you guys want to come sit at the adult table, I'll gladly clown you by 20 in Halo.
you've played 30 DAYS of Halo
baby'z first FPS
you've played 30 DAYS of Halo
why would you spend 700+ hours playing reach
Its a babies FPS, remember?
I get more Kills Per Game than you or Ramirez
Yeah because you still play in the dumpster tier probably. I remember those days.
Fuck it when I lose the Cowboys I'm picking a team with lots of money to spend =)
Haven't played the game in months, but I wouldn't mind showing some of these clowns here how easy it is to dump on them. You and me vs all?
makes too much sense
700+ hours and not an Inheritor? lolz
Working on a format as we speak.
No one who loses their team is "picking." The randomness gods will decide
Hm ok, thought we'd have some sort of draft with random picks, but so be it.
it hasn't been finalized yet but there will be some type of randomization
Man, that would be too good, me & u VS CB/Smokey on SmokeyTV.
Probably half of my games result in the other team quitting out 2 minutes into a match or just one guy against 4. The ranking system has nothing to do with anyone's skill, most people who have hit Inheritor idle Firefight for a good portion of their time.Playing MP(legit) is not the most efficient method of ranking up...
what does ranking have to do with what he said. 30 days!
His comment was tying time played in MP to the rank, it has nothing to do with the time played. If I play 500 Obj. games & people quit out in them then my credit payout is like 500 at times, which is nothing.
im pretty sure the jest of what he is getting at is the amount of time you've played in connection with how good you are. not your halo ranking
the jest.... hmmm
phee and I are taking on all comers in NBA:OFE
i got 3dsxl today and god damn kid icarus is so good. not sure how people have problems with the control cause i was used to it after about 5 minutes. then again i dont have a womans hands so i'm not sure if that has something to do with it!
i got 3dsxl today and god damn kid icarus is so good. not sure how people have problems with the control cause i was used to it after about 5 minutes. then again i dont have a womans hands so i'm not sure if that has something to do with it!
what kinds of multiplayer games could you play on ds xl?
even though i hate nintendo, for some reason i want a 3ds xl
i didn't know it came out today
Been gone all weekend. Just tried to join a MvM match twice. Both times timed out. The servers are still fucked? Did any of you guys get a chance to try it this weekend?
even though i hate nintendo, for some reason i want a 3ds xl
i didn't know it came out today
You should buy one. Get one for your girl too.
3D Land was amazing
What exactly is Pictobits?
Smokey, Mcnulty, Halo in 45?
Smokey, Mcnulty, Halo in 45?
well i just found out my future bro and law and his g/f are coming over to watch 'Fallen Skies' season finale because the storms took out their box
that show looks shitty too
when is that over
i think it's a hour long starts in 30 mins
i could move the 360 to my secondary setup but im trying to decide if that would be rude but i dont give a fuck about fallen skies